poj 1138 Ships

poj 1138 Ships,第1张

poj 1138 Ships
#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>#include<iostream>using namespace std;#define LL 20#define X 28 //x sum count = 7*4typedef struct pot{    int m;//the number of the 'o'    int n;//the number of the 'x'    bool is_various;//if m > 0 and n > 0 then is_various = true    int x;//the coordinate of x,(0,0) is origin point    int y;//the coordinate of y,(0,0) is origin point    pot()    {        m=0;        n=0;        is_various=false;        x=0;        y=0;    }}pot,*pot_link;typedef struct grid{    int r;    int c;    pot val[LL][LL];    grid()    {        r=0;        c=0;    }}grid,*grid_link;char grids[500][LL][LL];//save the possible complete grid (no '.' only 'o' or 'x')int cnt=0;//count of the gridsint used_grids[500]={0};//0 is not visited  x>0 is cur==x  we visited itchar in_grid[LL][LL];//input gridgrid pot_grid;//save the cases of pot in gridint W=0,H=0;//the input grid 's width and heightint R=0,C=0;//the input of row and colint cases=0;int x_cnt=0;//x count of inputint o_cnt=0;//o count of inputint i_cnt=0;//. count of input and x_cnt + o_cnt + i_cnt == W * H//the 7 kinds of boat all patterns include per kind and rotate 4 timeschar patterns[19][10][10]={  {      "xx",//1 kind -> 1 pattern      "xx"  },  {      "xx",//1 kind-> 2 patterns      " xx"  },  {      " x",      "xx",      "x"  },  {      " xx",//1 kind -> 2 patterns      "xx"  },  {      "x ",      "xx",      " x"  },  {      "x",//1 kind -> 4 patterns      "xxx"  },  {      "xx",      "x",      "x"  },  {      "xxx",      "  x"  },  {      " x",      " x",      "xx"  },  {      " x ",//1 kind -> 4 patterns      "xxx"  },  {      "x",      "xx",      "x"  },  {      "xxx",      " x"  },  {      " x",      "xx",      " x"  },  {      "  x",//1 kind -> 4 patterns      "xxx"  },  {      "x",      "x",      "xx"  },  {      "xxx",      "x"  },  {      "xx",      " x",      " x"  },  {      "xxxx"//1 kind -> 2 patterns  },  {      "x",      "x",      "x",      "x"  }};int kind_cnt[7]={1,2,2,4,4,4,2};//kind count of the 7 kind of boats, i(begin with 0) kind jth pattern is patterns[kind_cnt[0]+kind_cnt[1]+......+kind_cnt[i-1]+j]int kind_ind[7]={0,1,3,5,9,13,17};//kind index in the patterns array//in_grid  deal -> ('z','x'->'x'  'o','.'->'o')int insert_grid(){    //insert the in_grid to grids    for(int i=0;i<=R-1;i++)    {        for(int j=0;j<=C-1;j++)        { if(in_grid[i][j]=='.') {grids[cnt][i][j]='o';} else if(in_grid[i][j]>=0&&in_grid[i][j]<=6) {grids[cnt][i][j]='x';} else {grids[cnt][i][j]=in_grid[i][j];}        }    }    cnt++;    if(cnt>=1000) {cnt--;}//exceed the boundary    return(0);}//place next patterns and insert the complete grid into the gridsint DFS_kind(int cur){    if(x_cnt>28) {return(0);}    if(cnt>R*C) {return(-1);}    if(cur>=7)    {        int x_c=0;        for(int i=0;i<=R-1;i++)        { for(int j=0;j<=C-1;j++) {     if(in_grid[i][j]=='x'||(in_grid[i][j]>=0&&in_grid[i][j]<=6)) {x_c++;} }        }        if(x_c==28)//4(point) * 7(boat pattern)        { insert_grid();//in_grid -> ('z','x'->'x'  'o','.'->'o') and not insert the repeat gird        }    }    else    {        //scan this kind of all specific patterns        for(int k=0;k<=kind_cnt[cur]-1;k++)        { int pat_ind=kind_ind[cur]+k; //translation the pattern's origin point from (0,0) .... to ... (R-1,C-1) for(int nexti=0;nexti<=R-1;nexti++) {     for(int nextj=0;nextj<=C-1;nextj++)     {         //scan the patterns and in_grid by nexti,nextj         int i=0,j=0;         int match_cnt=0;         //record the previous value to reverse         int pre_x[5]={0};         int pre_y[5]={0};         char pre_char[5]={0};         while(i<=4-1&&j<=4-1)         {  char ch=patterns[pat_ind][i][j];  if(ch!='')  {      if(ch=='x')      {          if(nexti+i>R-1||nextj+j>C-1) {break;}//exceed boundary,it must no be matched          if(in_grid[nexti+i][nextj+j]=='x'||in_grid[nexti+i][nextj+j]=='.')//matched          {   if(in_grid[nexti+i][nextj+j]=='.') {x_cnt++;}   pre_x[match_cnt]=nexti+i;   pre_y[match_cnt]=nextj+j;   pre_char[match_cnt]=in_grid[nexti+i][nextj+j];   match_cnt++;   in_grid[nexti+i][nextj+j]=cur;//the current cur turn we mark it to indicate that this point have been visited at curth turn          }          else {break;}//the in_grid[nexti+i][nextj+j]=='o' or 'z',not matched      }  }  j++;  if(j>4-1)  {      j=0;      i++;  }         }         if(match_cnt==4)//is matched this kind dfs next kind         {  int flag=DFS_kind(cur+1);  if(flag==-1) {return(-1);}         }         //reverse the z -> x or .         for(int ci=0;ci<=match_cnt-1;ci++) {in_grid[pre_x[ci]][pre_y[ci]]=pre_char[ci];if(pre_char[ci]=='.') {x_cnt--;}}     } }        }    }    return(0);}//construct the pot_gridint constr_pot(){    //construct the pot_grid    for(int c=0;c<=cnt-1;c++)    {        for(int i=0;i<=R-1;i++)        { for(int j=0;j<=C-1;j++) {     if(grids[c][i][j]=='x') {pot_grid.val[i][j].n++;}     else {pot_grid.val[i][j].m++;} }        }    }    //construct the is_various    for(int i=0;i<=R-1;i++)    {        for(int j=0;j<=C-1;j++)        { if(pot_grid.val[i][j].m>0&&pot_grid.val[i][j].n>0) {pot_grid.val[i][j].is_various=true;}        }    }    return(0);}//sub the char c in the all min_m.x min_m.y in the gridsint sub_grids(pot min_m,char ch,int cur){    for(int c=0;c<=cnt-1;c++)    {        if(!used_grids[c]&&grids[c][min_m.x][min_m.y]==ch)        { used_grids[c]=cur; for(int i=0;i<=R-1;i++) {     for(int j=0;j<=C-1;j++)     {         if(grids[c][i][j]=='x') {pot_grid.val[i][j].n--;}         else {pot_grid.val[i][j].m--;}         if(!(pot_grid.val[i][j].m>0&&pot_grid.val[i][j].n>0)) {pot_grid.val[i][j].is_various=false;}     } }        }    }    return(0);}//add the char c in the used_grids[x] == cur in the pot_grid,reverse the subint add_grids(int cur){    for(int c=0;c<=cnt-1;c++)    {        if(used_grids[c]==cur)        { used_grids[c]=0; for(int i=0;i<=R-1;i++) {     for(int j=0;j<=C-1;j++)     {         if(grids[c][i][j]=='x') {pot_grid.val[i][j].n++;}         else {pot_grid.val[i][j].m++;}         if(pot_grid.val[i][j].m>0&&pot_grid.val[i][j].n>0) {pot_grid.val[i][j].is_various=true;}     } }        }    }    return(0);}//dfs  the pot_grid and eliminate the various pot,the use_o must <= 1 , cur is the count of turn it must > 0int DFS_pot(int cur,int use_o){    if(use_o>=2) {return(0);}//have used 'o' twice or more times then it is false    //find various pot , minimum m    pot min_m;    int flag=0;    int mark=0;    min_m.m=1000;    for(int i=0;i<=R-1;i++)    {        for(int j=0;j<=C-1;j++)        { if(pot_grid.val[i][j].is_various) {     flag=1;     if(pot_grid.val[i][j].m<min_m.m)     {         min_m.m=pot_grid.val[i][j].m;         min_m.n=pot_grid.val[i][j].n;         min_m.x=i;         min_m.y=j;     } }        }    }    if(!flag) {return(1);}//no 'o' we direct get yes    //suppose the min_m pot is 'o' so we eliminate the 'x' of grids    sub_grids(min_m,'x',cur);    //dfs    mark=DFS_pot(cur+1,use_o+1);    if(!mark) {return(0);}//if false then all false    //reverse the  suppose of the min_m pot is 'o'    add_grids(cur);    //suppose the min_m pot is 'x'    sub_grids(min_m,'o',cur);    //dfs    mark=DFS_pot(cur+1,use_o);    if(!mark) {return(0);}//if false then all false    //reverse the  suppose of the min_m pot is 'x'    add_grids(cur);    return(1);}int main(){    //note!! this problem in uva(322) is input is W H  but in poj(1138) is H W, current version is for uva    while(scanf("%d%d",&H,&W)!=EOF&&(W+H)>0)    {        R=H;        C=W;        cnt=0;        x_cnt=o_cnt=i_cnt=0;        pot_grid.r=R;        pot_grid.c=C;        memset(grids,'',sizeof(grids));        memset(used_grids,0,sizeof(used_grids));        for(int i=0;i<=R-1;i++)//initialize the pot_grid        { for(int j=0;j<=C-1;j++) {     pot_grid.val[i][j].is_various=false;     pot_grid.val[i][j].m=pot_grid.val[i][j].n=pot_grid.val[i][j].x=pot_grid.val[i][j].y=0; }        }        printf("Game #%dn",++cases);        for(int i=0;i<=R-1;i++)        { scanf("%s",in_grid[i]); for(int j=0;j<=C-1;j++) {     switch(in_grid[i][j])     {     case 'x':         x_cnt++;         break;     case 'o':         o_cnt++;         break;     case '.':         i_cnt++;         break;     } }        }        //prune        if(x_cnt>28)        { printf("no.nn"); continue;        }        //dfs the input grid        DFS_kind(0);//place next patterns and insert the complete grid into the grids        //construction pot_grid        constr_pot();        //dfs the pot_grid and get the  yes or no        if(cnt>0&&cnt<=R*C&&DFS_pot(1,0)) printf("yes.nn");        else printf("no.nn");    }    return(0);}


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zaji/4936682.html

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