在mytest项目里存在mytest/test.sh,并且push到了远程仓库。后面需要不把这个test.sh文件push到远程仓库,需要让test.sh不被git管理。试过在.gitignore文件里添加规则/test.sh去忽略,但是每次对test.sh修改之后,执行git status还能看到test.sh的状态,说明没有被git忽略。
git check-ignore -v
- 在.gitignore文件中添加了规则/test.sh,忽略这个shell脚本。在.gitignore中写规则的时候写的是绝对路径,根目录对应的是mytest项目文件夹。
input: git check-ignore -v ./test.sh output: .gitignore:12:/test.sh ./test.sh
- 在.gitignore文件中没有添加规则/Cargo.toml
input: git check-ignore -v ./Cargo.toml output为空
git status --ignorede
[xxx@ubuntu mytest]$ git status //在.gitignore文件中添加了规则/test.sh后,对test.sh修改后,执行git status # On branch feature/3.0/270 # Changes not staged for commit: # (use "git add..." to update what will be committed) # (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) # # modified: test.sh //说明未被git忽略管理 # no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") [xxx@ubuntu mytest]$ git rm --cached ./test.sh //关键的一步 rm 'test.sh' [xxx@ubuntu mytest]$ git status # On branch feature/3.0/270 # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD ..." to unstage) # # deleted: test.sh //这种状态就是这个test.sh被git忽略管理了 # [xxx@ubuntu mytest]$ git status //对test.sh文件做修改,然后再执行git status # On branch feature/3.0/270 # Changes to be committed: # (use "git reset HEAD ..." to unstage) # # deleted: test.sh #