习题二: 将以度分秒表示的精度值用度来表示这道题的难度没有多大,只要按照要求用const符号常量表示各种转换因子就行。然后注意体重以磅为单位时要除以转换因子才能得到以千克为单位的体重,然后注意下是结果除以身高的平方就行。
#includeint main() { using namespace std; const int incun_per_inchi = 12; const float mi_per_incun = 0.0254; const float bang_per_kg = 2.2; float incun,inchi; float bang; cout << "Please enter your long:inchi and incunn "; cin >> inchi >> incun; cout << "Please enter your weight : how bangn"; cin >> bang; cout << "Then I will tell your BMI= "; incun = incun + inchi * incun_per_inchi; double meter; meter = incun * mi_per_incun; double weight; weight = bang / bang_per_kg; double BMI; BMI = (weight / (meter * meter)); cout << BMI < 输出如下:
习题三: 将秒转化为天时分秒
#includeusing namespace std; const int minutes_per_degree = 60; const int seconds_per_minute = 60; int main() { int degree, minute, second; cout << "Enter a latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds:n"; cout << "First,enter the degree:"; cin >> degree; cout << "Next,enter the minutes of arc:"; cin >> minute; cout << "Finally,enter the seconds of arc:"; cin >> second; cout << "1degrees,2minutes,3seconds="; double latitude; latitude =(double) degree + (double)minute / minutes_per_degree + (double)second / seconds_per_minute / minutes_per_degree; cout << latitude <<"degrees" << endl; return 0; } 输出如下:
讲解:强制类型转换的优先级为 2,大于乘除运算的优先级(3 级)。
因此在上面语句中,最先执行的是把 degree,minute 转换为 double 类型。
#includeusing namespace std; const int hours_per_day = 24; const int minutes_per_hour = 60; const int seconds_per_minute = 60; int main() { long seconds; cout << "Enter the number of seconds:"; cin >> seconds; cout << seconds << " seconds = "; int minutes, hours, days; minutes = seconds / seconds_per_minute; seconds = seconds % seconds_per_minute; hours = minutes / minutes_per_hour; minutes = minutes % minutes_per_hour; days = hours / hours_per_day; hours = hours % hours_per_day; cout << days << " days," << hours << " hours," << minutes << " minutes, " << seconds << " seconds" < 输出如下:
讲解:本题提示了要将秒设置成Long或long long类型,为何?
因为将second设置成short int . 会数据溢出,31600000已经超过了short int 类型能表示的最大数据。