- 引言
- 一、结果(打开图像_简单处理)
- 1.1 Halcon演示结果
- 1.2 MFC演示结果
- 二、Halcon代码
- 三、MFC源代码
- 1.halcon导出C++
- 2.头文件主要代码
- 3.源文件主要代码
一、结果(打开图像_简单处理) 1.1 Halcon演示结果
* edge_segments.hdev: extracting connected edges segments * dev_update_off () dev_close_window () * **** * step: acquire image * **** read_image (Image, 'mreut') get_image_size (Image, Width, Height) dev_open_window_fit_image (Image, 0, 0, Width, Height, WindowID) set_display_font (WindowID, 12, 'mono', 'true', 'false') dev_set_draw ('margin') dev_set_line_width (3) dev_display (Image) disp_continue_message (WindowID, 'black', 'true') stop () * **** * step: filter image * **** edges_image (Image, ImaAmp, ImaDir, 'lanser2', 0.5, 'nms', 20, 40) dev_display (ImaAmp) disp_continue_message (WindowID, 'black', 'true') stop () * **** * step: extract edges * **** threshold (ImaAmp, Region, 1, 255) connection (Region, ConnectedRegions) dev_clear_window () dev_set_colored (12) dev_display (ConnectedRegions) disp_continue_message (WindowID, 'black', 'true') stop () * **** * step: process edges * **** dev_clear_window () count_obj (ConnectedRegions, Number) gen_empty_obj (XLDContours) for i := 1 to Number by 1 select_obj (ConnectedRegions, SingleEdgeObject, i) split_skeleton_lines (SingleEdgeObject, 2, BeginRow, BeginCol, EndRow, EndCol) for k := 0 to |BeginRow| - 1 by 1 gen_contour_polygon_xld (Contour, [BeginRow[k],EndRow[k]], [BeginCol[k],EndCol[k]]) concat_obj (XLDContours, Contour, XLDContours) endfor endfor dev_display (XLDContours)三、MFC源代码 1.halcon导出C++
// Main procedure void action() { // Local iconic variables HObject ho_Image, ho_ImaAmp, ho_ImaDir, ho_Region; HObject ho_ConnectedRegions, ho_XLDContours, ho_SingleEdgeObject; HObject ho_Contour; // Local control variables HTuple hv_Width, hv_Height, hv_WindowID, hv_Number; HTuple hv_i, hv_BeginRow, hv_BeginCol, hv_EndRow, hv_EndCol; HTuple hv_k; //edge_segments.hdev: extracting connected edges segments // dev_update_off(); if (HDevWindowStack::IsOpen()) CloseWindow(HDevWindowStack::Pop()); //**** //step: acquire image //**** ReadImage(&ho_Image, "mreut"); GetImageSize(ho_Image, &hv_Width, &hv_Height); dev_open_window_fit_image(ho_Image, 0, 0, hv_Width, hv_Height, &hv_WindowID); set_display_font(hv_WindowID, 12, "mono", "true", "false"); if (HDevWindowStack::IsOpen()) SetDraw(HDevWindowStack::GetActive(),"margin"); if (HDevWindowStack::IsOpen()) SetLineWidth(HDevWindowStack::GetActive(),3); if (HDevWindowStack::IsOpen()) DispObj(ho_Image, HDevWindowStack::GetActive()); disp_continue_message(hv_WindowID, "black", "true"); // stop(); only in hdevelop //**** //step: filter image //**** EdgesImage(ho_Image, &ho_ImaAmp, &ho_ImaDir, "lanser2", 0.5, "nms", 20, 40); if (HDevWindowStack::IsOpen()) DispObj(ho_ImaAmp, HDevWindowStack::GetActive()); disp_continue_message(hv_WindowID, "black", "true"); // stop(); only in hdevelop //**** //step: extract edges //**** Threshold(ho_ImaAmp, &ho_Region, 1, 255); Connection(ho_Region, &ho_ConnectedRegions); if (HDevWindowStack::IsOpen()) ClearWindow(HDevWindowStack::GetActive()); if (HDevWindowStack::IsOpen()) SetColored(HDevWindowStack::GetActive(),12); if (HDevWindowStack::IsOpen()) DispObj(ho_ConnectedRegions, HDevWindowStack::GetActive()); disp_continue_message(hv_WindowID, "black", "true"); // stop(); only in hdevelop //**** //step: process edges //**** if (HDevWindowStack::IsOpen()) ClearWindow(HDevWindowStack::GetActive()); CountObj(ho_ConnectedRegions, &hv_Number); GenEmptyObj(&ho_XLDContours); { HTuple end_val39 = hv_Number; HTuple step_val39 = 1; for (hv_i=1; hv_i.Continue(end_val39, step_val39); hv_i += step_val39) { SelectObj(ho_ConnectedRegions, &ho_SingleEdgeObject, hv_i); SplitSkeletonLines(ho_SingleEdgeObject, 2, &hv_BeginRow, &hv_BeginCol, &hv_EndRow, &hv_EndCol); { HTuple end_val42 = (hv_BeginRow.TupleLength())-1; HTuple step_val42 = 1; for (hv_k=0; hv_k.Continue(end_val42, step_val42); hv_k += step_val42) { GenContourPolygonXld(&ho_Contour, HTuple(hv_BeginRow[hv_k]).TupleConcat(HTuple(hv_EndRow[hv_k])), HTuple(hv_BeginCol[hv_k]).TupleConcat(HTuple(hv_EndCol[hv_k]))); ConcatObj(ho_XLDContours, ho_Contour, &ho_XLDContours); } } } } if (HDevWindowStack::IsOpen()) DispObj(ho_XLDContours, HDevWindowStack::GetActive()); }
#includeusing namespace HalconCpp;
// HalconMFCDlg.h: 头文件 // #pragma once #include"OhterAssist.h" #include3.源文件主要代码using namespace HalconCpp; // CHalconMFCDlg 对话框 class CHalconMFCDlg : public CDialogEx { // 构造 public: CHalconMFCDlg(CWnd* pParent = nullptr); // 标准构造函数 // 对话框数据 #ifdef AFX_DESIGN_TIME enum { IDD = IDD_HALCONMFC_DIALOG }; #endif protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV 支持 // 实现 protected: HICON m_hIcon; // 生成的消息映射函数 virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); afx_msg void OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam); afx_msg void OnPaint(); afx_msg HCURSOR OnQueryDragIcon(); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() public: MyAssist myassist; // Local iconic variables HObject ho_Image, ho_ImaAmp, ho_ImaDir, ho_Region; HObject ho_ConnectedRegions, ho_XLDContours, ho_SingleEdgeObject; HObject ho_Contour; // Local control variables HTuple hv_Width, hv_Height, hv_WindowID, hv_Number; HTuple hv_i, hv_BeginRow, hv_BeginCol, hv_EndRow, hv_EndCol; HTuple hv_k; public: afx_msg void OnBnClickedButtonReadimage(); afx_msg void OnBnClickedButtonProcessimage(); };
// HalconMFCDlg.cpp: 实现文件 // #include "pch.h" #include "framework.h" #include "HalconMFC.h" #include "HalconMFCDlg.h" #include "afxdialogex.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif // CHalconMFCDlg 对话框 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CHalconMFCDlg, CDialogEx) ON_WM_SYSCOMMAND() ON_WM_PAINT() ON_WM_QUERYDRAGICON() ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_READIMAGE, &CHalconMFCDlg::OnBnClickedButtonReadimage) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_PROCESSIMAGE, &CHalconMFCDlg::OnBnClickedButtonProcessimage) END_MESSAGE_MAP() void CHalconMFCDlg::OnBnClickedButtonReadimage() { // TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码 //**** //step: acquire image //**** ReadImage(&ho_Image, "mreut"); GetImageSize(ho_Image, &hv_Width, &hv_Height); myassist.dev_open_window_fit_image(ho_Image, 0, 0, hv_Width, hv_Height, &hv_WindowID); myassist.set_display_font(hv_WindowID, 12, "mono", "true", "false"); if (HDevWindowStack::IsOpen()) SetDraw(HDevWindowStack::GetActive(), "margin"); if (HDevWindowStack::IsOpen()) SetLineWidth(HDevWindowStack::GetActive(), 3); if (HDevWindowStack::IsOpen()) DispObj(ho_Image, HDevWindowStack::GetActive()); //myassist.disp_continue_message(hv_WindowID, "black", "true"); } void CHalconMFCDlg::OnBnClickedButtonProcessimage() { // TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码 //**** //step: filter image //**** EdgesImage(ho_Image, &ho_ImaAmp, &ho_ImaDir, "lanser2", 0.5, "nms", 20, 40); if (HDevWindowStack::IsOpen()) DispObj(ho_ImaAmp, HDevWindowStack::GetActive()); //myassist.disp_continue_message(hv_WindowID, "black", "true"); // stop(); only in hdevelop //**** //step: extract edges //**** Threshold(ho_ImaAmp, &ho_Region, 1, 255); Connection(ho_Region, &ho_ConnectedRegions); if (HDevWindowStack::IsOpen()) ClearWindow(HDevWindowStack::GetActive()); if (HDevWindowStack::IsOpen()) SetColored(HDevWindowStack::GetActive(), 12); if (HDevWindowStack::IsOpen()) DispObj(ho_ConnectedRegions, HDevWindowStack::GetActive()); //myassist.disp_continue_message(hv_WindowID, "black", "true"); // stop(); only in hdevelop //**** //step: process edges //**** if (HDevWindowStack::IsOpen()) ClearWindow(HDevWindowStack::GetActive()); CountObj(ho_ConnectedRegions, &hv_Number); GenEmptyObj(&ho_XLDContours); { HTuple end_val39 = hv_Number; HTuple step_val39 = 1; for (hv_i = 1; hv_i.Continue(end_val39, step_val39); hv_i += step_val39) { SelectObj(ho_ConnectedRegions, &ho_SingleEdgeObject, hv_i); SplitSkeletonLines(ho_SingleEdgeObject, 2, &hv_BeginRow, &hv_BeginCol, &hv_EndRow, &hv_EndCol); { HTuple end_val42 = (hv_BeginRow.TupleLength()) - 1; HTuple step_val42 = 1; for (hv_k = 0; hv_k.Continue(end_val42, step_val42); hv_k += step_val42) { GenContourPolygonXld(&ho_Contour, HTuple(hv_BeginRow[hv_k]).TupleConcat(HTuple(hv_EndRow[hv_k])), HTuple(hv_BeginCol[hv_k]).TupleConcat(HTuple(hv_EndCol[hv_k]))); ConcatObj(ho_XLDContours, ho_Contour, &ho_XLDContours); } } } } if (HDevWindowStack::IsOpen()) DispObj(ho_XLDContours, HDevWindowStack::GetActive()); }
需要注意halcon和vs2017配置,MyAssist 类是将导出为C++的文件中的一些辅助函数进行了一些封装
//OhterAssist.h: 头文件 #pragma once #includeusing namespace HalconCpp; class MyAssist { public: MyAssist(); ~MyAssist(); void dev_open_window_fit_image(HObject ho_Image, HTuple hv_Row, HTuple hv_Column, HTuple hv_WidthLimit, HTuple hv_HeightLimit, HTuple *hv_WindowHandle); // Chapter: Develop // Short Description: Switch dev_update_pc, dev_update_var and dev_update_window to 'off'. void dev_update_off(); // Chapter: Graphics / Text // Short Description: Set font independent of OS void set_display_font(HTuple hv_WindowHandle, HTuple hv_Size, HTuple hv_Font, HTuple hv_Bold, HTuple hv_Slant); // Chapter: Graphics / Text // Short Description: This procedure displays 'Click 'Run' to continue' in the lower right corner of the screen. void disp_continue_message(HTuple hv_WindowHandle, HTuple hv_Color, HTuple hv_Box); // Chapter: Graphics / Text // Short Description: This procedure writes a text message. void disp_message(HTuple hv_WindowHandle, HTuple hv_String, HTuple hv_CoordSystem, HTuple hv_Row, HTuple hv_Column, HTuple hv_Color, HTuple hv_Box); };