输出显示函数即可,也可以将变量存入数据库,这只是一个例子,具体其它功能你举一反三,循环以下即可。response.write Showipinfo("")
Function Showipinfo(ip)
'显示IP地址具体地址 参考IP138数据库
Dim urls,str,showipinfos
str =getHTTPPage(urls)
Showipinfo=strcut(str,"<ul class=""ul1"">","</ul>",2) '截取IP地址来源
showipinfos = Replace(Showipinfo,"本站主数据:","1、")
Showipinfo = Replace(showipinfos,"参考数据一:","2、")
End Function
'函数名:GetHttpPage(url) 2011-5-17 xuyang
'功 能:ASP采集网页内容 GB2312 和 UTF-8 通用
'参 数:url地址
Function GetHttpPage(url)
Dim ResStr, ResBody, PageCode
If IsNull(url) = True Or url = "False" Then
GetHttpPage = ""
Exit Function
End If
Dim Http, sStartTime
Set Http = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
With Http
.Open "GET", url, False
End With
'Http.open "GET", url, False
'Http.Send (Null)
sStartTime = Now
On Error Resume Next
If Http.Status <>200 Then
Set Http = Nothing
GetHttpPage = ""
Exit Function
End If
Do While Http.ReadyState <>4
If DateDiff("s", sStartTime, Now) >10 Then
GetHttpPage = ""
Exit Function
End If
If Http.ReadyState = 4 Then
If Http.Status = 200 Then
PageCode = test(url)
GetHttpPage = bytesToBSTR(Http.responseBody, PageCode)
End If
End If
Set Http = Nothing
If Err.Number <>0 Then
End If
End Function
Function bytesToBSTR(body, Cset)
Dim Objstream
Set Objstream = CreateObject("adodb.stream")
Objstream.Type = 1
Objstream.Mode = 3
Objstream.write body
Objstream.position = 0
Objstream.Type = 2
Objstream.Charset = Cset
bytesToBSTR = Objstream.Readtext
Set Objstream = Nothing
End Function
Function test(sUrl)
Dim ox
Set ox = server.CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
ox.Open "get", sUrl, False
test = charsetOf(ox.responseBody)
End Function
Function charsetOf(bstr)
Dim p, c, r
If InStrB(bstr, ChrB(0)) >0 Then
charsetOf = "unicode"
Exit Function
End If
c = s2b("charset=")
p = InStrB(1, bstr, c, 1)
If p >0 Then
c = b2s(MidB(bstr, p + LenB(c), 20))
Set r = New RegExp
r.Pattern = "^[’""]?([-\w]+)"
Set c = r.Execute(c)
If c.Count >0 Then
charsetOf = LCase(c(0).SubMatches(0))
Exit Function
End If
End If
Dim n, ucsOnly, ret
ucsOnly = False
n = LenB(bstr)
For p = 1 To n
c = AscB(MidB(bstr, p, 1))
If c And &H80 Then Exit For
If c <&H20 Then
If c <>&HD And c <>&HA And c <>&H9 Then
ucsOnly = True
Exit For
End If
End If
If p >n Then
ret = "ascii"
ElseIf Not ucsOnly Then
If isUtf8(bstr, p, n) Then
ret = "utf-8"
ElseIf isGbk(bstr, p, n) Then
ret = "GB2312"
End If
End If
If IsEmpty(ret) Then
If isUnicode(bstr, p, n) Then
charsetOf = "unicode"
charsetOf = "unknown"
End If
charsetOf = ret
End If
End Function
Function s2b(str)
Dim r, i
For i = 1 To Len(str)
r = r + ChrB(Asc(Mid(str, i, 1)) And &HFF)
s2b = r
End Function
Function b2s(bs)
Dim r, i
For i = 1 To LenB(bs)
r = r + Chr(AscB(MidB(bs, i, 1)))
b2s = r
End Function
Function isUtf8(bs, start, Length)
isUtf8 = True
Dim p, e, c
e = False
For p = start To Length
c = AscB(MidB(bs, p, 1))
If c And &H80 Then
If c And &HE0 = &HC0 Then
If p = Length Then
e = True
p = p + 1
If AscB(MidB(bs, p, 1)) And &H30 <>&HC0 Then e = True
End If
ElseIf c And &HF0 = &HE0 Then
If p = Length Or p = Length - 1 Then
e = True
p = p + 2
If AscB(MidB(bs, p - 1, 1)) And &H30 <>&HC0 Then
e = True
ElseIf AscB(MidB(bs, p, 1)) And &H30 <>&HC0 Then
e = True
End If
End If
e = True
End If
End If
If e Then
isUtf8 = False
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Function isGbk(bs, start, Length)
isGbk = True
Dim p, e, c
e = False
For p = start To Length
c = AscB(MidB(bs, p, 1))
If c And &H80 Then
If p = Length Then
e = True
p = p + 1
If (AscB(MidB(bs, p, 1)) And &H80) = 0 Then e = True
End If
End If
If e Then
isGbk = False
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Function isUnicode(bs, start, Length)
isUnicode = True
Dim p, c
If start Mod 2 = 0 Then
isUnicode = False
Exit Function
End If
For p = start To Length
c = AscB(MidB(bs, p, 1))
If c And &H80 Then
If p = Length Then
isUnicode = False
Exit Function
p = p + 1
End If
End If
End Function
Function strCut(strContent,StartStr,EndStr,CutType)
Dim strHtml,S1,S2
strHtml = strContent
On Error Resume Next
Select Case CutType
Case 1
S1 = InStr(strHtml,StartStr)
S2 = InStr(S1,strHtml,EndStr)+Len(EndStr)
Case 2
S1 = InStr(strHtml,StartStr)+Len(StartStr)
S2 = InStr(S1,strHtml,EndStr)
End Select
If Err Then
strCute = "<p align=’center’>没有找到需要的内容。</p>"
Exit Function
strCut = Mid(strHtml,S1,S2-S1)
End If
End Function