Set size = 6, Number max = 20 NPE method 0.042s Sizes: [200, 1534, 67] 0.281s Sizes: [400, 6257, 618] 0.890s Sizes: [600, 13908, 2043] 2.097s Sizes: [800, 24589, 4620] 4.387s Sizes: [1000, 39035, 9689]Set size = 6, Number max = 20 jwpat7 method 0.041s Sizes: [200, 1534, 67] 0.077s Sizes: [400, 6257, 618] 0.167s Sizes: [600, 13908, 2043] 0.330s Sizes: [800, 24589, 4620] 0.590s Sizes: [1000, 39035, 9689]
#!/usr/bin/pythonfrom random import sample, seedimport timensets, ndelta, ncount, setsize = 200, 200, 5, 6topnum, ranSeed, shoSets, shoUnion = 20, 1234, 0, 0seed(ranSeed)print 'Set size = {:3d}, Number max = {:3d}'.format(setsize, topnum)for casenumber in range(ncount): t0 = time.time() sets, sizes, ssum = [], [0]*nsets, [0]*(nsets+1); for i in range(nsets): sets.append(set(sample(xrange(topnum), setsize))) if shoSets: print 'sets = {}, setSize = {}, top# = {}, seed = {}'.format( nsets, setsize, topnum, ranSeed) print 'Sets:' for s in sets: print s # Method by jwpat7 def accrue(u, bset, csets): for i, c in enumerate(csets): y = u + [c] yield y boc = bset|c ts = [s for s in csets[i+1:] if boc.isdisjoint(s)] for v in accrue (y, boc, ts): yield v # Method by NPE def comb(input, lst = [], lset = set()): if lst: yield lst for i, el in enumerate(input): if lset.isdisjoint(el): for out in comb(input[i+1:], lst + [el], lset | set(el)): yield out # Uncomment one of the following 2 lines to select method #for u in comb (sets): for u in accrue ([], set(), sets): sizes[len(u)-1] += 1 if shoUnion: print u t1 = time.time() for t in range(nsets-1, -1, -1): ssum[t] = sizes[t] + ssum[t+1] print '{:7.3f}s Sizes:'.format(t1-t0), [s for (s,t) in zip(sizes, ssum) if t>0] nsets += ndelta
编辑: 在函数中
(u, bset, csets)按如下方式使用:
•u =当前集合联合中的集合列表
•bset =“大集合” = u的固定值=已使用的元素
•csets =候选集合=符合条件的集合列表included包括在内,
def accrue(csets, u=[], bset=set()):
for v in accrue (ts, y, boc):
ValueError: zero length field name in format在使用Python
2.6时出现的注释中提到的错误,请尝试以下 *** 作。
# change: print "Set size = {:3d}, Number max = {:3d}".format(setsize, topnum)# to: print "Set size = {0:3d}, Number max = {1:3d}".format(setsize, topnum)