云学编程的第11天—【微软官方python入门教程 P23-P24笔记】2021-11-11 and和布尔标记

云学编程的第11天—【微软官方python入门教程 P23-P24笔记】2021-11-11 and和布尔标记,第1张

云学编程的第11天—【微软官方python入门教程 P23-P24笔记】2021-11-11 and和布尔标记

 P23 and和布尔标记


Sometimes you can combine conditions with AND instead of nesting if statements

[ requirements for honour roll

`Minimum 85% grade point average

`Lowest grade is at least 70% ]

if gpa >= .85: and lowest_grade >= .70:
    print('Well done')

How AND statements are processed

The way and statements are processed is both conditons must be true for the condition to be evaluated as true.

If you need to remember the results of a condition check later in your code, use Boolean variables as flags

if gpa >= .85 and lowest_grade >= .70:
    honour_roll = True
    honour_roll = False
# Somewhere later in your code
if honour_roll:
    print('well done')

P24实 ***


# A student makes honour roll if their average is >= 85
# and their lowest grade is not below 70
gpa = float(input('What was your grade point Average?'))
lowest_grade = float(input('What was your lowest grade?'))

if gpa >= .85 and lowest_grade >= .70:
    print('You made the honour roll')


`True  False 或者 1 0

gpa = float(input('What was your grade point Average?'))
lowest_grade = float(input('What was your lowest grade?'))
if gpa >= .85 and lowest_grade >= .70:
    honour_roll = True
    honour_roll = False
 #later in your code if you need to check 
if honour_roll:
    print('You made the honour roll')
if gpa >= .85 and lowest_grade >= .70:
    honour_roll = 1
    honour_roll = 0






原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zaji/5437215.html

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