


要回答防止在响应成功或失败之前过渡到新路线的原始问题,请执行以下 *** 作:

因为您使用的是redux thunk,所以 *** 作创建者成功或失败可能会触发重定向。我不知道您的特定动作/动作创建者是什么样子,但是这样的方法可能有效:

import { browserHistory } from 'react-router'export function loadInitialFormValues(formId) {  return function(dispatch) {    // hit the API with some function and return a promise:    loadInitialValuesReturnPromise(formId)      .then(response => {        // If request is good update state with fetched data        dispatch({ type: UPDATE_FORM_STATE, payload: response });        // - redirect to the your form        browserHistory.push('/myForm');      })      .catch(() => {        // If request is bad...        // do whatever you want here, or redirect        browserHistory.push('/myForm')      });  }}

跟进。 在组件上输入路径/在componentWillMount上并显示微调器时加载数据的常见模式:

来自关于异步 *** 作的redux文档

减速器可以通过在状态下切换isFetching标志来处理此 *** 作。这样,UI知道了显示微调框的时候了。

  • 通知减速器该请求成功完成的 *** 作。

减速器可以通过将新数据合并到它们管理的状态并重置isFetching来处理此 *** 作。UI将隐藏微调框,并显示获取的数据。

  • 通知减速器该请求失败的 *** 作。

减速器可以通过重置isFetching来处理此 *** 作。另外,某些化简工具可能希望存储错误消息,以便UI可以显示它。


// action creator:export function fetchFormData(formId) {  return dispatch => {    // an action to signal the beginning of your request    // this is what eventually triggers the displaying of the spinner    dispatch({ type: FETCH_FORM_DATA_REQUEST })    // (axios is just a promise based HTTP library)    axios.get(`/formdata/${formId}`)      .then(formData => {        // on successful fetch, update your state with the new form data        // you can also turn these into their own action creators and dispatch the invoked function instead        dispatch({ type: actions.FETCH_FORM_DATA_SUCCESS, payload: formData })      })      .catch(error => {        // on error, do whatever is best for your use case        dispatch({ type: actions.FETCH_FORM_DATA_ERROR, payload: error })      })  }}// reducerconst INITIAL_STATE = {  formdata: {},  error: {},  fetching: false}export default function(state = INITIAL_STATE, action) {  switch(action.type) {    case FETCH_FORM_DATA_REQUEST:      // when dispatch the 'request' action, toggle fetching to true      return Object.assign({}, state, { fetching: true })    case FETCH_FORM_DATA_SUCCESS:      return Object.assign({}, state, {        fetching: false,        formdata: action.payload      })    case FETCH_FORM_DATA_ERROR:      return Object.assign({}, state, {        fetching: false,        error: action.payload      })  }}// route can look something like this to access the formId in the URL if you want// I use this URL param in the component below but you can access this ID anyway you want:<Route path="/myForm/:formId" component={SomeForm} />// form componentclass SomeForm extends Component {  componentWillMount() {    // get formId from route params    const formId = this.props.params.formId    this.props.fetchFormData(formId)  }  // in render just check if the fetching process is happening to know when to display the spinner  // this could also be abstracted out into another method and run like so: {}  render() {    return (      <div className="some-form">        {this.props.fetching ?<img src="./assets/spinner.gif" alt="loading spinner" /> :          <FormComponent formData={this.props.formData} />        }      </div>    )  }}function mapStateToProps(state) {  return {    fetching: state.form.fetching,    formdata: state.form.formData,    error: state.form.error  }}export default connect(mapStateToProps, { fetchFormData })(SomeForm)



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