import randomimport timelives = 10win = Falseguess = 0rand_num = 45def main(): global guess, rand_num, lives, win win = False rand_num = 45 lives = 10 while lives > 0 and win == False: guess = int(input("Guess a number!")) compare() print("Well done!") time.sleep(3)def compare(): global guess, rand_num, lives, win if guess == rand_num: print("You guessed correct!") win = True elif guess > rand_num: print ("Guess lower!") lives = lives - 1 else: print ("Guess higher!") lives = lives - 1def repeat(): replay = input("would you like to play again? Y/N") if replay == "Y": print("enjoy!") main() elif replay == "N": "Goodbye then, hope you enjoyed!" time.sleep(3) os._exit else: print("please enter Y or N") repeat()main()repeat()