这是我为此编写的函数。我不确定它是否比jQuery Templates更快。 它一次创建并附加一个Option元素,这可能比Templates慢
。我怀疑Templates会构建整个HTML字符串,然后一次创建所有DOM元素。那可能更快。 我想可以将此功能调整为执行相同的 *** 作
// you can easily pass in response.d from an AJAX call if it's JSON formatted var users = [ {id: 1, name: 'Alice'}, {id: 2, name: 'Bob'}, {id: 3, name: 'Cindy'} ] setSelectOptions($('#selectList'), users, 'id', 'name');
// Fill a select list with options using an array of values as the data source// @param {String, Object} selectElement Reference to the select list to be modified, either the selector string, or the jQuery object itself// @param {Object} values An array of option values to use to fill the select list. May be an array of strings, or an array of hashes (associative arrays).// @param {String} [valueKey] If values is an array of hashes, this is the hashkey to the value parameter for the option element// @param {String} [textKey] If values is an array of hashes, this is the hashkey to the text parameter for the option element// @param {String} [defaultValue] The default value to select in the select list// @remark This function will remove any existing items in the select list// @remark If the values attribute is an array, then the options will use the array values for both the text and value.// @return {Boolean} falsefunction setSelectOptions(selectElement, values, valueKey, textKey, defaultValue) { if (typeof (selectElement) == "string") { selectElement = $(selectElement); } selectElement.empty(); if (typeof (values) == 'object') { if (values.length) { var type = typeof (values[0]); var html = ""; if (type == 'object') { // values is array of hashes var optionElement = null; $.each(values, function () { html += '<option value="' + this[valueKey] + '">' + this[textKey] + '</option>'; }); } else { // array of strings $.each(values, function () { var value = this.toString(); html += '<option value="' + value + '">' + value + '</option>'; }); } selectElement.append(html); } // select the defaultValue is one was passed in if (typeof defaultValue != 'undefined') { selectElement.children('option[value="' + defaultValue + '"]').attr('selected', 'selected'); } } return false;}