数控车床或仪表 , 里面输入程序 L,M,G ,Z,X等等 这些各代表什么?

数控车床或仪表 , 里面输入程序 L,M,G ,Z,X等等 这些各代表什么?,第1张









G07------Z 样条曲线插补





G220-----系统 *** 作界面上使用


G230-----系统 *** 作界面上使用

















G70------英制尺寸 寸

















'描 述:仪表盘方式显示CPU和硬盘温度及系统信息

'网 站:http://www.Mndsoft.com/ (VB6源码博客)

'网 站:http://www.VbDnet.com/ (VB.NET源码博客,主要基于.NET2005)

'ADOINFO - a Programm to Monitor the Ressource Usage (C) by TETKOduma


'with Car-like Gauges as Displays for:


' CPU Usage as %

'CPU Temperature in Celsius

'HDD Temperature and S.M.A.R.T infos

'Ram USage

'and Battery load state

'This is quite usefull for Notebook users like me

'It's Tipcal for me that i dont like the

'the normal Forms and Designs, so it's Skinned again

'I Use the Smart Information for the Harddisk Temperature

Function GetDriveTemp()

Dim drv_info As DRIVE_INFO

drv_info = GetDriveInfo(0)

With drv_info

If .bDriveType = 0 Then Label2.Caption = "[无可用信息]"

If .bDriveType = 2 Then Label2.Caption = "[ATAPI 驱动器 - 无可用信息]"

If .bDriveType = 1 Then

For i = 0 To UBound(.Attributes)

If Trim$(.Attributes(i).AttrID) = "194" Then GetDriveTemp = (.Attributes(i).Raw(0)): Exit Function

Next i

End If

End With

End Function

'The Information Scrollab at the Bottom, used to Display now the SMART Information

Sub LAufschrift()

Dim drv_info As DRIVE_INFO

drv_info = GetDriveInfo(0)

With drv_info

If .bDriveType = 0 Then Label2.Caption = "[无可用信息]"

If .bDriveType = 2 Then Label2.Caption = "[ATAPI 驱动器 - 无可用信息]"

If .bDriveType = 1 Then

MsgScroller1.AddItem "模式:" &vbTab &vbTab + Trim$(.Model) + " "

MsgScroller1.AddItem "序号:" &vbTab &vbTab + Trim$(.SerialNumber) + " "

MsgScroller1.AddItem "固件: " &vbTab + Trim$(.FirmWare) + " "

MsgScroller1.AddItem "属性: " + "NAME [Value] [Treshold] [WorstValue] [RAW] "

For i = 0 To UBound(.Attributes)

MsgScroller1.AddItem "[" + Trim$(.Attributes(i).AttrID) + "] " + Trim$(.Attributes(i).AttrName) + " " + CStr(.Attributes(i).AttrValue) + " " + Trim$(.Attributes(i).ThresholdValue) + " " + Trim$(.Attributes(i).WorstValue) + " " + Trim$(.Attributes(i).Raw(0)) + " "

Next i

End If

End With

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim Ret As Long

'Dim Ret As Long

'Set the window style to 'Layered'

Ret = GetWindowLong(Me.hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE)


SetWindowLong Me.hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, Ret

'Set the opacity of the layered window to 200

SetLayeredWindowAttributes Me.hwnd, 0, 240, LWA_ALPHA

'X = Form1.Width / 2: Y = Form1.Height / 2

'Query anlegen und Handle darauf ermitteln

RetVal = PdhOpenQuery(0, 1, hQuery)

If RetVal <>0 Then

MsgBox "获取信息失败!", vbExclamation, "提示!"


End If

'Performance-Counter definieren

RetVal = PdhVbAddCounter(hQuery, "\Prozessor(0)\Prozessorzeit (%)", hCounter) 'German OS

If RetVal <>0 Then

RetVal = PdhVbAddCounter(hQuery, "\Processor(0)\% Processor Time", hCounter) ' English OS

If RetVal <>0 Then

MsgBox "获取信息失败!", vbExclamation, "提示!"

PdhCloseQuery hQuery 'Query im Fehlerfall wieder schlie遝n


End If

End If

'CPU Infos ermitteln via WMI !Slow!

CPU ' We do this Once at Start

HDAnz = ListDrives 'Die Anzahl der Laufwerke holen

xP = 0

iDir = 4

Unload splash2

Call LAufschrift 'Fill the Bottom Status Bar with Information

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

PdhCloseQuery hQuery 'Query wieder schlie遝n

End Sub

'CarComputer like Display With Wordwrap Function

'Input: PictureBox, LeftTop Position with X,Y, Wide, height, BackgroundColor, ForegroundColor, Text

Sub CarComp(Pic As PictureBox, x, y, G, G1, fa, fa2, Text)

X1 = 0

y1 = 0

'Drawing the BAckground with Line and BF Option (B for Box, F for FILLED)

If fa <>fa2 Then

Pic.Line (x, y)-(x + G, y + G1), fa, BF

End If

'Now Setting the Color for the Text and right Textsize

Pic.ForeColor = fa2

Pic.FontSize = 10

' Draw the Text on our little Display

For i = 1 To Len(Text)

s = Mid$(Text, i, 1)

A = Pic.TextWidth(s)

B = Pic.TextHeight(s)

Pic.CurrentX = x + X1

Pic.CurrentY = y + y1

If s = Chr$(12) Then

X1 = 0

y1 = y1 + B

If y1 >G1 Then Exit Sub


Pic.Print s

X1 = X1 + A

If X1 >= G Then X1 = 0: y1 = y1 + B: If y1 >G1 Then Exit Sub

End If

Next i

End Sub

' Super Gauge Car like Speed Display with Leds

Sub SGauge(Pic As PictureBox, x, y, G, fa, Wert, Text)

Dim X1, X2, x3, y1, y2, y3 As Double

PI = 3.1415926543 'Pi

Z = 10

XT = 0 '

G1 = Int(G / 100) 'Our Mesarement ist %, so we build the unit

Gr = G1 * 70 'Z3 is the Radius of the Text, The lines starts from

Z1 = G1 * 110

Z2 = G1 * 130

Z3 = G1 * 90 'Radius Z2 to to radius of Z3

F1 = G1 - 2

If F1 <10 Then F1 = 10 'We care about Font Size, should not be smaller then 10

Pic.FontSize = F1 'Setting the Font

Pic.DrawWidth = 1 'Starting with line a normal thick line

Pic.Circle (x, y), Gr, fa, 5.8, 4# 'Drawing in the inner Circle

A1 = (1.78 * PI) - ((((1.78 * PI) - 1) / 100) * Wert) 'Changing the Value in Wert to an angle

r = 0 'Starting Color is Black

For i = 1.78 * PI To 1 Step -0.0455

X1 = x + Int(sIn(i) * Z1)

y1 = y + Int(Cos(i) * Z1) 'Line From Point

X2 = x + Int(sIn(i) * Z2)

y2 = y + Int(Cos(i) * Z2) 'Line to Point

x3 = x + Int(sIn(i) * Z3)

y3 = y + Int(Cos(i) * Z3) 'Postion of Text

If A1 <= i Then 'if our Value Angel is smaler or Equal then bright LEDs

If Wert <70 Then fru = &H6600 + Wert * 2 Else fru = &H33 + Wert * 2

Pic.DrawWidth = 2 'a biger Line is like a LED -)


Pic.DrawWidth = 2 'the Small dark line means the LED is off

fru = 0

End If

If Z = 10 Then 'Every Ten line we draw a longer White Line in the Gauge

Pic.DrawWidth = 2

Pic.CurrentX = x3 - 40 - Pic.TextWidth(XT) / 2

Pic.CurrentY = y3 - Pic.TextHeight(XT) / 2 'Calculate the Text Position

Pic.ForeColor = fa

Pic.Print XT

XT = XT + 10 'Dawing Gauge Measerment in steps of 10

Pic.Line (X1, y1)-(X2, y2), fa

'AALine pic.hdc, X1, VarPtr(y1), VarPtr(X2), VarPtr(y2), VarPtr(Fa), 2, 100


Pic.Line (X1, y1)-(X2, y2), (r + fru) '

'AALine pic.hdc, VarPtr(X1), VarPtr(y1), VarPtr(X2), VarPtr(y2), VarPtr(r + fru), 2, 100

End If

Z = Z + 1

If Z >10 Then Z = 1

r = &H6000

Next i

Pic.FontSize = 8

Pic.CurrentX = x - (Pic.TextWidth(Text) / 2)

Pic.CurrentY = y + G1 * 80

Pic.Print Text

End Sub

'Draws a horizontal Bar, like a Progressbar

Sub Balken(Pic As PictureBox, x, y, G, D, fa, Wert, Text)

Pic.DrawWidth = 1

xf = Pic.TextWidth(Text) + 40

'Wert = 90

Pic.CurrentX = x

Pic.CurrentY = y - 30

Pic.ForeColor = fa

Pic.Print Text

Pic.Line (x + xf, y)-(x + xf + G, y + D), fa, B

G2 = G - 40

D2 = D - 40

L = Int((G2 / 100) * Wert)

If Wert <85 Then fa2 = &H10000 Else fa2 = &H1

X2 = x + 20 + xf

x3 = x + xf + L

For i = 1 To D2 / 2 Step 3

y2 = y + i + 20

'F3 = ((90 + I) * fa2 + &H444444)

F3 = RGB(50, 160 + i, 50)

Pic.Line (X2, y2)-(x3, y2), F3

Next i

For i = 1 To D2 / 2 Step 3

y2 = y + (D2 / 2 + i) + 20

'F3 = ((90 + (D2 / 2 - I)) * fa2 + &H444444)

F3 = RGB(50, 160 - i, 50)

Pic.Line (X2, y2)-(x3, y2), F3

Next i

End Sub

Sub Balken2(Pic As PictureBox, x, y, G, D, fa, Wert, Text)

Pic.FontSize = 8

Pic.DrawWidth = 1

L = Int((G / 100) * Wert)

xf = Pic.TextHeight(Text) + 40

XB = Pic.TextWidth(Text) / 2

Pic.CurrentX = x - XB

Pic.CurrentY = y - xf - 20

Pic.ForeColor = fa

Pic.Print Str$(Wert) + Text

'pic.Line (x, y)-(x + D, y + g + 14), 0, BF

Pic.Line (x, y)-(x + D, y + G + 14), fa, B

G2 = G - 40

D2 = D - 40

L = Int((G2 / 100) * Wert)

L = Int((G2 / 100) * Wert)

If Wert <85 Then fa2 = &H10000 Else fa2 = &H1

X2 = x + D

y3 = y + G

For i = L To 1 Step -1

F3 = &H882222 + (i / 6)

y3 = y + G - i

Pic.Line (x + 10, y3)-(x + D - 10, y3), F3

Next i

For i = L To 100

y3 = y + G - i

Pic.Line (x + 10, y3)-(x + D - 10, y3), o

Next i

End Sub

'Gauge Type 1

Sub DrawGauge1(Pic As PictureBox, x, y, G, fa, Text)

PI = 3.1415926543

Z = 5

XT = 0

G1 = Int(G / 100)

Gr = G1 * 70

Z1 = G1 * 110

Z2 = G1 * 130

Z3 = G1 * 90

F1 = G1 - 2

If F1 <10 Then F1 = 10

Pic.FontSize = F1

'Pic.Caption = Str$(g1) + " " + Str$(R)

Pic.Circle (x, y), Gr, fa, 5.8, 4#

For i = 1.78 * PI To 1 Step -0.091

X1 = x + Int(sIn(i) * Z1)

y1 = y + Int(Cos(i) * Z1)

X2 = x + Int(sIn(i) * Z2)

y2 = y + Int(Cos(i) * Z2)

x3 = x + Int(sIn(i) * Z3)

y3 = y + Int(Cos(i) * Z3)

If Z = 5 Then

Pic.DrawWidth = 2

Pic.CurrentX = x3 - 40 - Pic.TextWidth(XT) / 2

Pic.CurrentY = y3 - Pic.TextHeight(XT) / 2

Pic.ForeColor = fa

Pic.Print XT

XT = XT + 10


Pic.DrawWidth = 1

End If

Z = Z + 1

If Z >5 Then Z = 1

Pic.Line (X1, y1)-(X2, y2), fa

Next i

Pic.FontSize = 8

Pic.CurrentX = x - (Pic.TextWidth(Text) / 2)

Pic.CurrentY = y + G1 * 80

Pic.Print Text

End Sub


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/yw/8135924.html

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