CREATE [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] table_name // 定义字段名,字段类型 [(col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...)] // 给表加上注解 [COMMENT table_comment] // 分区 [PARTITIonED BY (col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...)] // 分桶 [CLUSTERED BY (col_name, col_name, ...) // 设置排序字段 升序、降序 [SORTED BY (col_name [ASC|DESC], ...)] INTO num_buckets BUCKETS] [ // 指定设置行、列分隔符 [ROW FORMAT row_format] // 指定Hive储存格式:textFile、rcFile、SequenceFile 默认为:textFile [STORED AS file_format] | STORED BY '' [ WITH SERDEPROPERTIES (...) ] (Note: only available starting with 0.6.0) ] // 指定储存位置 [LOCATION hdfs_path]建表1:全部使用默认建表方式
create table students ( id bigint, name string, age int, gender string, clazz string ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','; // 必选,指定列分隔符建表2:指定location (这种方式也比较常用)
create table students2 ( id bigint, name string, age int, gender string, clazz string ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LOCATION '/input1'; // 指定Hive表的数据的存储位置,一般在数据已经上传到HDFS,想要直接使用,会指定Location,通常Locaion会跟外部表一起使用,内部表一般使用默认的location建表3:指定存储格式
create table students3 ( id bigint, name string, age int, gender string, clazz string ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' STORED AS rcfile; // 指定储存格式为rcfile,inputFormat:RCFileInputFormat,outputFormat:RCFileOutputFormat,如果不指定,默认为textfile,注意:除textfile以外,其他的存储格式的数据都不能直接加载,需要使用从表加载的方式。建表4:create table xxxx as select_statement(SQL语句) (这种方式比较常用)
create table students4 as select * from students2;建表5:create table xxxx like table_name 只想建表,不需要加载数据
create table students5 like students;Hive 内部表(Managed tables)vs 外部表(External tables) 建表:
// 内部表 create table students_internal ( id bigint, name string, age int, gender string, clazz string ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LOCATION '/input2'; // 外部表 create external table students_external ( id bigint, name string, age int, gender string, clazz string ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LOCATION '/input3';加载数据:
hive> dfs -put /usr/local/soft/data/students.txt /input2/; hive> dfs -put /usr/local/soft/data/students.txt /input3/;删除表:
hive> drop table students_internal; Moved: 'hdfs://master:9000/input2' to trash at: hdfs://master:9000/user/root/.Trash/Current OK Time taken: 0.474 seconds hive> drop table students_external; OK Time taken: 0.09 seconds hive>
外部表还可以将其他数据源中的数据 映射到 hive中,比如说:hbase,ElasticSearch…
设计外部表的初衷就是 让 表的元数据 与 数据 解耦