1. 发生异常时可配置备用程序
aa = [1,2,4,5,7,0,2] for ii in aa: try: h = 2/ii print(h) except: #发生异常时备用 h = 2/(ii+1) print(h)
2. 单个异常捕获
dict_ = {} try: print(dict_['test']) print(' --- testing... --- ') except KeyError as e: print('--- the error is ---:', e) #单个异常 print(' ---finished!!--- ')
3. 多个异常捕获,循环中
num = [9,7,0,1,4,'16'] for x in num: try: print (1/x) except ZeroDivisionError: print('error:0做除数!') except TypeError: # 当报错信息为TypeError,执行下面的语句。 print('error:数值类型错误!') print(' ---finished!!--- ')
4. 通用异常:Exception,当你不知道异常的种类或者多少异常的时候,可以使用通用异常捕获,同时通用异常可以与特定异常混用。
num = [9,7,0,1,4,'16'] for x in num: try: print (1/x) except ZeroDivisionError: print('error:0做除数!') #特定异常和Exception混合使用 except Exception as e: print('the Exception is:',e) print(' ---finished!!--- ')
5. else语句:在被检测的代码块没有发生异常时执行
dict_ = {'test':'这个地方是哪里?'} try: print(dict_['test']) print(' --- testing... --- ') except KeyError as e: print('--- the error is ---:', e) #单个异常 else: print('没有发生异常!') print(' ---finished!!--- ')
6. finally语句:不管有没有发生异常都会执行
dict_ = {'test':'这个地方是哪里?'} try: print(dict_['test']) print(' --- testing... --- ') except KeyError as e: print('--- the error is ---:', e) #单个异常 else: print('没有发生异常!') finally: print('总可以被执行的语句。。。') print(' ---finished!!--- ')