Using Pythonbrew and Virtualenv(with pip) for creating sandboxed Python development environments.

Using Pythonbrew and Virtualenv(with pip) for creating sandboxed Python development environments.,第1张

Using Pythonbrew and Virtualenv(with pip) for creating sandboxed Python development environments.

Using Pythonbrew and Virtualenv(with pip) for creating sandboxed Python development environments.

As developers get started with a project, they prefer having total control over the development environment, as much as possible to perfectly match the deployment environment. The other strong requirement, especially in a team with mutiple developers would be to work on exactly replicated environments.

I have recently been looking into web development using Python(Django). Having some experience from Ruby/Rails development I have come to appreciate the bells and whistles that come along with it, some of which I believe raises the bar of productivity and helps developers get their work done in a better fashion. One of such is the proliferation of tools to create perfectly sandboxed Ruby development environments using RVM and Bundler.



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