这样Dark Echo回声探路白章第27关就过关了。echo回音 回音是指比直接音慢至少50毫秒的反射音,而且它的音量也比残响大声。 Reverb 残响 音源停止发音后,室内仍然存在的声音叫残响,很多人误会为回音echo,残响时间的定义是让声音音量衰退为千分之一所需的时间称为残响时间,换句话来说是音压电平减低60db的时间。 所有室内房间都有残响,只是残响时间不同,室内音响环境就不同。 Delay 延缓是用信号切换功能来延缓输出信号,是可控制的信号。 识别方法: 简单来说,山洞中…我我我我我 的声音,就是echo concert hall或教堂神父的声音,就是reverb delay effect
参考: 自已
DEFINITION Delay is defined as the splitting of a signal into separate ponents
the slowing of one of these split signals
and its subsequent re-introduction into the original signal Echo is defined as a delay of approximately 35 ms in which the regenerations are evenly spaced and in which the release portion of the sound envelope is even as well This is also sometimes referred to as Early Reflections Reverb is defined as a delay less that 35 ms in which the regenerations are randomly dispersed and in which the release portion of the sound envelope is random as well This is also sometimes referred to as Later Reflections
参考: ptme/et/audio/reference/sound/effects