Red Giant系列 >终于解决了,我换了个显卡。。
Magic Bullet Looks 14对显卡的要求
Video CardsLike Apple Motion, Magic Bullet Looks requires specific graphics card capabilities to run Without the correct card, the software will not install or run, and the installer will warn you if you don't have the necessary graphics card installed in your system
Magic Bullet Looks supports a wide range of cards from both ATI or NVIDIA For ATI cards, we require a 9600 XT or greater, or an X series card starting with the X700 series Cards with greater model numbers and at least 128 MB of RAM can run the Looks engine
For NVIDIA cards, we support the 6600 model and higher or QuadroFX 1300 and up Cards with higher model numbers and a minimum of 128 MB of RAM can run Looks For users working with HD images, we require that the video card have at least 256 MB of RAM In all cases, we suggest using the latest video drivers for your graphics card
Please Note Since all media is processed at 32 bit, you will absolutely need a 256 MB graphics card or larger For newer cards from ATI and NVIDIA, we recommend a minimum of 320 MB of RAM For 2K projects, we recommend 512 MB or a larger amount of RAM on the graphics card
In most cases, the Looks plug-in requires rendering to generate final color-corrected output With host applications like Final Cut Pro and Premiere Pro, you can use Looks as a real-time color correction effect with the dynamic playback capabilities With applications such as Apple Motion and Adobe After Effects, rendering is required to generate any output with Looks applied In general, the faster the graphics card, the faster the rendering of media NVIDIA cards are generally faster than ATI cards of the same level for HD or HDV projects
Please Note The maximum render size in Looks is 8192 x 8192, but is dependent on the video card in the system Most cards will support 2K media (2048 x 1536) rendering, but only the NVIDIA 8800 series cards or Quadro 4600/5600 support 8K output at time of this writing
Performance Expectations
Since the processing requirements vary wildly by the number of tools in a look, it is difficult to give exact output or render speed expectations on every system with every look On the highest-end systems such as a Mac Pro or PC workstation with the Quadro 4000 series of graphic cards, you can expect relatively speedy rendering
On a Mac Pro with an X1900XT card, we tested some of the looks for render speed on a 720p clip saved in DVCPRO HD format This is a higher data rate than DV but lower than uncompressed The following table shows the render speed of various Look presets The render speed is noted for the output time relative to the length of the media For example, a look that is 24x real time means that 1 minute of media will take approximately 2 minutes and 25 seconds to render
另外,虚机团上产品团购,超级便宜祝贺 {12},但是好像每个人将会在开始谈论二位船长和他们的隧道排权利,你有任何事有关那说吗,它看起来”
15252"我害怕我不,无发生。 发生的向那边是男孩的一些很棒足球。”
15253 The 狂热者是失望的你已经向上复盖这一个事件。 他们想要认识八卦, 尤其当传闻有它使人信服地嬴得排的你船长。 你的运动员虽然对赞美感到满意。
队士气: {3}
狂热者支持: {4}
15254" 嗯,从各方面来看我们嬴得了那排如此的使人信服我是稍微失望的我们以相同的样子没有赢得游戏!”
15255 The 狂热者爱八卦的这一点点, 是 {15} 真的放在那里侮辱下来 运动员不感激你的在相当相同的方法中在他们挖。
队士气: {6}
狂热者支持: {7}
15256" 我确定那将会被调查而且任何的行动需要将会被适当地处理。 我将会宁可在程度上称赞每个人的专业性,它对一场很棒的游戏有益。”
15257 你对新闻媒体做一个好工作。 资讯科技不很好开始任何的不必要的传闻, 和为什么取走焦点从你的运动员的成就
工作安全: {9}
队士气: {10}
15261" 怜悯 {12}, 是你向那边更高级"
15262"不。 运动员搏斗得好并且是不吉利的, 那是所有的。”
15263 狂热者不同意你。 他们认为队可能被更努力地搏斗,而且现在他们必须以一个损失居住到 {所有队的 15}。
队士气: {3}
狂热者支持: {4}
15264"你见到得分吗 没有人是 '比'更高级今天, 也许除 {15}' s 狂热者。”
15265 狂热者感觉你比会见者更高级了,但是它不举起运动员的心情谁感觉好像他们让你失望。
队士气: {6}
狂热者支持: {7}
15266" 我不使用字的选择, 但是我确实见到我们的游戏一些区域需要被进行中。 我和这些男孩见到好未来如果我们能出自一些事物的正直铁。”
15267 你已经是含糊的但是设法使每个人相信你已经得到一个计划避免像这未来的损失。
工作安全: {9}
队士气: {10}
15271"Hmm, 不是吗宁可我向你询问你为早餐有的 {12}”
15272" 我将你什么,如果他们重复这种表现,我将要为早餐有我的运动员!”