解法:字符串 *** 作/位 *** 作
该题核心是理解题意规则,可以参考UTF-8 编码验证
题解中的位 *** 作值得学习,通过创建掩码与整数进行与 *** 作,判断整数二进制表示中有多少位1。
class Solution: def validUtf8(self, data): """ :type data: List[int] :rtype: bool """ # Number of bytes in the current UTF-8 character n_bytes = 0 # Mask to check if the most significant bit (8th bit from the left) is set or not mask1 = 1 << 7 # Mask to check if the second most significant bit is set or not mask2 = 1 << 6 for num in data: # Get the number of set most significant bits in the byte if # this is the starting byte of an UTF-8 character. mask = 1 << 7 if n_bytes == 0: while mask & num: n_bytes += 1 mask = mask >> 1 # 1 byte characters if n_bytes == 0: continue # Invalid scenarios according to the rules of the problem. if n_bytes == 1 or n_bytes > 4: return False else: # If this byte is a part of an existing UTF-8 character, then we # simply have to look at the two most significant bits and we make # use of the masks we defined before. if not (num & mask1 and not (num & mask2)): return False n_bytes -= 1 return n_bytes == 0202.快乐数
class Solution: def isHappy(self, n: int) -> bool: def getNext(n): result = 0 while n > 0: digit = n % 10 n = n // 10 result += digit ** 2 return result low, fast = n, getNext(n) print(low, fast) while fast != 1 and low != fast: low = getNext(low) fast = getNext(getNext(fast)) # print(low, fast) # print(low, fast) return fast == 1