

楼主所说的意思在英文中叫做Back Words
Back Words,Also known as mirror words, Janus words, reverse words and emordnilap words (palindrome spelt backwards), Back Words are words that when read backwards spell another, entirely different word Surprisingly, there are more words with this property than you might think
常见的Back Words如下所列
~ A ~

abut tuba
agar raga
agas saga
aider redia
ah ha
ajar raja
am ma
an na
and dna
amaroid diorama
animal lamina
annam manna
are era
ares sera
at ta
ate eta
atlas salta
auks skua
avid diva
~ B ~

bad dab
bag gab
ban nab
bard drab
bat tab
bats stab
bed deb
ben neb
bid dib
big gib
bin nib
bird drib
blub bulb
bog gob
boh hob
bonk knob
bows swob
boy yob
brag garb
bud dub
bulb blub
bun nub
buns snub
bur rub
burg grub
bus sub
but tub
buts stub
~ C ~

cam mac
cares serac
ceps spec
cod doc
cor roc
cos soc
cram marc
cran narc
~ D ~

dab bad
dace ecad
dag gad
dal lad
dam mad
dap pad
daraf farad
dart trad
darter retrad
daw wad
deb bed
debut tubed
decaf faced
decal laced
deem meed
deep peed
deeps speed
deer reed
dees seed
def fed
deifier reified
del led
deliver reviled
demit timed
denier reined
denies seined
denim mined
depot toped
dessert tressed
desserts stressed
deus sued
devil lived
dew wed
dial laid
diam maid
diaper repaid
dib bid
dig gid
dim mid
diorama amaroid
diva avid
dna and
do od
doc cod
dog god
doh hod
don nod
doom mood
door rood
dor rod
dos sod
dot tod
drab bard
dram mard
draw ward
drawer reward
draws sward
dray yard
drib bird
dual laud
dub bud

~ E ~

ecad dace
eciton notice
edit tide
eel lee
eh he
elides sedile
em me
emir rime
emit time
er re
era are
ergo ogre
eta ate
etas sate
evil live
~ F ~

faced decaf
farad daraf
fed def
fen nef
fires serif
flog golf
flow wolf
fool loof
~ G ~

gab bag
gad dag
gal lag
gals slag
gam mag
gar rag
garb brag
gas sag
gat tag
gats stag
gateman nametag
gel leg
get teg
gib big
gid dig
gip pig
girt trig
git tig
gnar rang
gnat tang
gnaws swang
gnus sung
gob bog
god dog
golf flog
got tog
grub burg
gulp plug
gum mug
gums smug
guns snug
gut tug
~ H ~

ha ah
hales selah
hap pah
harris sirrah
hay yah
he eh
ho oh
hob boh
hod doh
hoop pooh
~ I ~

it ti
~ J ~

jar raj
~ K ~

keel leek
keels sleek
keep peek
knaps spank
knar rank
knits stink
knob bonk
~ L ~

laced decal
lad dal
lag gal
lager regal
laid dial
lair rial
lamina animal
lap pal
led del
lee eel
laud dual
leek keel
leer reel
leg gel
leper repel
lever revel
liar rail
lion noil
live evil
lived devil
loof fool
loop pool
loops spool
loot tool
looter retool
loots stool
~ M ~

ma am
mac cam
macs scam
mad dam
mag gam
maid diam
manna annam
map pam
maps spam
mar ram
marc cram
M (cont) >>>

M (cont)

marcs scram
mard dram
mart tram
maws swam
may yam
me em
meed deem
meet teem
mho ohm
mid dim
mined denim
mood doom
moor room
mot tom
mp pm
mu um
mug gum
mullahs shallum
~ N ~

na an
nab ban
nametag gateman
nap pan
naps span
narc cran
neb ben
neep peen
nef fen
net ten
nets sten
new wen
nib bin
nip pin
nips spin
nis sin
nit tin
no on
nod don
noil lion
nonet tenon
not ton
notice eciton
now won
nub bun
nus sun
nut tun
nuts stun
~ O ~

od do
ogre ergo
oh ho
ohm mho
on no
oohs shoo
os so
owt two
~ P ~

pacer recap
pad dap
pah hap
pal lap
pals slap
pam map
pan nap
pans snap
par rap
part trap
parts strap
pas sap
pat tap
paws swap
pay yap
peed deep
peels sleep
peek keep
peen neep
pees seep
per rep
pets step
pig gip
pilfer reflip
pin nip
pins snip
pit tip
plug gulp
pm mp
pooh hoop
pool loop
pools sloop
poor roop
ports strop
pot top
pots stop
pow wop
prat tarp
pupils slipup
pus sup
put tup
~ R ~

rag gar
raga agar
rail liar
raj jar
raja ajar
ram mar
rang gnar
rank knar
rap par
raps spar
rat tar
rats star
raw war
re er
rebut tuber
recap pacer
recaps spacer
redips spider
redia aider
redraw warder
R (cont) >>>

R (cont)

redrawer rewarder
reflip pilfer
reflow wolfer
regal lager
reed deer
reel leer
reified deifier
reined denier
reknit tinker
reknits stinker
relit tiler
remit timer
rennet tenner
rep per
repaid daiper
repat taper
repel leper
repins sniper
repot toper
retrad darter
retool looter
revel lever
reviled deliver
revotes setover
reward drawer
rewarder redrawer
rial lair
rime emir
rims smir
roc cor
rod dor
rood door
room moor
roop poor
roots stoor
rones señor
rot tor
rub bur
~ S ~

sag gas
saga agas
salta atlas
sap pas
saps spas
sate etas
saw was
scam macs
scares seracs
scram marcs
sedile elides
seed dees
seep pees
seined denies
selah hales
selahs shales
señor rones
sera ares
serac cares
seracs scares
serif fires
setover revotes
shales selahs
shallum mullahs
shoo oohs
sin nis
sit tis
skua auks
slag gals
sleek keels
sleep peels
sleets steels
slipup pupils
sloop pools
sloops spools
smart trams
smir rims
smug gums
snap pans
snaps spans
snip pins
sniper repins
snips spins
snoops spoons
snot tons
snub buns
snug guns
so os
soc cos
sod dos
spacer recaps
spam maps
span naps
spank knaps
spans snaps
spar raps
spas saps
spat taps
spay yaps
spec ceps
speed deeps
spider redips
spin nips
spins snips
spirt trips
spit tips
spool loops
spools sloops
spoons snoops
sports strops
spot tops
spots stops
sprat tarps
snug guns
stab bats
stag gats
star rats
stat tats
steels sleets
sten tens
S (cont) >>>

S (cont)

step pets
stew wets
stinker reknits
stinks knits
stool loots
stoor roots
stop pots
stops spots
strap parts
straw warts
stressed desserts
strop ports
strops sports
stows swots
stub buts
stun nuts
sub bus
sued deus
sung gnus
sup pus
sun nus
swam maws
swang gnaws
swap paws
sward draws
swat taws
sway yaws
swob bows
swot tows
swots stows
~ T ~

ta at
tab bat
tag gat
tang gnat
tap pat
taper repat
taps spat
tar rat
tarp prat
tarps sprat
tats stat
taw wat
taws swat
teem meet
teg get
ten net
tenon nonet
tens sten
tenner rennet
ti it
tide edit
tig git
tiler relit
time emit
timed demit
timer remit
tin nit
tinker reknit
tip pit
tips spit
tis sit
tod dot
tog got
tom mot
ton not
tons snot
tool loot
top pot
toped depot
toper repot
tops spot
tor rot
tort trot
tows swot
trad dart
tram mart
trams smart
trap part
tressed dessert
trig girt
trips spirt
slap pals
trot tort
trow wort
tub but
tuba abut
tubed debut
tuber rebut
tug gut
tun nut
tup put
two owt

um mu
~ W ~

wad daw
war raw
ward draw
warder redraw
warts straw
was saw
wat taw
way yaw
wed dew
wen new
wets stew
wolf flow
wolfer reflow
won now
wop pow
wort trow
~ Y ~

yah hay
yam may
yap pay
yaps spay
yard dray
yaw way
yaws sway
yob boy


1 描写小鸟英语作文

你可以去一些作文网站去找 我这有一篇抓鸟的作文,不知行不行:Our family around the house there are many tall trees Every day, there are many unknown trees, birds in the "chattering," cried, a variety of voices very nicely, as if birds in open concerts One afternoon, my neighbor's little brother, little brother in the room playing chess Suddenly, a beautiful bird came flying, and we quickly closed the door window to catch the birds Suffered a shock in the room where the birds kept flying, it was finally too tired to fly no more, stopping at the table I quietly walked over, grabbed it carefully Little brother immediately sent for a rope, tied the bird's feet, we are afraid of birds fly away,The other end of the rope still tied a all iron bar Then we put the bird in the yard, but dragging an iron bar that it does not matter how fly up and hurry toward the sky Zhi Jiao At this time, my mom and dad came back from the outside, and my father asked: "Liang-liang, are you doing" I said to the father: "Daddy, Come see us catch a bird" Daddy go came a look, said: "Liang-liang, you did not know even the Flying Swallow啦!" I am curious to ask: "That's why it does not grow with the big swallows the same" Dad said with a ile: "Swallow the time is so all , and wait for it to grow up, and body feathers and it would slowly bee DadDad, Mom the same "At this time, there are o big swallows the sky fly over, directed at Flying Swallow cried loudly I think: Yes, it's father, my mother came to see it So, I unlock it feet of rope, it flew off译:我们家房子周围有许多参天的大树。

每天,树上有很多不知名的小鸟在“叽叽喳喳”地叫着,各种各样的声音好听极了,好像在开小鸟音乐会。 一天下午,我和邻居家的小哥哥、小弟弟在房间里下棋。



然后,我们把小鸟放在院子里,可是它拖着铁棒怎么也飞不起来,着急地朝着天空直叫。 这时候,爸爸、妈妈从外面回来了,爸爸问:“亮亮,你在干什么?”我对爸爸说:“爸爸,快来看我们抓到了一只小鸟。”

爸爸走过来一看说:“亮亮,你连小燕子都不认识啦!”我奇怪地问:“那它为什么不跟大燕子长得一样?”爸爸笑着说:“燕子小的时候是这样的,等它长大了,身上的羽毛就慢慢地变得和它爸爸、妈妈一样了。” 这时,天空中有两只大燕子飞过来,冲着小燕子大声地叫着。



2 小鸟英语怎么写

“小鸟”的英语:little bird

例句:A little bird was singing happily in the tree




读法:英 ['lɪt(ə)l] 美 ['lɪtl]


adj 小的;很少的;短暂的;小巧可爱的

adv 完全不

n 少许;没有多少;短时间


for a little 一会儿

little by little 渐渐;逐渐地

a little more 稍微多些


读法:英 [bɜːd] 美 [bɝd]


n 鸟;家伙;羽毛球

vt 向…喝倒彩;起哄

vi 猎鸟;观察研究野鸟


bird flu n 禽流感

migratory bird 候鸟

early bird 早起者;早到者



little用作形容词时表示“小的,幼小的,矮小的”,指由于因年龄小而身形娇小,含有感 彩,意思是“小的可爱”“小的可怜”等意思。

little的比较级与最高级常用 aller, allest,而较少用littler,littlest。


the little, a little或little of在句中用作定语时,谓语动词用单数形式。


3 帮我写篇关于小鸟的英语作文

The larks were known as larks or sand, also called Mongolian Liu Braun Is known as one of the ornamental bird cage In the area of Inner Mongolia in hebei province of qinghai province, and the north east, etc For all who or breeding birds

Braun about 19 mm in length to birds Weight is about 30 grams Males forehead, neck and head for the red chestnut, Eyes, eye week for brown, white and MeiWen left occipital department MeiWen extending to connect and now brown, Brown back, waist chestnut, Wing feathers cole-black, Brown, the lateral tail feathers chestnut color is white light, On the forehead, laryngeal white, the chest with a black bag, upper TiaoBan, Most white feather brown to uncover her nakedness

Male, female relatives to head and neck but less, feather color red chestnut is nearly tan, Lighter tan, beijingers is hazel, On the left breast TiaoBan black Mouth shell meat pink, yellow, toes brown Claws, After a sort of birds than paw paw, and after the straight out

The wildlife habitats YuAnKuo lark when, grassland, and fly straight into the sky, elegant, and is different from other songbirds The unique The larks were good on the ground, is a kind of easy domesticated songbirds In the wild, lark oothly through the summer 30 degrees Celsius above dry weather, also can pass through the icy snow, but in low temperature, longing for food, often a knot of migration Most of the time, the lark in desert grassland in parison beeen sand dunes, what, to prevent or sand bath temperature and heat, clean surface dirt and feathers

4 描写小鸟的英语作文3句话

The Singing Life Looking deeper into bird songs For half my birding life, I've been trying to learn bird songs They're not so easy as visual images Not so simply reducible to key phrases (yellow in front of the eye, keel-shaped tail, white rump) Often fettable, at least for a person who has never demonstrated a good ear or musical talent I'm still fooled sometimes into taking a scarlet tanager for a robin And every spring I must learn the warblers' songs all over again It's a task I enjoy, an annual initiation that keeps me connected to the earth I know birdsongs the way I know French and German I can often tell which foreign language I'm hearing, and I prehend merci and nein, but I can't understand a sentence And that's about where I think I am with bird songs Still, I'm grateful for what I do recognize Walking along the brushy trail beside certain a willow thicket on a late summer morning, when most of the birds had stopped singing, I heard a song from deep in the foliage It was scratchy, rapid: Wouldja switch a witch's widget witz a switch Only half a song, really The full version would have followed up with the answer: Witches switch a scritch's stitches witz a chew! But even half a song was enough to tell me that the invisible singer was the question-and-answer bird, the Bell's vireo (Spectrogram of that bird's song above) Born to recognize bird songs It seems rather wonderful to me that a bird declares its identity with every utterance, and that our human ears and brains are built to sort out such sounds and recognize the singer Lately I've e to realize, though, that I've barely begun to study bird sounds, and that it's possible to learn much more than simply which species is singing Donald Krood a's ear-opening book, The Singing Life of Birds, made me realize that I'd been simplistically identifying birds by their songs and letting it go at that, like some life-listers who glance at a bird only long enough to name it and rush on Krood a listens deeply into the lives of birds, gaining new insights from their songs I want to do that too The Raven key After I read Krood a's book, I got some recording equipment and started going out every day to capture the songs of the morning Suddenly, every robin, titmouse, and cardinal was new and fascinating I downloaded Raven Lite (free, from the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology) into my puter Among other things, Raven translates my recordings into pictures, called spectrograms, which show details in the songs that I didn't notice in the field It also lets me slow a recording down to further reveal fine details too brief for the human ear What a revelation! Out of my own spectrograms jumped field sparrows, meadowlarks, and yellowthroats (See thewichity- wichity- wichityof the mon yellowthroat at right) As I learned the shapes of their songs, I could see at a glance which species sang on each recording, even before I played the selections I relished seeing subtle details, such as the difference beeen the question and the answer of the Bell's vireo Hearing with your eyes Krood a says that he hears with his eyes, letting the birds' spectrograms show him what he would not have discriminated with his ears alone I too found that my eyes started educating my ears Taking Krood a's lead, I used Raven to chart scarlet tanager songs frombirdsong CDs I'd purchased and pared them to spectrograms of my own robin recordings Once I saw the difference in their timing and noticed the robin's odd shrieky note spliced in beeen the musical ones, I started hearing the difference outdoors, too I don't think I'll ever confuse scarlet tanager with robin again Krood a found that he could tell some birds from others of their species by the variation in their repertoires That suggests the possibility of getting to know my neighboring birds better than I've ever done before I can hardly wait for next spring If the five singing male Bell's vireos I listened to this summer e back, I'd like to see if I can learn to distinguish them as individuals, to see where they first show up in spring, where they nest, and how far they stray from their home territories Now that's going to be fun — Diane Porter。

5 树上有一些小鸟 英语怎么说

树上有一些小鸟的英语:There are some birds in the tree




1、there are

英 [ðɛə ɑ:] 美 [ðɛr e(r)]

There are any amount of clubs you could join


2、in the tree


I cannot leave my kitty in the tree!



There be 句型的构成形式一般为“There is/are + 某物/人 +某地/时”,表示某地/时有某物/人。

There be 后面的名词是句子的主语,属倒装结构。疑问句形式是将be或will/have/can/must等助动词、情态动词提至there之前,否定形式则直接在be或助动词、情态动词后加not。

因此要表达“某个地方或某个时间存在什么事物或人”的时候常用“There be + 名词+ 地点(时间)这一句型。

There are some sharks


Excuse me Is there a repair shop near here for MP3


1、读音记忆法:英语中的大部分单词都符合读音规则,所以平时要多注意字母及字母组合的读音规a律,做到见其形而知其音,听其音而知其形。读音记忆法应成为记忆单词的首选方法。例如:reality/ / magnificent / / discovery/ / hospital/ /
2、仿声记忆法(外来词的收集):有一些单词在发音方面与汉语及其相似,当然大部分是音译词这一特点有助于记忆单词。例如:romance(浪漫史), logic(逻辑), typhoon(台风), international(英特纳雄耐尔), microphone(麦克风), copy(拷贝), cartoon(卡通), hamburger(汉堡包), salad(色拉), brandy(白兰地), whisky(威士忌), Moslem(穆斯林), sofa(沙发), cool(酷), pose(坡什), engine(引擎), motor(摩托), bar(巴), Canada(加拿大), laser(雷射), golf(高尔夫球),tofu(豆腐)…… 需要注意的是,切不可利用汉字的发音去代替英语单词的读音, 这两种语言毕竟不是完全等同的。
3、谐音记忆法:即利用英语单词的读音与汉语拼音相似的特点进行联系,想象记忆。如:conquer(征服)“攻克”;vacation(假期)“我开心”;fetch(取)“获取”; tomb(坟墓)“土墓” ;strange(奇怪的)“事真”;trainee(受训人)“捶你”;trainer(训练人)“捶哪”……
4、幽默记忆法:在教lawyer一词时,我提醒学生不要读成“老爷”,学生们哄然大笑,很快就记住了这个单词。同样,我告诉学生不要将Moscow 读成“摸死狗”,也取得了同样的效果。学monkey时,我又补充了donkey和monk两词, 让学生 在幽默中记住了这三个词。
Kangroo——袋鼠,传说Cook船长航海到澳大利亚时,见到一种跳跃很高的动物从身边一跃而过,他赶紧问身边的导游,“What’s that?”导游没有看清,就说,“Kangroo”(澳大利亚土语的意思是“我不知道”),Cook船长误认为Kangroo就是袋鼠的名字,他在航海日记中记载了这种动物,后来Kangroo就真的就成了这种动物的英文名字。
6、联想记忆法: l whole——用w去堵hole即变成“整个的”
l committee——两个m,两个t,两个e,可见人之多,即 委员会”
l Marry-----Mary在加上一个人“r”,不就可以“结婚”了吗?
l quiet——把quite 中的“e”移到里面不就“安静”了吗?
l Secretary----secret(秘密)+ary(人)即“秘书”
l professor一词难以记住 f和s 是一个还是两个,可联想一个教授(f)带两个学生(ss)。
l responsible一词难一记住是ible 还是able,既然负责任应用“ible”,因为上面有一 “点”责任 鼓励学生提供更多的例子……
7、分析构词法:l president——前缀pre(前)+sid(联想sit)+ent(人),“在前面就坐的人”即“总统”)
l international——前缀inter(相互)+nation(国家)+al(形容词后缀)=国际的
l dialogue——dia(对、双)+logue(语言)
l antidisestablishmentarianism 这个单词由28个字母组成,根据构词法可把该单词分成7部分,即 anti dis establish ment ar(y) ian ism 反对 否定 建立(词根) 名词后缀 形容词后缀 名词后缀 后缀(主义,流派) 其中,disestablish取消 ,disestablishmentarian主张废除国教制度的国教废除论者,综合得出antidisestablishmentarianism的词义为“19世纪英国主张保留英国教会作为英国官方教会的运动”。
8、总结规律法:由car, cover, can(罐头盒), cave, cage, content, camp, circle, contain, close, catch, capture
由light, lamp, lantern, laser(雷射), look, level, line, long, ladder 等,可知以L开头的单
词大都与“光线,线,直”等有关。字母L 本身不就是“长度”与“光线”的象征吗?
9、颠倒记忆法:(1)顺读逆读都相同。如:civic(城市的,公民的), nun(修女), peep(窥视), pup(小狗), madam(女士), eve(除夕), level, deed, eye……
(2) 顺读逆读都有意义。:如:are-era(纪元), deer-reed(芦苇), door- rood(十字架)doom(命运)-mood, evil-live, not-ton, pan- nap, war- raw, was- saw, ten- net……
l tide-Time and tide wait for no man(时不待人。)
l believe-To see is to believe(百闻不如一见。)
l distant-A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near(海内存知己,天涯若比邻。)
l offer-I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, sweat and tears---Churchill(除了热血、辛劳、汗水和眼泪,我别无奉献-------邱吉尔)
l trust-Old wood is best to burn, old to drink,old friends to trust, and old authors to read---Bacon(烧火要烧老木头,喝酒要喝陈年酒,托事要托老朋友,读书要读老作家-------培根 )
l re-retell, reread, rewrite, redo, return, rebuilad……
l un-unable, unacceptable, unattrac

比较是人类认识客观事物的一种思维方法, 通过比较我们能更好地了解词与词之间的差异及共性,从而能较好地掌握单词。
1 反义词比较
2 同义词比较
invent - create
empty - vacant
allow - permit
stupid - foolish - silly
beautiful - pretty - good-looking
3 同形异义词比较
well(好) - well (井)
yard(院子) - yard (码)
ear(耳朵) - ear (穗)
dear (亲爱的) - dear (昂贵的)
4 形似词比较
tense(紧张的) - terse (简洁的)
violate(侵犯) - isolate (孤立)
noise(噪音)-poise (使平衡)
lesson(功课)-lessen (减少)
prescribe(开处方)-proscribe (禁止)
guilt (有罪的)-guild (协会)
1 按单词的意义分类
例如交通工具及与交通相关的单词bike, bus, jeep, truck, taxi, train, plane, ship, motor-cycle, sports car, pilot, driver, vehicle, engine, gasoline, traffic jam, rush hour等。
2 按字母组合分类
例如以ace字母组合形式的常用词face, surface, lace, palace, place, necklace, fireplace, replace, pace, space, outpace, race, brace, grace, disgrace, trace等。
记忆单词最好不要孤立地去记,要尽可能学会根据事物突出的外形、特征,把有关的东西联系起来记。如形与义的联想,如:把eye中的两个e看成两只眼;把bird中的b和d看成一对翅膀;把bed中的b和d看成一副床架,e是中间的床板;把giraffe中的 ff 看成长颈鹿长长的“脖子”;又如:elbow (肘)和rainbow (彩虹)都与bow (弓箭)的形状酷似。再有antenna (AmE) 原指蚂蚁的触须,后引申为“天线”,天线不正形似蚂蚁的“触角”吗
英语中有些单词的发音与汉语的读音非常相似,我们常常称之为偶合词,发现这一巧合也非常有助于单词的记忆。例如:attorney 律师 (我托你);admire 赞美(我的妈呀);pest 害虫(拍死它);candle 蜡烛(看到);delegate 代表(代理给他); finance 财政,经费(犯难事);genius 天才(创吉尼斯的人); bake 焙烤;harmony 和睦;fine 罚;pal伴儿; defend 提防;tow 拖;conquer 攻克;fee 费;deny 抵赖;haul 嚎;stone 石头;sting 叮咬。
dragon(龙):龙的身体很长,要drag on(拖着)。
mustache(胡子):must+ache,干刮mustache (胡子),must(一定)ache(疼)。
onus(负担):分开为on us,就是落在我们肩上的负担或责任。
assassin(暗杀者):含有两个ass(蠢驴、笨蛋) 和sin(罪过),表明这样的罪行只有蠢驴才会犯。
abridge(缩短)-a + bridge,一座桥缩短了两岸的距离。
ascertain(使清楚)-分开读就是as certain (认为 必然)
manage (处理)-man+age男人到了一定年纪就可独立处理事情。
damage (损害)-dam(坝)+age 坝时间长了,很容易遭受损害。
carpet (地毯)-car pet 地毯上有玩具小车和宠物。
英语中有不少回文单词。如:live倒过来就是evil。谜语:鼠辈造反(打一英语单词)。谜底是 star。因为star从后往前读,正好是rats。又如:
are-era (时代)
bin (贮藏器)-nib(笔尖)
but-tub (盆
deer(鹿)-reed (芦苇)
door-rood (十字架)
doom (注定)-mood (心情)
deem (认为)-meed (适当的报答)
dot (点)-tod (狐)
evil (罪恶)-live (生活)
God(上帝)-dog (狗)
gnat (小烦扰)-tang (强烈的味道)
gulp (吞)-plug(插座)
gut (内容,实质)-tug (猛拉,苦干)
keel (船的龙骨)-leek (韭葱)
loop (环)-pool (水池)
loot (赃物)-tool (工具)
meet-teem (充满,涌现)
nip (呷)-pin (大头针)
nod (点头)-don (大学教师)
not-ton (吨)
pan (平底锅)-nap (小睡)
part-trap (陷阱)
pets (宠物)-step (步)
pots(壶)-stop (停止)
rail (铁轨)-liar (说谎者)
ram(公羊)-mar (弄糟)
raw(生的)-war (战争)
saw(锯)-was (be的过去式)
sloop(小型护航舰)-pools (池塘,复数)
smart(机灵的)-trams (电车)
snap(猛咬,争购)-pans (平底锅,复数)
tap(水龙头)-pat (轻拍)
ten-net (网)
tom (雄猫)-mot (警句)
tops(顶)-spot (点)
tun(大酒桶)-nut (坚果)


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/yw/13197486.html

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