

KK音标第一组:/i ɪ p b t d/
/i/ 长元音,嘴角微微张开,牙床接近合,双唇向两边伸展,呈扁平形。元音字母e在重读开音节,重读相对开音节中念/i/。
/ɪ/ 短元音,嘴唇微微张开,牙床半合,舌尖抵住下齿,舌前部抬高,比长元音/i/略低一些,唇形扁平,从口腔后部发出。
/p/ 双唇紧闭,然后突然张开,让气流冲出口腔,发出爆破音,声带不振动。
/b/ 双唇紧闭,然后突然张开,让气流冲出口腔,发出爆破音,声带需要振动。
/t/ 舌尖抵住上齿龈,然后d开舌尖,气流从口腔中喷出,但声带不振动。
/d/ 舌尖抵住上齿龈,然后d开舌尖,气流从口腔中喷出,声带需要振动。
拼音练习。pea 豌豆 bee 蜜蜂 eat 吃 bit 咬 beat 打 tip 提示 deep 深的
KK音标第二组。/ɛ æ k g f v/
/ɛ/ 唇形扁平,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,比/ɪ/略低。
/æ/ 口张大,双唇向两边伸展,呈扁平形,舌尖抵下齿,这个音俗称蝴蝶音。
/k/ 舌后部抵住软腭,然后突然离开,把气送出来,像咳嗽一样,但声带不振动。
/g/ 舌后部抵住软腭,然后突然离开,把气送出来,但声带需振动。
/f/ 上齿轻轻接触下唇,气流从唇齿间通过,形成摩擦,声带不振动。上齿如果紧紧抵住下唇,气流就被堵住了,不能形成摩擦,也就发不出这个音了。
/v/ 上齿轻轻接触下唇,气流从唇齿间通过,形成摩擦,声带需要振动。
拼音练习:egg 鸡蛋 get 到达 fat 肥的 bag 袋子,包 key 钥匙,键 kid 小孩 big 大的 give 给 fact 事实 feet 脚
KK音标第三组:/ɑ ɑ ɔ s z θ ð/
/ɑ/ 长元音,口腔打开,口张大,舌身放平,舌尖离开下齿,下颚下垂。
/ɑ/ 短元音,口腔打开,口张大,舌头向后缩,双唇呈圆形。
/ɔ/ 长元音,双唇呈小圆形,并向前突出,舌身向后缩。
/s/ 双唇微微张开,舌头自然放松,气流从齿间送出,声带不振动。
/z/ 双唇微微张开,舌头自然放松,气流从齿间送出,声带需振动。
/θ/ 舌尖微微伸出,上下齿轻轻咬住舌尖,送气,声带不振动。如果上下齿紧紧咬住舌尖,气流就没办法从空隙中出来了,也就发不出这个音了。
/ð/ 舌尖微微伸出,上下齿轻轻咬住舌尖,送气,声带需振动。
拼音练习 car 小汽车 art 艺术 sort 种类 talk 谈话 fond 喜欢的 best 最好的 zest 热情 bath 洗澡 thought 想 than 比较
KK音标第四组:/ʌ ɝ ə h l r/
/ʌ/ 短元音,嘴唇向两边平伸,舌尖离下齿,舌中部稍抬高。
/ɝ/ 长元音,双唇扁平,上下齿微开,舌尖向上齿龈卷起来,舌中部隆起。
/ə/ 短元音,嘴唇微微张开,舌头放平,舌中部抬高,口腔自然放松发声。
/h/ 双唇自然张开,自然呵气,声带不振动,这个音只出现在元音前。
/l/ 舌尖抵住上齿龈,轻微用力弯曲,气流从舌的旁边送出,声带振动。
/r/ 舌尖向上卷起,双唇稍微突出,声带振动。
拼音练习:color 颜色 lucky 幸运的 girl 女孩 first 第一 forget 忘记 dollar 美元 have 有 love 爱 little 小的 bread 面包
KK音标第五组:/u ʊ m n ŋ/
/u/ 长元音,口型小而圆,外突,舌身要向后缩。
/ʊ/ 短元音,嘴巴张开并微向前突出,双唇收圆,稍微放松些。
/m/ 双唇紧闭,舌头平放,气流从鼻腔送出,声带振动。
/n/ 双唇微开,舌尖抵上齿龈,气从鼻孔中出来,声带振动。
/ŋ/ 双唇张开,舌尖抵住下齿龈,舌后部自然向上顶住,气流从鼻腔中送出,声带振动。
拼音练习:good 好的 could 能 move 移动 spoon 药匙 money 钱 room 房间 need 需要 thin 瘦的 morning 早上
KK音标第六组:/e o aɪ ʃ ʒ tʃ dʒ/
/e/ 合口双元音,由/ɛ/和/ɪ/两个单音组成,前重后轻,口型由介于半开半合之间向半合接近,元音字母a在重读开音节,重读相对开音节中念/e/。
/o/ 合口双元音,由/ə/和/ʊ/两个单音组成,其发音也有一个动程,口形由半开到半合,元音字母o在重读开音节,重读相对开音节中念/o/。
/aɪ/ 合口双元音,由/a/和/ɪ/两个单音组成,前重后轻,口型由全开到半合,元音字母i在重读开音节,重读相对开音节中念/aɪ/。
/ʃ/ 双唇分开,略呈喇叭形,舌端抬向上齿龈后面,舌尖接近上齿龈,送气,声带不振动。
/ʒ/ 双唇分开,略呈喇叭形,舌端抬向上齿龈后面,舌尖接近上齿龈,送气,声带需要振动。这个音来自法语。
/tʃ/ 双唇分开,略往外翘,呈喇叭状,舌尖抵住上齿龈,用力吐气,声带不振动。
拼音练习:same 相同的 late 晚的 show 展示 life 生活 flash 闪现 pleasure 愉快 charm 魅力 change 改变 job 工作 joke 开玩笑
KK音标第七组:/aʊ ɔɪ ts dz tr dr/
/aʊ/ 合口双元音,由/a/和/ʊ/两个单音组成,前重后轻,口形由全开到半合。
/ɔɪ/ 合口双元音,由/ɔ/和/ɪ/两个单音组成,前重后轻,双唇由圆到扁平,口形由半开到半合。
/ts/ 舌尖抵住上齿龈,堵住气流,气流从舌尖和齿龈间送出,声带不振动。
/dz/ 舌尖抵住上齿龈,堵住气流,气流从舌尖和齿龈间送出,声带需要振动。
/tr/ 双唇收圆,向前突出,舌尖上翘贴在上齿龈后部,舌身与发/r/相似,声带不振动。
/dr/ 双唇收圆,向前突出,舌尖上翘贴在上齿龈后部,舌身与发/r/相似,声带需要振动。
拼音练习:house 房子 shout 大叫 joy 欢乐 noise 噪音 train 火车 try 尝试 dry 干燥 dream 梦 seats 座位 reads 阅读
KK音标第八组:/ɪr ɛr ʊr or hw w j/
/ɪr/ 集中双元音,由/ɪ/和卷舌音/r/两个单音组成,双唇由半合到半开。
/ɛr/ 集中双元音,由/ɛ/和卷舌音/r/两个单音组成,舌端抵住下齿,双唇由大于半开向略小于半开,/ɛ/这个音介于/ɛ/和/æ/之间。
/ʊr/ 集中双元音,由/ʊ/和卷舌音/r/两个单音组成,双唇由圆形到扁平自然,由半合到半开。
/or/ 集中双元音,由后元音和卷舌音/r/两个单音组成,双唇由圆形到扁平自然。
/hw/ 双唇略收圆,舌后部向软腭抬高,嘴巴慢慢地向两边滑开,声带不振动。
/w/ 双唇略收圆,并向前突出,舌后部向软腭抬高,嘴巴慢慢地向两边滑开,声带振动。
/j/ 双唇向两边伸展,呈扁平形,舌尖抵住下齿,舌前部向硬腭抬高,声带振动。
拼音练习:dear 亲爱的 beer 啤酒 care 关心 share 共享 sure 确信的 your 你的 year 年 young 年轻的 wait 等待 watch 手表
e me 我 be 是 he 他 she 她 ye 这个,那个(古英语定冠词) we 我们
i I 我 pie 派 die 死 lie 躺 tie 领带
o go 去 no 不
u mu 希腊字母μ nu 希腊字母ν Sue 苏 blue 蓝的 glue 胶水
y sky 天空 fly 飞 dry 干的 spy 间谍 shy 害羞的 cry 哭 my 我的
a-e cape 斗篷,岬角 name 名字 tape 磁带
e-e these 这些
i-e bite 咬 five 五 kite 风筝
o-e rose 上升 nose 鼻子 rope 粗绳 note 音符
u-e tube 试管 cube 正方体 June 六月(注意,u的长音为/ju/,但是u在舌尖中音之后要念/u/)
y type 打字
a mat 垫子 map 地图 bag 袋子 cat 猫 fan 风扇 hat 帽子 bat 球拍 apple 苹果
e egg 鸡蛋 well 井 red 红的 hen 母鸡 pen 钢笔 bed 床 bell 铃
i lick 舔 six 六 bib 围嘴儿 pig 猪 pin 别针 kiss 亲吻 ink 墨水 hill 丘陵
o ox 公牛 on 在……上面 octupus 章鱼 box 盒子 socks 短袜 operate 动手术, *** 作 ostrich 鸵鸟
u sun 太阳 umbrella 雨伞 bus 巴士 gun q nut 核桃 uncle 伯父,叔父,舅父 under 在……下面
or porch 门廊 pork 猪肉 horse 马 horn 号角 fort 防波堤 morning 早上 corn 玉米 fork 叉子
ar arm 手臂 armchair 扶手椅 car 小汽车 card 卡片 cart 二轮马车 farm 农场 park 公园 garden 花园
ur turtle 海龟 surf 冲浪 turkey 火鸡 Turkey 土耳其 fur 皮毛 hurt 疼痛 purse 钱包 nurse 护士
er mermaid 美人鱼
ir birthday 生日 circus 马戏团 dirty 脏的 dirt 尘土 bird 鸟 circle 圆 girl 女孩,女儿
y rainy 下雨的 sunny 晴天的 puppy 小狗 pony 小马 baby 婴儿 happy 快乐的
er sister 姐妹 brother 兄弟 under 在……下面 rooster 公鸡 winter 冬天 marker 记号笔 mother 母亲
代表音节的元音字母(组合)和另一个元音字母(组合)之间如果有一个辅音字母,该辅音字母划归后一个音节,则第一个音节为重读开音节,元音字母读其长音。如student 学生,open 打开。
代表音节的两个元音字母(组合)中间的辅音字母如果是v时,v一般划归第一个音节,第一个音节则为重读闭音节,元音字母读短音。元音字母+ve结尾的一部分单音节字也是如此。如:seven 七 clever 聪明的 live 住 give 给予 have 有
代表音节的元音字母(组合)之间如有两个或两个以上的辅音字母,则第一个辅音字母划归重读音节,因此该音节为闭音节,元音字母读短音:yellow 黄的 under 在……下面
多音节词的重读音节一般是倒数第三个,而且无论重读音节和非重读音节的元音字母中间有几个辅音字母,重读音节至少要有一个辅音字母,因此多音节词的重读音节一般都是闭音节,元音字母读短音。如:American 美国的,holiday 节日 family 家庭 interesting 有趣的
有些多音节词除了重读音节外,还有次重读音节,该音节一般也要划为闭音节,次重读闭音节里元音的发音一般比重读音节元音的发音弱,但比非重读音节的发音响亮,是这个字里的次强音。如:competition 竞赛 television 电视
u在重读音节中,一般发长元音,为重读开音节:university 大学 funeral 葬礼 student 学生
以-tion结尾的字,重音落在-tion前面的音节,如:mention 提到 information 信息
ai tail 尾巴 rain 下雨 paint 油漆 pain 疼痛 jail 监狱 nail 钉子 rail 铁轨 maid 仆人
ay bay 海湾 ray 射线 way 路 say 说 hay 干草 pay 付钱 May 五月 lay 放置
ee reeds 芦苇 eel 鳗鱼 bee 蜜蜂 peel 剥皮 jeep 吉普车 feel 感觉 see 看见 teeth 牙齿
ea sea 海 meat 肉 peanut 核桃 peach 桃子 eagle 鹰 leaf 树叶 pea 豌豆
ey key 钥匙
oa road 路 toast 土司 toad 蟾蜍 coal 煤 goat 山羊 boat 船 coat 上衣 soap 肥皂
ow rainbow 彩虹 pillow 枕头 yellow 黄的 window 窗口 hollow 中空的 bowl 碗 row 划 low 低的
ui suit 适合 juice 果汁 fruit 水果
au August 八月 sauce 沙司 sausage 香肠 naughty 调皮的 applause 掌声
aw paw 爪子 draw 画 saw 锯子,看见 straw 稻草 strawberry 草莓 lawn 草坪
oo moon 月亮 zoo 动物园 roof 屋顶 rooster 公鸡 boots 靴子 food 食物 spoon 药匙 room 房间
oo book:书籍 cookie 饼干 woods 森林 wool 羊毛 hook 钩住 look 看 foot 脚 cook 厨师
ea head 头 sweater 毛衣 sweat 汗 pear 梨子 lead 铅 bear 熊 leather 皮毛
al call 打电话 tall 高的 fall 秋天 ball 球 wall 墙壁
ew dew 露水 few 几乎没有 view 视野 hew 砍 new 新的 nephew 侄子 newspaper 报纸
b bed 床 book 书 bench 长凳 box 盒子 banana 香蕉 body 身体 boy 男孩
d desk 书桌 doctor 医生 deer 鹿 duck 鸭子,母鸭 doll 洋娃娃 door 门 dog 狗,公狗 dancer 舞蹈者,舞蹈家
f food 食物 family 家庭 four 四 foot 英尺 five 五 fence 篱笆 fork 叉子 father 父亲
h hat 帽子 hen 母鸡 head 头 home 家 hand 手 hammer 锤子 house 房子 horse 马
j jewel 珠宝 jam 果酱 jacket 夹克衫 juice 果汁 jump 跳 jelly 果冻 jeep 吉普车 jar 坛子
k kite 风筝 kiss 亲吻 key 键,钥匙 king 国王 kangaroo 袋鼠 kitchen 厨房 kettle 水壶 kick 踢
l leg 腿 lake 湖 leaf 树叶 lion 狮子 lemon 柠檬 live 住 lips 嘴唇 light 光
m monkey 猴子 moon 月亮 milk 牛奶 map 地图 mask 面具 mother 母亲 mouth 嘴巴 man 男人
n net 网 nose 鼻子 nest 鸟巢 number 数字 nail 钉子 neck 脖子 nurse 护士 napkin 餐巾纸
p pants 裤子 park 公园 pig 猪 pencil 铅笔 pink 粉红色的 path 小路 pear 梨子 pen 钢笔
qu question 问题 quarrel 争吵 quilt 被子 quiet 安静的 queen 女王 quarter 四分之一
r rope 绳子 rock 岩石 rainbow 彩虹 rose 玫瑰,上升 ring 戒指,响 rug 小地毯 rooster 公鸡 rabbit 兔子
s sun 太阳 sofa 沙发 silver 银 sink 下沉,水槽 sign 标记 soap 肥皂 six 六 seven 七
t towel 毛巾 teacher 老师 tie 领带 table 桌子 toe 脚趾 tea 茶 two 二 ten 十
v vase 花瓶 veil 面纱 violin 小提琴 van 搬运车 vomit 呕吐 vest 背心 village 村子
w wall 墙 window 窗 Windows 视窗 *** 作系统 Walkman 随声听 wind 风 watch 手表 word 字 wash 洗 woman 女人
x ax 斧子 X-ray X光 box 盒子(x在字首,有时发/z/,如Xerox 静电复印,xylophone 木琴,在字中有时发/gz/,如exam 考试,exact 准确的)
y作辅音时:yard 码 yacht 游艇 year 年 yam 山药 yellow 黄的 yoyo 溜溜球
z zero 零 zoo 动物园 zebra 斑马 zipper 拉链
ch beach 海滨 lunch 午餐 cheese 芝士 bench 长凳 church 教堂 chicken 鸡 chair 椅子 cherry 樱桃
sh sheep 羊 shirt 衬衫 ship 船 fish 鱼 dish 盘子 push 推 shoes 鞋子 shovel 铲子
wh whale 鲸鱼 white 白的 wheel 轮子 wheelchair 轮椅 wheat 小麦 whip 鞭子 whistle 哨子 whisper 低语
th brother 兄弟 feather 羽毛 leather 皮革 father 父亲 mother 母亲
th thumb 大拇指 three 三 bathmat 浴室地垫 thirsty 渴的 thief 小偷 bath 浴缸 mouth 嘴巴 teeth 牙齿
ph photo 照片 elephant 大象 telephone 电话 trophy 奖杯 pharmacy 药房 alphabet 字母表
only 只 both 两者都 roll 滚动,卷 don't 不 won't 将不 comb 梳头
other 其它的 another 另一个 mother 母亲 brother 兄弟 nothing 没有东西 son 儿子 ton 一吨 won 赢得,韩圆 monk 僧侣 among 在……三者以上之间 cover 覆盖
dove 鸽子 come 来 become 变成 some 一些 sponge 海绵
c有时发音也不规则,如:indict 起诉,soccer 英式足球,Celt 凯尔特的,cello 大提琴,baccy 烟草,caecitis 盲肠炎,facade 正面。

一 按字母表中的顺序写出24个小写字母
二 按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母。
f____ h o____ q k____ M V____ X
三 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的用“√”,不同的用“×”,表示在括号内。
( )1 bike mine
( )2 nose long
( )3 much museum
( )4 left desk
( )5 hand make
四 下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他二个不同,请将这单词的标号填入题前括号内。
( )1 A day B bad C have
( )2 A fish B find C give
( )3 A me B see C red
( )4 A glue B run C us
( )5 A phone B plant C four
五 用直线连接下列英文单词和对应的中文意思。
library 院 watch TV 牙疼
station 图书馆 wait for 头疼
cinema 博物馆 play chess 看电视
museum 公园 headache 等候
park 车站 toothache 下棋
六 将下列划横线的部分译成英文或中文。
1 The girl is my sister 中文:__________
2 Don’t smoke 中文:____________
3 Here is the money 中文:_________
4 I 学习English in a school 英文:________
5 My bag is 黑色的。 英文:_______
七 选择单词或词组(每个只能用一次),将其标号填在横线上。
<1>under <2>white <3>play cards <4>in bed <5>speak to
1 The book is _______ the bed
2 Could I _______ Mike , please
3 Don’t read _______ It’s bad for your eyes
4 It is a _______ pencil
5 I will ______ with Mike this week
八 根据情景选择句子,将答案的标号填入括号内。
( )1 当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,问:
A Where is the eraser
B Where is the pen
C Where is it from
( )2 当你提醒小明不要在房间玩球时,说:
A Don’t read in bed, Xiao Ming!
B Don’t be late for school, Xiao Ming!
C Don’t play ball in the room, Xiao Ming!
( )3 当你想知道别人能看见几辆汽车时,问:
A How much is the car
B How many cars can you see
C I can see five cars
( )4 当你想知道别人是否喜欢那辆绿色汽车时,问:
A Do you like the green car
B What is the car like
C I’m looking for a green car
( )5 当你想知道别人会不会骑马时,问:
A Can you make a bike
B Can you ride a bike
C Can you ride a horse
( )6 当你想要一杯茶时,说:
A I’d like a cup of tea
B Would you like a glass of tea
C May I have a bottle of tea
( )7 当你想知道新电视机的颜色时,问:
A Where is the new TV
B What’s a TV
C What colour is the new TV
( )8 当你想知道别人是否有钢琴时,问:
A Have you got a dictionary
B Have you got a piano
C May I use your piano
( )9 当你要了解别人是否喜欢游泳时,问:
A Do you like swimming
B Do you like running
C Do you like pingpong
( )10 当你想知道这些物品是谁的时,问:
A Whose are these
B Whose are those
C Who are they
九 选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。
( )1 I’v got a toothache I’m going to the __________
A park B dentist C teacher
( )2 ——May I _______ your bike
A ride B reading C read
( )3 ——Whose ruler is it
——Maybe it’s _______
A Peter B Peters C Mary’s
( )4 I want to find a good book I’m going to the _______
A cinema B library C museum
( )5 ——_____ will you do
——I’ll play football
A What B When C Where
十 从B栏中找出适合A栏的答语,将其标号填入括号内。
( )1 What does he do A She is going to the cinema
( )2 What does she do B He is old and fat
( )3 What is it like C She is a dentist
( )4 What is he like D He is a doctor
( )5 Where is she going E It’s long and black
十一 每小题A、B、C三个单词中,有一个与图意相符,选出来将其标号填入括号内。
( )1 A bag B bed C book

( )2 A cap B cat C car
( )3 A radio B fan C fridge

( )4 A nose B mouth C hand

( )5 A dentist B worker C teacher
十二 每小题A、B、C三个句中,有一个与图义相符,把这个句子的标号填入括号内。
( )1 A No smoking B No spiting C No parking

( )2 A He is swimming B He is dancing C He is riding a horse

( )3 A She is drawing B She is reading C She is singing

( )4 A I’m closing the window B I’m cleaning the door
C I’m opening the door

( )5 A I’m from Africa B I’m from England C I’m from China
十三 看图完成对话(数词用英文表示)。
1 ——How many dogs can you see
——I can see _____________

2 ——Do you like swimming
——_________, __________

3 ——What time is it
——It’s __________

4 ——What does he do
——He is a ________

5 ——Where is the pencil
——It’s _______ the book
十四 根据图中汤姆所在的位置,请你告诉他如何找到想去的地方。
turn right, turn left, on the left, on the right, the first crossing, the second crossing
A: How can I get to the station
A: Thank you

一 按字母表中的顺序写出24个小写字母
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n
o p q r s t u v w x y z
二 按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母。
f g h o p q k L M V w X
三 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的用“√”,不同的用“×”,表示在括号内。
(√)1 bike mine
(×)2 nose long
(×)3 much museum
(√)4 left desk
(×)5 hand make
四 下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他二个不同,请将这单词的标号填入题前括号内。
(A)1 A day B bad C have
(B)2 A fish B find C give
(C)3 A me B see C red
(A)4 A glue B run C us
(B)5 A phone B plant C four
五 略
六 将下列划横线的部分译成英文或中文。
1 The girl is my sister 中文:姐妹
2 Don’t smoke 中文:吸烟
3 Here is the money 中文:钱
4 I 学习English in a school 英文:study
5 My bag is 黑色的。英文:black
七 选择单词或词组(每个只能用一次),将其标号填在横线上。
<1>under <2>white <3>play cards <4>in bed <5>speak to
1 The book is <1> the bed
2 Could I <5> Mike , please
3 Don’t read <4> It’s bad for your eyes
4 It is a <2> pencil
5 I will <3> with Mike this week
八 根据情景选择句子,将答案的标号填入括号内。
(A)1 当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,问:
A Where is the eraser
B Where is the pen
C Where is it from
(C)2 当你提醒小明不要在房间玩球时,说:
A Don’t read in bed, Xiao Ming!
B Don’t be late for school, Xiao Ming!
C Don’t play ball in the room, Xiao Ming!
(B)3 当你想知道别人能看见几辆汽车时,问:
A How much is the car
B How many cars can you see
C I can see five cars
(A)4 当你想知道别人是否喜欢那辆绿色汽车时,问:
A Do you like the green car
B What is the car like
C I’m looking for a green car
(C)5 当你想知道别人会不会骑马时,问:
A Can you make a bike
B Can you ride a bike
C Can you ride a horse
(A)6 当你想要一杯茶时,说:
A I’d like a cup of tea
B Would you like a glass of tea
C May I have a bottle of tea
(C)7 当你想知道新电视机的颜色时,问:
A Where is the new TV
B What’s a TV
C What colour is the new TV
(B)8 当你想知道别人是否有钢琴时,问:
A Have you got a dictionary
B Have you got a piano
C May I use your piano
(A)9 当你要了解别人是否喜欢游泳时,问:
A Do you like swimming
B Do you like running
C Do you like pingpong
(A)10 当你想知道这些物品是谁的时,问:
A Whose are these
B Whose are those
C Who are they
九 选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。
(B)1 I’v got a toothache I’m going to the __________
A park B dentist C teacher
(A)2 ——May I _______ your bike
A ride B reading C read
(C)3 ——Whose ruler is it
——Maybe it’s _______
A Peter B Peters C Mary’s
(B)4 I want to find a good book I’m going to the _______
A cinema B library C museum
(A)5 ——_____ will you do
——I’ll play football
A What B When C Where
十 从B栏中找出适合A栏的答语,将其标号填入括号内。
(D)1 What does he do A She is going to the cinema
(C)2 What does she do B He is old and fat
(E)3 What is it like C She is a dentist
(B)4 What is he like D He is a doctor
(A)5 Where is she going E It’s long and black
十一 每小题A、B、C三个单词中,有一个与图意相符,选出来将其标号填入括号内。
(B)1 A bag B bed C book
(B)2 A cap B cat C car
(A)3 A radio B fan C fridge
(C)4 A nose B mouth C hand
(C)5 A dentist B worker C teacher
十二 每小题A、B、C三个句中,有一个与图义相符,把这个句子的标号填入括号内。
(A)1 A No smoking B No spiting C No parking
(B)2 A He is swimming B He is dancing C He is riding a horse
(B)3 A She is drawing B She is reading C She is singing
(C)4 A I’m closing the window B I’m cleaning the door
C I’m opening the door
(C)5 A I’m from Africa B I’m from England C I’m from China
十三 看图完成对话(数词用英文表示)。
1 ——How many dogs can you see
——I can see one dog
2 ——Do you like swimming
——Yes, I do
3 ——What time is it
——It’s seven
4 ——What does he do
——He is a doctor
5 ——Where is the pencil
——It’s under the book
十四 根据图中汤姆所在的位置,请你告诉他如何找到想去的地方。
turn right, turn left, on the left, on the right, the first crossing, the second crossing
A: How can I get to the station
B: Tum right at the first crossing
The station is on the right
A: Thank you
写出tum right at the first crossing 即可。
一 按字母写出24个字母大小写
例: j k
错误: j K
二 按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母
错例:f g h k l m
改正:f g h k L m
原因:1 不认真读题。 2 书写格式不正确
三 判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同?相同“√”,不同“×”
错例:left desk(×)
改正:left desk(√)
left [e] desk [e]
四 下面每组单词中划线部分的读音有一个与其它二个不同
错例:(C)A day B bad C have
原因:have 属“a”的特殊发音 〔 〕
ay 字母组合 〔ei〕
bad a在闭音节中 〔 〕
五 用直线将对应的中、英文联线
错例:library~院 cinema~图书馆
改正:library~图书馆 cinema~院
六 将下列划横线的部分译成英文或中文
错例:The girl is my sister 姐姐
七 选择单词或词组。
错别:1 The book is play cards the bed
改正:The book is under the bed
八 根据情景选择句子,将填空填在括号内。
错例:(B)6 当你想要一杯茶时,说:
A I’d like a cup of tea
B Would you like a glass of tea
C May I have a bottle of tea
九 选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。
错别:(B)I’ve got a toothache I’m going to the ______
A park B dentist C teacher
例2 (B)——Whose ruler is it
——Maybe it’s _________
A peter B peters C Mary’s
当表示……的 人名’s
十 从B栏中选出适合A栏的答语。
例:What does he do ~ she is a dentist
原因:读题不认真,he she不清。
he 他 she 她
What does he do He is a doctor
十一 每小题有一个与图意相符。
错例:(C)A cap B cat C car
十二 每小题三个句中,有一个与图义相符。
( )1 A no smoking B No spitting
( )1 A hand B cake C map D bag
( )2 A red B bed C me D let
( )3 A bread B meat C tea D eat
( )4 A car B far C warm D hard
( )5 A go B dog C good D orange

( )1 I hope you’ll have a good time at the party
A enjoy yourself B study well C hurry up
( )2 Will you take care of Polly when we are away on holiday
A wait for B look after C laugh at
( )3 Tere are a lot of apples on the trees
A few B many C no
( )4 Mike went to the Great Wall with his parents
A boy and girl B brother and sister C father and mother
( )5 I find it hard to learn English well
A difficult Bcheap C careful
6 How many __________________are there in your class?(girl)
7 Where is Lucy Lily is looking for __________________ (she)
8 Li Ming is ______________________ than Chen Hua (tall)
9 October is the ______________________ month of the year (ten)
10 Which is the ______________________skirt of the three (beautiful)

( )1 It’s hot ____________summer in Beijing
A by B on C at D in
( )2 I met Kate on ___________way home yesterday
A my B me C his D him
( )3 Bruce, look at your dirty shoes You’d better ____________them right now
A washed B washing C wash D to wash
( )4 “Whose bike is it ” “It’s ____________”
A John B John’s C Johns’ D Johns
( )5 “Can you sing the song in English” “No,I _________”
A may not B mustn’t C needn’t D can’t
( )6 The doctor often tells him _____________ more exercise
A to take B taking C taken D take
( )7 “What did you do last night” “I did my homework and ______________TV”
A watch B watched C will watch D am watching
( )8 The Whites _____________many places of interest since they came to China
A have visited B will visit C visited D visit
( )9 I’m hungry Please bring me some ______________
A kites Bdesks C boxes D cakes
( )10 Most of the children enjoy _____________ computer games
A play B playing C played Dto play
( )11 This is Miss Gao She _________your new teacher
A be B am C is Dare
( )12 He has two basketballs One is new, ___________ is old
A the other B other C the others D others
( )13 “ ____________ were you born” “On May 12, 1985”
A What B Which C When Dwhere
( )14 “Can you ______________ Chinese, Mr Smith” “Yes, but just a little”
A talk B speak C tell D say
( )15 Which is smaller, the sun _____________the moon
A so B but C or D and
( )16 Don’t forget to turn_____________TV before you go to bed
A off B to C on D and
( )17 “She didn’t come to school yesterday, did she”
“______________”, though she was not feeling very well”
A NO, she didn’t
B Yes, she didn’t
C No, she did D Yes, she did
( )18 “I’m going to Hang Zhou for a holiday this weekend”
“____________, you are there, can you buy me some green tea”
A Because B If C While D After
( )19 “When shall we meet again next week”
“______________ day is possible It’s no problem with me”
A Either B Neither CEvery D Any
( )20 There is not enough _____________ in the corner to put the table
A place B room C floor D ground
It’s time ________ us _________ have supper
This building is as________ ________ that one
_________ you don’t get up early, you’ll _______ late for
Wang Li ran ________ fast _______ I couldn’t catch up with him
He did _________ go to bed _________ he finished his homework yesterday

A:Hello, 954121
B:Hello! Is (1) ____________ Tom
A:Yes, speaking
B:Tom, this is Jack Fred is (2) ___________ in hospital
A:Oh, I’m (3) __________ to hear that
B:I want to (4) ___________ him, Do you know the (5)________ to the North Street Hospital
A:Yes You can take the No 27 bus Get (6) __________at the North Street Then (7)________ along the road, take the first turning (8) __________ the right Walk on and (9) _______ left You’ll find (10) ________ in fornt you
B:Thank you very much
Lin Tao:Hi, Sam! How are you today
( ) Sam: 11 What about you
Lin Tao:I’m OK Are you free tomorrow
( ) Sam: 12
Lin Tao:We’re going to have a swim
( ) Sam: 13 Can I come
( ) Sam: 14
Lin Tao:We are going to meet outside the school gate, at two o'clock
( ) Sam:OK 15
A.Fine, thanks
B How much is it
C Where are you going to meet
D Yes Why
E Goodbye!
F Good idea!
The students were having their chemistry(化学)class Miss Li was telling the children what water was like After that, she asked her students, “What'swater" No one spoke for a few minutes Miss Li asked again, "Why don't you answer my questionDidn't I tell you what water is like"
Just then a boy put up his hand and said,“Miss Li, you told us that water has no colour and no smell But where to find such kind of water The water in the river behind my house is always black and it has a bad smell。” Most of the children agreed with him
“I’m sorry, children”said the teacher, “Our water is getting dirtier and dirtier That’s a problem”

( ) 1 The students were having their __________class
A Eglih B Chinese Cchemisty Dmaths
( )2Miss Li was telling the chldren what __________ was like
A water B air C earth D weather
( )3 A boy said, “The water in river behind my house is always __________”
A white B black C clean D clear
( )4 Most of the children __________ the boy
A agreed with B wrote to C heard from D sent for
( ) 5 The water in the river has colour and smell because it is getting _________
A more and more B less and less
C cleaner and cleaner D dirtier and dirtier
>1 描写一段关于老鼠的英语短文写一篇关于老鼠的英语短文,不用太多

mouse is a all animal many people hate mouse ,because mouse steal food from human but ,in my opinion ,people do more experiment is use the mouse If without mouse more experiment couldn't pletedso ,people can't improve so fast !so ,Don 't always catchmouse ,sometimes ,we should accept mouse accept the little poor animal !。

2 老鼠用英语怎么说

一、老鼠mouse的读音英[maʊs] 美[maʊs] 二、mouse的释义 n 鼠标; 老鼠; 羞怯[胆小]的人; [非正式用语] 眼部青肿; vi 捕鼠; 窥探,偷偷地寻找; 三、mouse的例句 He thought he heard a mouse under the bed, and got down on all fours to have a look 他好像听见床底下有老鼠的声音,就趴在地上看了一下。

A mouse scared her out of her wits 一只老鼠把她吓得魂不附体。 四、mouse的复数:mice 英[maɪs] 美[maɪs] n 老鼠( mouse的名词复数 ); 鼠标; 羞怯[胆小]的人; mouse的复数形式; The Hotel has been ordered to close because it is overrun by mice and rats 由于老鼠泛滥成灾,该旅馆被勒令关闭。

扩展资料一、词语用法 mouse的意思是“老鼠”“耗子”,指一种较rat小的、尾巴细长的啮齿类动物。用于比喻还可指“胆小如鼠的人”“怕羞的人”。

mouse在科技术语中,指电脑上的“鼠标”“光标移动控制盒”。 二、词源解说 直接源自古英语的mus;最初源自希腊语的mus,意为鼠。

三、词语搭配 as poor as a church mouse 一贫如洗 as quiet as a mouse 一声不响 as silent as a mouse 静无声息 as still as a mouse 悄无声息 trap for mouse 捕鼠夹。

die的读音是:英[da]。die的例句是用作动词(v)Nowadays many people die of cancer现在有很多人死于癌症。die名词复数:dies;过去式:died;过去分词:died;现在分词:dying;第三人称单数:dies。
v(动词)vi & vt 死亡; 枯萎 come to the end of life; stop living三、网络解释
1 模具:则打样时,将板子套在事先按客户要求尺寸做好的模板(Template)上,再以手动铣床,沿Template外型旋切而得 若是大量,则须委外制作模具(Die)以冲床冲型之 这些都是早期单面或简单双面板通常使用的成型方式
2 冲模:ITC(美国国际贸易委员会)在2002年10月28日的公告中指出,目前全球刀具(tool)、冲模(die)、工业型模(Industrial mold)市场(下简称TDM市场)竞争日益激烈,这不仅会给美国带来种种新的挑战和潜在严重威胁,也同样会影响到其它国家
3 die
3 死亡:这主要有三个原因:首先,正如莫里斯的评论所暗示的,大多数极少主义作品的尺寸都几乎与人的身体等大 在这里,托尼史密斯(Tony Smith)对于他的六英尺高的立方体作品<>(Die)(1962)的提问的回答,非常具有启发性:
4 die的近义词
4die:distribute inference engine; 分布式推理机
Nowadays many people die of cancer
Many people die from famine in Africa
My grandfather died at the age of 86
Flowers soon die if they are left without water
Coal mining is dying in this area
These rumors will soon die away
Many language are likely to die out
She's dying to know where you've been
用作动词 (v)~+名词die a beggar穷困潦倒而死die a dog's death死得可鄙die a glorious death死得光荣die a hero's death英勇牺牲die a martyr死于自杀die a worthy death死得其所die game奋战而死die a lingering death拖延多日才死去die the death死于非命~+形容词die happy在幸福中死去die hard难断气die old寿终die poor贫困一生die young中途死亡~+副词die accidentally偶然地死去die calmly平静地死去die courageously勇敢地死去die daily虽生犹死die eventually最终死去die gladly甘心死去die gloriously光荣地死去die happily快乐地死去die immediately立即死去die instantly立即死亡die miserably惨死die peacefully宁静地死去die possibly可能死去die shamefully羞愧地死去die slowly慢慢地死掉die suddenly突然死亡die wholly彻底地枯萎die away渐渐消失die back凋落die down渐渐平息die off相继死去die out灭绝~+介词die at死在…die at one's post殉职die at the stake受火刑而死die by死于…die by drowning淹死die by hanging吊死die by one's own hand自杀die by some poison中毒而死die by the sword被剑杀die by violence横死die for极想得到…die for a cause为事业而死die for lack of air因缺空气而死die for one's country殉国,为国牺牲die for want of food因缺乏食物而死die from因…而死die from a blow被打中而死die from a disease得病而死die from an accident死于事故die from carelessness由于大意而死die from drinking too much wine饮酒过多而死die from eating to excess饮食过度而死die from hunger饥饿而死die from overwork工作过度而死die from some unknown cause由于不明原因而死die from weakness衰弱而死die in agony痛苦而死die in battle战死,阵亡die in childbed因分娩而死die in harness至死不倦die in misery死得凄惨die in office死于任职期间die in one's bed寿终正寝die in one's shoes暴死die in poverty贫困而死die in the last ditch奋战而死,战斗到底die of因…而死die of a disease病死die of a fall失足摔死die of age老死die of a broken heart失望而死die of cholera死于霍乱die of cold冻死die of consumption死于肺结核die of disappointment失望而死die of exhaustion过度疲劳而死die of fever高烧而死die of grief悲痛而死die of heat热死die of hunger饿死die of illness病死die of overwork累死die of poison中毒而死die of poverty因贫穷而死die of shame羞愧而死die of sorrow悲伤而死die of the bite of a snake蛇咬而死die of thirst渴死die of a wound受伤而死die on中途死亡die on the air渐渐消失die on the vine失败die through由于…而死亡die through neglect由于不小心而死die to舍弃…die to criticism不顾批评die to insult不顾耻辱die to reproach不顾责备die to self舍己,无我die to shame死不要脸die under在…之中死亡die upon死于…die with anger气死die with envy嫉妒而死die with fatigue过度疲劳而死die with grief忧郁而死die with joy乐死die with laughing狂笑而死die with shame羞愧而死die within不复存在六、经典引文
Dependent on the turn of a die, on the tossing up of a halfpenny
出自:HazlittIt is not gambling when I know the dice are loaded in my favor
出自:E OShe died only the other day at the age of about a hundred and ten
出自:R CampbellFour sons, two of whom died in the First World War
出自:J Fowles七、词语用法
v(动词)die的基本意思是指动植物因生命终止而“死亡”。引申可表示“消失,停止运行”“枯萎”等。die主要用作不及物动词,也可用作系动词,接名词或形容词作表语,表示死时的身份或状态。die有时也可用作及物动词,但必须接同源名词death作宾语, death前常可有形容词修饰。die不用于被动结构。die和副词小品词连用可组成短语如die away, die down, die out,均表示由大到小,由近到远,由有到无,指灯光、火光、声音等逐渐消失。die后接介词可组成短语表示死于某种原因。如接介词from表示“死于非命”等,接of表示因“疾病或年老”等而死亡。在口语中, die往往作“渴望、切望”或“强烈地感受到”解,表示一种极度状态,此时用现在进行时,其后可接介词for〔of, to〕或动词不定式。die偶尔可用于进行体,表示“就要死去,渐渐死去”。die的现在分词dying可用作形容词,在句中作定语。die的相关近义词
decrease、demise、pass away、decline、fade、fail

appear 释义: vi 出现;出版;显得;好像;登场

读音:英 [ə'pɪə(r)]  美 [ə'pɪr]


1、过去式: appeared

2、过去分词: appeared

3、现在分词: appearing

4、第三人称单数: appears


The boy suddenly appeared from under the bed





读音:英 [ə'raɪz]   美 [ə'raɪz]

vi 出现;升起;上升;发生;起来

Two men of genius arose among them



读音:英 [ə'raɪv] 美 [ə'raɪv]

vi 到达;到来;成功

We shall arrive soon after



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/yw/12829160.html

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