select * from jq_jjjl where bt like '%女子''%'
string constr = "Server=" + DBConfig.DBAPP_IP + ";user id=" + DBConfig.DBAPP_USER + ";password=" + DBConfig.DBAPP_PASSWD + ";Database=" + DBConfig.DBAPP_DBNAME + ";Connect Timeout=30"; string cmdstr = "SELECT * FROM WIRELESS_POLICE_T"; // Create the adapter with the selectCommand txt and the connection string SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(cmdstr, constr); // Create the builder for the adapter to automatically generate the Command when needed SqlCommandBuilder builder = new SqlCommandBuilder(adapter); // Create and fill the DataSet using the WIRELESS_POLICE_T DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); adapter.Fill(dataset, "WIRELESS_POLICE_T"); // Get the WIRELESS_POLICE_T table from the dataset DataTable table = dataset.Tables["WIRELESS_POLICE_T"]; // Indicate DataColumn WLPid is unique, This is required by the SqlCommandBuilder to update the WIRELESS_POLICE_T table table.Columns["WLPid"].Unique = true; // New row from the WIRELESS_POLICE_T table DataRow row = table.NewRow(); // Update a column //row["xxx"] = xxx; // 你的赋值语句 // Now update the WIRELESS_POLICE_T using the adapter // The OracleCommandBuilder will create the UpdateCommand for the adapter to update the WIRELESS_POLICE_T table adapter.Update(dataset, "WIRELESS_POLICE_T");
string constr = "Server=" + DBConfig.DBAPP_IP + ";user id=" + DBConfig.DBAPP_USER + ";password=" + DBConfig.DBAPP_PASSWD + ";Database=" + DBConfig.DBAPP_DBNAME + ";Connect Timeout=30"; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(constr); // 此处可能存在sql语句中含有单引号的问题 /** string cmdstr = "update WIRELESS_PERSON_T set PersonName='"+person.getPersonName() +"', PersonSex='"+person.getPersonSex()+"', YID='"+person.getYID() +"', caseinfoid='"+person.getCaseinfoid()+"', Kind='"+person.getKind() +"', caseremark='"+person.getCaseremark()+"', ArrivalKind='"+person.getArrivalKind() +"' where personId="+person.getPersonId(); * */ string cmdstr = "update WIRELESS_PERSON_T set PersonName=@PersonName, PersonSex='" + person.getPersonSex() + "', YID=@YID, caseinfoid='" + person.getCaseinfoid() + "', Kind='" + person.getKind() + "', caseremark=@Caseremark, ArrivalKind='" + person.getArrivalKind() + "' where PersonId=" + person.getPersonId(); Console.WriteLine(cmdstr); //SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(cmdstr, conn); SqlCommand command = conn.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = cmdstr; command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("PersonName", person.getPersonName())); command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("YID", person.getYID())); command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("Caseremark", person.getCaseremark())); try { conn.Open(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("保存信息成功!"); } catch (Exception e2) { MessageBox.Show("保存出错!" + e2.Message); return; } finally { conn.Close(); }