首先,树的抽象数据类型(ADT),它包括以下10个 *** 作:
1.p.element( ):返回在位置p的元素
2.T.root( ): 如果树是空的,返回None,如果不空返回根结点
3. T.is_root§: 如果p是根结点返回True,否则返回False
4. T.parent§: 返回p点的双亲结点,如果p是根结点返回None,否则返回p的双亲结点
5.T.num_children§: 返回p结点的孩子数
6. T.children§: 生成位置p的一个迭代
7. T.is leaf§: 如果p是叶子结点返回True,否则返回False
8. len§: 返回树的结点树
9. T.is_empty( ): 如果T是空,返回True,否则,返回False
10. T.positions( ): 生产树T的所有位置的一个迭代
11. iter(T): 生产所有结点的一个迭代
class Tree: class Positon: def element(self): raise NotImplementError('This must be implemented by subclasss') def __eq__(self,other): raise NotImplementError('This must be implemented by subclass') def __ne__(self,other): return self==other def root(self): raise NotImplementError('This must be implemented by subclass') def parnt(self,p): raise NotImplementError('This must be implemented by subclass') def num_children(self,p): raise NotImplementError('This must be implemented by subclass') def children(self,p): raise NotImplementError('This must be implemented by subclass') def __len__(self): raise NotImplementError('This must be implemented by subclass') def is_root(self,p): return self.root()==p def is_leaf(self,p): return self.num_children(p)==0 def is_empty(self): return len(self)==0
树的深度python代码实现: def depth(self,p): if self.is_root(p): return 0 else: return 1+self.depth(self.parent(p)) 树的高度python代码实现: 代码1: def _height1(self): return max(self.depth(p) for p in self.positions() if self.is_leaf(p)) 代码2: def _height2(self,p): if self.is_leaf(p): return 0 else: return 1+max(self._height2(c) for c in self.children(p)) 用实例调用代码函数: def height(self. p=None): if p is None: p=self.root() return self._height2(p)