- Kmeans算法介绍
- 版本1:利用sklearn的kmeans算法,CPU上跑
- 版本2:利用网上的kmeans算法实现,GPU上跑
- 版本3:利用Pytorch的kmeans包实现,GPU上跑
- 相关资料
- 该算法是一种贪心策略,初始化时随机选取N个质心,不断迭代,让周围元素到质心的误差累积和最小,从而找到质心或者说对应的簇。
- 先得到待分类的大量数据(多维向量)
- 初步尝试得到最佳的分类簇数量
- 根据最佳簇数量和随机起点作聚类
- 得到最佳簇划分的码矢,将其编制成固定顺序
- 计算得到个别数据对应的index,即码矢的索引序号
- 码矢的集合组成码本
- 簇内相似度高,即被分类到某一簇的样本,离簇的距离足够小
- 簇间相似度低,即每个簇的差距较大,能表征更多信息
- 快速调用机器学习库,sklearn
- 适合进行码本训练和简单分类任务
- 问题当数据量大时,迭代速度较慢
import module_kmeans dir_in = r"/home/work/codebook_train_data/" # module_kmeans.sf_kmeans(dir_in)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os import wave from scipy.io import wavfile import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # error # from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_blobs from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs from sklearn.cluster import KMeans def sf_kmeans(path): data = pd.read_csv(path + 'sf_taylor.csv') X = data.iloc[:, 0:16] # get low 16 values # X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=300, centers=4, cluster_std=0.60, random_state=0) # plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1]) # plt.close() # plt.figure() max_range = 1025 wcss = [] for i in range(1, max_range): kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=i, init='k-means++', max_iter=300, n_init=10, random_state=0) kmeans.fit(X) wcss.append(kmeans.inertia_) plt.figure() plt.grid(linestyle='-.') plt.title('Elbow Method') plt.xlabel('Number of clusters') plt.ylabel('WCSS') plt.plot(range(1, max_range), wcss) plt.show() plt.figure() kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=4, init='k-means++', max_iter=300, n_init=10, random_state=0) pred_y = kmeans.fit_predict(X) plt.grid(linestyle='-.') plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1]) plt.scatter(kmeans.cluster_centers_[:, 0], kmeans.cluster_centers_[:, 1], s=300, c='red') plt.show() print(kmeans.labels_) print(kmeans.cluster_centers_) print('done!')版本2:利用网上的kmeans算法实现,GPU上跑
- 好处:
- 能解决迭代速度问题
- 劣势:
- 随之而来的问题是,该算法实现精度较差
- 无法达到与本地CPU跑的sklearn的kmeans算法效果
- 参考链接:here
import torch import time from tqdm import tqdm import pandas as pd # import pdb # for debug # pdb.set_trace() class KMEANS: def __init__(self, n_clusters=20, max_iter=None, verbose=True,device = torch.device("cuda")): self.n_cluster = n_clusters # n_clusters > 0 self.n_clusters = n_clusters self.labels = None self.dists = None # shape: [x.shape[0],n_cluster] self.centers = None self.variation = torch.Tensor([float("Inf")]).to(device) self.verbose = verbose self.started = False self.representative_samples = None self.max_iter = max_iter self.count = 0 self.device = device def fit(self, x): # 随机选择初始中心点,想更快的收敛速度可以借鉴sklearn中的kmeans++初始化方法 init_row = torch.randint(0, x.shape[0], (self.n_clusters,)).to(self.device) init_points = x[init_row] self.centers = init_points while True: # 聚类标记 self.nearest_center(x) # 更新中心点 self.update_center(x) if self.verbose: print(self.variation, torch.argmin(self.dists, (0))) if torch.abs(self.variation) < 1e-3 and self.max_iter is None: break elif self.max_iter is not None and self.count == self.max_iter: break self.count += 1 self.representative_sample() def nearest_center(self, x): labels = torch.empty((x.shape[0],)).long().to(self.device) dists = torch.empty((0, self.n_clusters)).to(self.device) for i, sample in enumerate(x): dist = torch.sum(torch.mul(sample - self.centers, sample - self.centers), (1)) labels[i] = torch.argmin(dist) dists = torch.cat([dists, dist.unsqueeze(0)], (0)) self.labels = labels if self.started: self.variation = torch.sum(self.dists - dists) self.dists = dists self.started = True def update_center(self, x): centers = torch.empty((0, x.shape[1])).to(self.device) for i in range(self.n_clusters): mask = self.labels == i cluster_samples = x[mask] centers = torch.cat([centers, torch.mean(cluster_samples, (0)).unsqueeze(0)], (0)) self.centers = centers def representative_sample(self): # 查找距离中心点最近的样本,作为聚类的代表样本,更加直观 self.representative_samples = torch.argmin(self.dists, (0)) def sf_kmeans(matrix,device): max_range = 4 wcss = [] gpu_speeds = [] print(matrix.shape) print(matrix) print('n') for i in tqdm(range(1, max_range + 1)): # print('%d'%(i), end='r') a = time.time() kmeans = KMEANS(n_clusters=i, max_iter=None, verbose=False, device=device) kmeans.fit(matrix) # wcss.append(kmeans.inertia_) wcss.append(torch.sum(kmeans.dists)) # print(torch.sum(kmeans.dists) / k) # print(kmeans.variation) b = time.time() speed = (b - a) / kmeans.count gpu_speeds.append(speed) print(kmeans.centers) print(kmeans.dists) print(torch.sum(kmeans.dists)) print('n') # plt.figure() plt.grid(linestyle='-.') plt.title('Elbow Method') plt.xlabel('Number of clusters') plt.ylabel('WCSS') plt.plot(range(max_range), wcss) plt.show() plt.figure() l2, = plt.plot(range(max_range), gpu_speeds, color='g',label = "GPU") plt.xlabel("num_features") plt.ylabel("speed(s/iter)") plt.title("Speed with cuda") plt.legend(handles = [l2], labels = ['GPU'], loc='best') def choose_device(cuda=False): if cuda: device = torch.device("cuda:0") else: device = torch.device("cpu") return device if __name__ == "__main__": import matplotlib.pyplot as plt dir_in = r"/home/work/codebook_train_data/" # data = pd.read_csv(dir_in + 'sf_taylor.csv') # df = data.iloc[:, 0:16] # get low 16 values # print(df.dtypes) # print(type(data)) # np_data = df.values data = pd.read_csv(dir_in + 'Mall_Customers.csv') np_data = data.iloc[1 : 6, [3, 4]].values device = choose_device(True) matrix = torch.from_numpy(np_data).to(device) matrix = matrix.float() # matrix = torch.rand((10000, 10)).to(device) sf_kmeans(matrix, device)版本3:利用Pytorch的kmeans包实现,GPU上跑
- 能解决迭代速度问题
- 达到与sklearn相同的精度结果
package name:kmeans-pytorch
!pip install kmeans-pytorch
import torch import numpy as np import time # from tqdm import tqdm import pandas as pd # from kmeans_pytorch import kmeans from module_pytorch_kmeans import kmeans import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def choose_device(cuda=False): if cuda: device = torch.device("cuda:0") else: device = torch.device("cpu") return device def sf_kmeans(matrix,device, dims): max_range = 40 wcss = [] gpu_speeds = [] # print(matrix.shape) # print(matrix) # print('n') # data # data_size, dims, num_clusters = 1000, 2, 3 # x = np.random.randn(data_size, dims) / 6 # x = torch.from_numpy(x) for n_clusters in range(2, max_range + 1): a = time.time() # kmeans cluster_ids_x, cluster_centers, iters = kmeans( X=matrix, num_clusters=n_clusters, distance='euclidean', tqdm_flag=False, device=torch.device('cuda:0') ) # iter_limit=500, # print(cluster_ids_x) # print(cluster_centers) # print('n') dists = torch.empty((0, dims)).to(device) for i, sample in enumerate(matrix): # 0按行追加扩展, 1按列追加扩展 id = cluster_ids_x[i] dist = torch.mul(sample.to(device) - cluster_centers[id].to(device), sample - cluster_centers[id].to(device)) dists = torch.cat([dists, dist.unsqueeze(0)], (0)) print(torch.sum(dists)) # print('r{}'.format(torch.sum(dists)), end='') wcss.append(torch.sum(dists)) b = time.time() speed = (b - a) / iters gpu_speeds.append(speed) # print('n') # print(wcss) # print(gpu_speeds) # plt.figure() plt.grid(linestyle='-.') plt.title('Elbow Method') plt.xlabel('Number of clusters') plt.ylabel('WCSS') plt.plot(range(max_range - 1), wcss) plt.show() plt.figure() l2, = plt.plot(range(max_range - 1), gpu_speeds, color='g',label = "GPU") plt.xlabel("num_features") plt.ylabel("speed(s/iter)") plt.title("Speed with cuda") plt.legend(handles = [l2], labels = ['GPU'], loc='best') if __name__ == "__main__": dir_in = r"/home/work/codebook_train_data/" data = pd.read_csv(dir_in + 'sf_large.csv') dims = 8 df = data.iloc[:, 0:dims] # get low 16 values # print(df.dtypes) # print(type(data)) np_data = df.values # data = pd.read_csv(dir_in + 'Mall_Customers.csv') # np_data = data.iloc[1 : 6, [3, 4]].values device = choose_device(True) matrix = torch.from_numpy(np_data).to(device) matrix = matrix.float() # matrix = torch.rand((10000, 10)).to(device) sf_kmeans(matrix, device, dims)
tensor(3.3288e+08, device=‘cuda:0’)
tensor(2.3872e+08, device=‘cuda:0’)
tensor(1.9115e+08, device=‘cuda:0’)
tensor(1.6357e+08, device=‘cuda:0’)
tensor(1.4616e+08, device=‘cuda:0’)
- K-means Clustering Python Example
- K-means(K均值)
- scikit-learn之kmeans应用及问题
- 用scikit-learn学习K-Means聚类