private static Filer filer;private static JavacProcessingEnvironment environment;private static Messager messager;private static Types types;private static JavacElements elementUtils;private Trees trees;private TreeMaker treeMaker;private IdentityHashMap<JCCompilationUnit, Void> compilationUnits;private Map<String, JCCompilationUnit> typeMap;
private void addMissingSuperCall(final TypeElement element){ final String className = element.getQualifiedName().toString(); final JCClassDecl classDeclaration = // look up class declaration from a local map this.findClassDeclarationForName(className); if(classDeclaration == null){ this.error(element, "Can't find class declaration for " + className); } else{ this.info(element, "Creating renderHead(response) method"); final JCTree extending = classDeclaration.extending; if(extending != null){ final String p = extending.toString(); if(p.startsWith("com.myclient")){ // leave it alone, we'll edit the super class instead, if // necessary return; } else{ // @formatter:off (turns off eclipse formatter if configured) // define method parameter name final com.sun.tools.javac.util.Name paramName = elementUtils.getName("response"); // Create @Override annotation final JCAnnotation overrideAnnotation = this.treeMaker.Annotation( Processor.buildTypeexpressionForClass( this.treeMaker, elementUtils, Override.class ), // with no annotation parameters List.<JCexpression> nil() ); // public final JCModifiers mods = this.treeMaker.Modifiers(Flags.PUBLIC, List.of(overrideAnnotation)); // parameters:(final IHeaderResponse response) final List<JCVariableDecl> params = List.of(this.treeMaker.VarDef(this.treeMaker.Modifiers(Flags.FINAL), paramName, Processor.buildTypeexpressionForClass(this.treeMaker, elementUtils, IHeaderResponse.class), null)); //method return type: void final JCexpression returnType = this.treeMaker.TypeIdent(TypeTags.VOID); // super.renderHead(response); final List<JCStatement> statements = List.<JCStatement> of( // Execute this: this.treeMaker.Exec( // Create a Method call: this.treeMaker.Apply( // (no generic type arguments) List.<JCexpression> nil(), // super.renderHead this.treeMaker.Select( this.treeMaker.Ident( elementUtils.getName("super") ), elementUtils.getName("renderHead") ), // (response) List.<JCexpression> of(this.treeMaker.Ident(paramName))) ) ); // build pre block from statements final JCBlock body = this.treeMaker.Block(0, statements); // build method final JCMethodDecl methodDef = this.treeMaker.MethodDef( // public mods, // renderHead elementUtils.getName("renderHead"), // void returnType, // <no generic parameters> List.<JCTypeParameter> nil(), // (final IHeaderResponse response) params, // <no declared exceptions> List.<JCexpression> nil(), // super.renderHead(response); body, // <no default value> null); // add this method to the class tree classDeclaration.defs = classDeclaration.defs.append(methodDef); // @formatter:on turn eclipse formatter on again this.info(element, "Created renderHead(response) method successfully"); } } }}