def hanoi(n, a, b, c): if n > 0: hanoi(n-1, a, c ,b) print('moving from {} to {}'.format(a, c)) hanoi(n-1, b, a, c)
def line_search(li, val): for index, x in enumerate(li): if x == val: #print(index) return index else: return None
def bina_search(li, val): left = 0 right = len(li) - 1 while left <= right: mid = (left + right) // 2 if li(mid) == val: return mid elif li(mid) > val: right = mid - 1 else: left = mid + 1 else: return None
def bubble_sort(li): for i in range(len(li)-1): flag = False for j in range(len(li)-1-i): if li[j] > li[j+1]: li[j], li[j+1] = li[j+1], li[j] flag = True if not flag: return
def select_sort(li): li_new = [] for i in range(len(li)): min_val = min(li) li_new.append(min_val) li.remove(min_val) return li_new
def select_sort(li): for i in range(len(li)-1): min_loc = i for j in range(i+1, len(li)): if li(j) < li(min_loc): min_loc = j li[i], li[min_loc] = li[min_loc], li[i]
def insert_sort(li): for i in range(1, len(li)): j = i - 1 temp = li[i] while j >= 0 and li[j] > temp: li[j+1] = li[j] j -= 1 li[j+1] = temp
def partition(li, left, right): temp = li[left] while left < right: while left < right and li[right] >= temp: right -= 1 li[left] = li[right] while left < right and li[left] <= temp: left += 1 li[right] = li[left] li[left] = temp return left def quick_sort(li, left, right): if left < right: mid = partition(li, left, right) quick_sort(li, left, mid-1) quick_sort(li, mid+1, right)