在 hive-site.xml, 配置执行引擎为 tez。
hive.execution.engine tez Expects one of [mr, tez, spark]. Chooses execution engine. Options are: mr (Map reduce, default), tez, spark. While MR remains the default engine for historical reasons, it is itself a historical engine and is deprecated in Hive 2 line. It may be removed without further warning.
执行 hive 命令后,看到有两个 application 启动。
hive 执行后,有一个后台线程执行 tez session 的创建工作。还有一个是因为物化视图。
此参数默认是 true,即在后台创建 session,如果改为false,则 hive 的启动时间变长。后台和前台执行方式影响 Prepare plan 的时间。具体见分析 Hive 安全模式下 Prepare Plan 的时间分析
物化视图hive.cli.tez.session.async true Whether to start Tez session in background when running CLI with Tez, allowing CLI to be available earlier.
hive.server2.materializedviews.registry.impl DEFAULT Expects one of [default, dummy]. The implementation that we should use for the materialized views registry. DEFAULT: Default cache for materialized views DUMMY: Do not cache materialized views and hence forward requests to metastore
物化视图服务启动的时候,需要遍历所以数据库的物化视图,为 SQL 改写做准备,所以会有一个 session。
如果关闭,设置此参数为 DUMMY。