<address> | information on author |
<blockquote> | long quotation |
<button> | push button |
<caption> | table caption |
<dd> | definition description |
<del> | deleted text |
<div> | generic language/style container |
<dl> | definition list |
<dt> | definition term |
<fieldset> | form control group |
<form> | interactive form |
<h1> | heading |
<h2> | heading |
<h3> | heading |
<h4> | heading |
<h5> | heading |
<h6> | heading |
<hr> | horizontal rule |
<iframe> | inline subwindow |
<ins> | inserted text |
<legend> | fieldset legend |
<li> | list item |
<map> | client-side image map |
<noframes> | alternate content container for non frame-based rendering |
<noscript> | alternate content container for non script-based rendering |
<object> | generic embedded object |
<ol> | ordered list |
<p> | paragraph |
<pre> | preformatted text |
<table> | table |
<tbody> | table body |
<td> | table data cell |
<tfoot> | table footer |
<th> | table header cell |
<thead> | table header |
<tr> | table row |
<ul> | unordered list |
<a> | anchor |
<abbr> | abbreviated form |
<acronym> | acronym |
<b> | bold text style |
<bdo> | I18N BiDi over-ride |
<big> | large text style |
<br> | forced line break |
<button> | push button |
<cite> | citation |
<code> | computer code fragment |
<del> | deleted text |
<dfn> | instance definition |
<em> | emphasis |
<i> | italic text style |
<iframe> | inline subwindow |
<img> | Embedded image |
<input> | form control |
<ins> | inserted text |
<kbd> | text to be entered by the user |
<label> | form field label text |
<map> | client-side image map |
<object> | generic embedded object |
<q> | short inline quotation |
<samp> | sample program output, scripts, etc. |
<select> | option selector |
<small> | small text style |
<span> | generic language/style container |
<strong> | strong emphasis |
<sub> | subscript |
<sup> | superscript |
<textarea> | multi-line text field |
<tt> | teletype or monospaced text style |
<var> | instance of a variable or program argument |
【前段开发】行内元素和块级元素总结(HTML CSS),布布扣,bubuko.com
【前段开发】行内元素和块级元素总结(HTML CSS)