如果我在上一条评论中说的是您要尝试的 *** 作,因为tkinter不会暂停程序以等待鼠标单击事件,则您必须这样做:每次单击鼠标按钮时,它将重新绑定该程序。
from tkinter import *from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilenamefrom PIL import Image, ImageTkimport tkinter.simpledialogroot = Tk()#setting up a tkinter canvasw = Canvas(root, width=1000, height=1000)w.pack()#adding the imageFile = askopenfilename(parent=root, initialdir="./",title='Select an image')original = Image.open(File)original = original.resize((1000,1000)) #resize imageimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(original)w.create_image(0, 0, image=img, anchor="nw")#ask for pressure and temperature extentxmt = tkinter.simpledialog.askfloat("Temperature", "degrees in x-axis")ymp = tkinter.simpledialog.askfloat("Pressure", "bars in y-axis")#ask for real PT values at originxc = tkinter.simpledialog.askfloat("Temperature", "Temperature at origin")yc = tkinter.simpledialog.askfloat("Pressure", "Pressure at origin")#instruction on 3 point selection to define gridtkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Instructions", "Click: n" "1) Origin n""2) Temperature end n""3) Pressure end")# From here on I have no idea how to get it to work...# Determine the origin by clickingdef getorigin(eventorigin): global x0,y0 x0 = eventorigin.x y0 = eventorigin.y print(x0,y0) w.bind("<Button 1>",getextentx)#mouseclick eventw.bind("<Button 1>",getorigin)# Determine the extent of the figure in the x direction (Temperature)def getextentx(eventextentx): global xe xe = eventextentx.x print(xe) w.bind("<Button 1>",getextenty)# Determine the extent of the figure in the y direction (Pressure)def getextenty(eventextenty): global ye ye = eventextenty.y print(ye) tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("Grid", "Grid is set. You can start picking coordinates.") w.bind("<Button 1>",printcoords)#Coordinate transformation into Pressure-Temperature spacedef printcoords(event): xmpx = xe-x0 xm = xmt/xmpx ympx = ye-y0 ym = -ymp/ympx #coordinate transformation newx = (event.x-x0)*(xm)+xc newy = (event.y-y0)*(ym)+yc #outputting x and y coords to console print (newx,newy)root.mainloop()