在“Press Enter”提示下,输入下列作弊指令:
regmebaby- 给你 20000 在career模式中开始
opendoors- 取得到整个的驾驶世界
ordermybaby- 取得到所有的汽车
gimmevisual1- 开启视觉效果 1
gimmevisual2- 开启视觉效果 2
needperformance1- 开启表现效果 1
needperformance2- 开启表现效果 2
goforoldspice- 开启旧的乙烯基
needmybestbuy- 开启得最好买到的乙烯基
gotmycingular- 开启 Cingular 赞助的乙烯基
gottahavebk- 开启汉堡王乙烯基
gottaedge- 开启Edge赞助的乙烯基
davidchoeart- 未知
shinestreetbright- 未知
wantmyd3- 未知
wannacapone- 未知
gimmechingy- 未知
yodogg- 未知
tunejapantuning- 未知
注意: 在career模式下并不是所有的指令都能用。
At the "Press Enter" screen press the following to activate any of
the current cheats:
regmebaby - Gives you 20,000 in career mode to start
opendoors - Access to whole driving world
ordermybaby - Access to all cars
gimmevisual1 - Unlocks Visual Upgrades Tier 1
gimmevisual2 - Unlock Visual Upgrades Tier 2
needperformance1 - Unlocks Performance Upgrades Tier 1
needperformance2 - Unlocks Performance Upgrades Tier 2
goforoldspice - Unlocks Old Spice Vinyl
needmybestbuy - Unlocks Best Buy Vinyl
gotmycingular - Unlocks Cingular Sponsor Vinyl
gottahavebk - Unlocks Burger King Vinyl
gottaedge - Unlocks Edge Sponsor Vinyl
davidchoeart - Unknown
shinestreetbright - Unknown
wantmyd3 - Unknown
wannacapone - Unknown
gimmechingy - Unknown
yodogg - Unknown
tunejapantuning - Unknown
IMPORTANT: Not all cheats works in Career mode