result = re.search('([^()]+)',s)
import re '''根据本逻辑,‘-'必须早于‘+'循环 否则特殊情况会报错 原因是若出现符号--,会被处理为+,若+优先遍历,最后+将无法被处理''' oper_char = ['^','*','/','-','+'] def format_str(s): '''除去空格和两边括号''' return s.replace(' ','').replace('(','').replace(')','') def handle_symbol(s): '''处理多个运算符并列的情况''' return s.replace('+-','-').replace('--','+').replace('-+','-').replace('++','+') def cal(x,y,opertor): '''加减乘除开方''' if opertor == '^':return x**y elif opertor == '*':return x*y elif opertor == '/':return x/y elif opertor == '+':return x+y elif opertor == '-':return x-y def Bottom_operation(s): '''无括号运算 返回一个浮点数 symbol用于判断返回值是正还是负''' symbol = 0 s = handle_symbol(s) for c in oper_char: while c in s: id,char = (s.find(c),c) if c in ('*','/') and '*' in s and '/' in s: ids,idd = (s.find('*'),s.find('/')) id,char = (ids,'*') if ids <= idd else (idd,'/') if c in ('+','-') and '+' in s and '-' in s: ida,idd = (s.find('+'),s.find('-')) id,char = (ida,'+') if ida <= idd else (idd,'-') if id == -1:break left,right = ('','') for i in range(id - 1,-1,-1): if s[i] in oper_char:break left = s[i] + left for i in range(id + 1,len(s)): if s[id+1] == '-': right += s[i] continue if s[i] in oper_char:break right += s[i] if right == '' or left == '': if s[0] in ('-','+'): if '+' not in s[1:] and '-' not in s[1:]:break s = s[1:].replace('-','负').replace('+','-').replace('负','+') symbol += 1 continue else:return '输入算式有误' old_str = left + char + right new_str = str(cal(float(left),float(right),char)) s = handle_symbol(s.replace(old_str,new_str)) return float(s) if symbol % 2 == 0 else -float(s) def get_bottom(s): '''获取优先级最高的表达式''' res = re.search('([^()]+)',s) if res != None:return res.group() if __name__ == '__main__': while True: s1 = input('请输入您要计算的表达式(支持加减乘除开方): ') while get_bottom(s1) != None: source = get_bottom(s1) result = Bottom_operation(format_str((source))) s1 = s1.replace(source,str(result)) print(Bottom_operation(format_str(s1)))