一、建数据库和插入 *** 作
1、 用代码创建了一个text1数据库和运行结果如下
CREATE DATAbase text1 ON ( NAME = text1, FILENAME ='D:sqltext1_data.mdf', SIZE = 5MB, MAXSIZE = 20, FILEGROWTH = 20 ) LOG ON ( NAME = text1_log, FILENAME ='D:sqltext1_log.ldf',//存储的位置 SIZE = 2MB, MAXSIZE = 10MB, FILEGROWTH = 1MB //主数据文件名和主日志要不起相同名字,否则报错的 );
2、altert able语句将student表的sex属性添加check约束:代码与运行结果如下
ALTER TABLE student ADD ConSTRAINT CK_score_sex CHECK(sex IN('男','女'))
3、每一个表用insert into语句插入5条以上记录,要求满足约束条件,代码如下
insert into student(sno,sname) values('182','李伟'),('184','木棉花花'),('185','李花'),('187','陆花'),('186','马华')
insert into score(sno,cno) values('182','1'),('184','2'),('185','3'),('187','4'),('186','5')
在SQL Server Management Studio中生成4个表的关系图。选择数据库名->数据库关系鼠标右键->新建数据库关系图,分别添加四个表,然后把student作为主键其他为外键,右击一个表选择表示图-标准,可以清楚地看到表的属性列名等等。
select*into history_student from student
insert into course(cname,cno) values('java','08181069') insert into score select sno,'08181069',NULL from student
update score set grade='60' where grade=null
Update score set grade=null where sno in(select sno from score y where y.sno=sno group by sno having avg(grade)<60)
5、创建一个视图VIEW1:查询d01系学生的信息,只投影学生学号,姓名,年龄,系。要求在进行更新 *** 作时满足约束
create view v_student_3 as select sno,sname,age,Depart from student where specialty='001’
create view view2 as select* from v_student_1 where age between 18 and 20
7、将查询语句select sno,sname from view2 where ssex=’女’等价转换为对基本表的查询语句并运行结果
Select sno,sname from student where gender='女' and depart='001' and(age between 10 and 20)
Deop view v_student_3 Deop view v_student_4
10、将第9题中的所有权限逐级回 --9
grant select,update(sage) on student to user1 with grant option grant select on student to user2 with grant option grant select on student to user3 with grant option -- Exec sp_addlogin 'user1','123','stu' exec sp_adduser 'user1','user1_a' Exec sp_addlogin 'user2','123','stu' exec sp_adduser 'user2','user2_a' Exec sp_addlogin 'user3','123','stu'
select sno,cno,grade from score where cno IN('08181060','08181170','08181192')
select sno,cno,grade from score where cno NOT IN(’01’,’02’,’03’) group by sno,cno,grade AND grade>=60
select sno,cno,grade from score where cno IN(’01’,’02’,’03’) and grade between 70 and 80
4、查询选修了课程号为01 的最好成绩、最坏成绩、平均成绩
select max(grade),min(grade),avg(grade) from score where cno=’01’
select count(sno) from student where sno like '20158741__'and gender=’男’
select count(sno) from student where sno like '20158741__' and sname like '张%'
select sno,snme from student where sno like '20158741__'and sname like’张%’
select * from teacher where Age9、查询编号为‘0001’教授的授课门数
select count(cno) from coure where tno='0128'10、查询没有安排授课老师的课程信息
select * from course where Tno is NULL11、在表score中插入数据,要求每个同学选修3门课以上,
–每门课至少3个同学选修insert into score select cno from score group by cno having count(*)>=3 #Values() #Insert into score #Values()12、查询至少选修了3门课的同学的学号和选修课程门数
select sno,count(cno) from score group by sno having count(cno)>=313、查询学号为101,,102,103三位同学不及格课程门数,查询结果按照学号降序排列
select count(distinct cno),sno from score where sno IN('2015',2013') and grade<60 group by All sno order by sno desc14、查询每个同学的学号、姓名、选修的课程名称、成绩、上课老师姓名,
–按照学号升序排列结果select student.sno,sname,cname,grade,tname from student,course,score,teacher where student.sno=score.sno AND teacher.tno=course.tno AND course.cno=score.cno15、查询《数据库课程设计》的间接先修课,要求出输出课程编号,课程名称,间接先修课的课程编号和名称
select a.cno,a.cname,a.sno,a.cname from course a,course b,course c where c.pcno=b.cno and b.pcno=c.p.cno cname='数据库课程设计'16、查询所有学生的选课信息(包括没有选课的学生)
select Student.sno,cno From student left outer join score on student.sno=score.sno17、查询学习课程号为C06的学生与姓名
select score.sno,sname from score,student where score.sno=student.sno and cno='C06'18、查询至少选修了课程号为C02,C06课程的学号与姓名
select sno from score where cno='C02' intersect select sno from score where cno='C06'19、查询学习全部课程的学号
select sno from score group by sno having count(sno)=(select count(cno) from course020、查询每个学生超过自己选修课程平均成绩的课程号
select x.cno,x.sno from score x where grade>=(select AVG(grade) from score where sno=x.sno21、查询平均成绩大于80的课程编号和平均成绩
select cno,AVG(grade) from score group by cno HAVINg AVG(grade)>=8022、查询专业specialty中第3个字符为字母“f“”的学号、姓名、专业
select sno,sanme,specialty from student where specialty like’__f%’23、查询每个同学的学号、最好成绩、最差成绩、平均成绩
select sno,max(grade),min(grade),avg(grade) from score group by sno24、查询最低分大于70,最高分小于90的同学学号
select sno from score where min(grade)>70 and max(grade)<9025、查询所有同学的学号、姓名、最好成绩、最差成绩、平均成绩
select score.sno,student.sname,max(grade),min(grade),avg(grade) from student,score where student.sno=score.sno group by score.sno,sname26、查询最低分大于70,最高分小于90的学生学号姓名
select student.sno,sname from student where sno in(select sno from score group by sno having MIN(grade)70 and max(grade)<90)27、查询选修‘0818’课程的成绩高于‘0158’号同学成绩是所有学生学号
select sno from score where grade>(select grade) where cno='0818' and cno='0158'28、查询选修‘203‘课程的成绩高于‘03‘号同学成绩的使用学生学号、姓名
select sno, sname from student where sno in(select sno from score where grade>(select grade from score where cno='203`’ and sno='02') and cno='203'29、查询‘何金凤‘同学同岁的使用学生的信息
select *
from student
where age=(select age
from student
where sname='何金凤’)
30、查询与张三同龄同班的学生学号select sname from student where specialty=( select specialty from student where sanme='张三 and age=(select age from student where sname='何金’31、查询成绩比该课程平均成绩低的学号、成绩
select x.sno,x.grade from score x where x.grade<(select avg(grade) from score where cno=x.cno) ```、 三、sql高级编程 1、创建存储过程,给定老师姓名,删除学习老师的选课记录。存储过程的参数为老师姓名,返回删除记录的个数。 ```c create proc pp @xm char(20),@del_num int output as begin declare @tno char(4) select @tno=tno from techer where tname=@Xm delete from score where cno in(select cno from course where @cno=tno) set @del_num=@@rowcount END2、创建存储过程,给定老师姓名,把score表中该老师授课创建低于60分的改为0分,返回修改记录的个数
create proc pp @xm char(10),@del_num int output as begin declare @tno char(10) select @tno=tno from teacher where tname=@xm update score set grade=0 where grade<60 and cno in(select cno from course where tno=@tno) set @del_num==@@rowcount END3、创建存储过程,给定学号、课程号和成绩,如果在score表中有该选课记录,更新该选课的成绩,如果没有,则在score表中插入一条新记录。数据更新成功,返回1,数据更新失败,返回-1
create proc pp2 @sno char(10),@cno char(8),@grade int as begin if exists(select*from score where sno=@sno and cno=@cno) update score set grade=@grade where sno=@sno and cno=@cno else insert into score values(@sno,@cno,@grade) if(@@rowcount=1) return 1 return -1 end4、创建一个点delete触发器,删除course表中的课程信息时,同时删除score表中相应的选课信息
create trigger trtt on course instead of delete as begin declare @cno char(8) select @cno=cno from deleted delete from score where cno=@cno delete from course where cno=@cno end5、创建一个update触发器,当更新course表中的课程标号cno时,修改score表中相应课程标号cno的信息
create trigger trr on course instead of update as begin declare @cno char(8),@cname char(20),@pcno char(8),@tno char(4) select @cno=cno from deleted select @cname=cname,@pcno=pcno,@tno=tno from course where cno=@cno declare @new cno char(8) select @new cno=cno from inserted INsert into course values(@new cno,@cname,@pcno,@tno) update score set cno=@new cno where cno=@cno delete from course where cno=@cno end四、查询、删除
更新dept_id=’12’的记录(‘12’,’研发部’,’张丽’)Insert deparment(dept_id,dept_name,dept_leader) Values(‘12’,’研发部’,’张三’) //更新记录 Update deparment set dept_leader=’张丽’ Where dept_id=’’12’;2、需要给表department增加一列字段notes。长度为10的字符串,默认值为0
Alter table deparment notes var char(10) default0;3、查找工资大于2000的员工记录,并按id升序排列
Select name From person Where laryinteger>2000 Order by id;4、查找工资大于2000的员工所在部门、部门编号、部门经理、员工名称
Select dept_name,dept_id,dept_leader From person Where laryinteger>20005、查找张三和李四所在部门,所有人员的姓名
Select name From person Where name=’’张三’ and name=李四’6、查看每个部门的部门经理和部门人数,按部门人数排列
Select dept_leader (selectcount(*) From person Where dept_id=p.dept_id) From department,personn Group by dept_id Order by co数据分析
6、删除表所有记录Delete from department 删除表 Drop table department7、没有选“小易”老师课程的所有学生姓名所需要的程序语句如下:
select SNAME from S where SNO not in ( select SNO from SC where CNO in ( select CNO from C where CTEACHER = "小易“));8、有三门(包括三门)以上课程分数>90的学生姓名及其平均成绩程序语句如下: