设置 :
CREATE TABLE League ( LeagueID INT PRIMARY KEY, LeagueName VARCHAr(30) UNIQUE);CREATE TABLE Team ( TeamIDINT PRIMARY KEY, TeamAbbreviation CHAr(3) UNIQUE, TeamName VARCHAr(50) UNIQUE, LeagueID INT ConSTRAINT FK_Team_League REFERENCES League(LeagueID) );CREATE TABLE Fixture ( FixtureID INT PRIMARY KEY, WeekNumber INT NOT NULL, FixtureDate DATE NULL, HomeTeamID INT NULL, AwayTeamID INT NULL, LeagueID INT ConSTRAINT FK_Fixture_League REFERENCES League(LeagueID));INSERT INTO League VALUES ( 1, 'League 1' );INSERT INTO League VALUES ( 2, 'League 2' );INSERT INTO Team VALUES ( 1, 'AAA', 'Team A', 1 );INSERT INTO Team VALUES ( 2, 'BBB', 'Team B', 1 );INSERT INTO Team VALUES ( 3, 'CCC', 'Team C', 1 );INSERT INTO Team VALUES ( 4, 'DDD', 'Team D', 1 );INSERT INTO Team VALUES ( 5, 'EEE', 'Team E', 2 );INSERT INTO Team VALUES ( 6, 'FFF', 'Team F', 2 );INSERT INTO Team VALUES ( 7, 'GGG', 'Team G', 2 );INSERT INTO Team VALUES ( 8, 'HHH', 'Team H', 2 );INSERT INTO Team VALUES ( 9, 'III', 'Team I', 2 );
插入物-灯具 :
INSERT INTO FixtureWITH league_teams ( id, leagueid, idx, is_fake, num_teams, num_fake ) AS ( -- Generate a unique-per-league index for each team that is between 0 -- and the (number of teams - 1) and calculate the number of teams -- and if this is an odd number then generate a fake team as well. SELECt TeamID, LeagueID, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY LeagueID ORDER BY TeamID ) - 1, 0, COUNT(1) OVER ( PARTITION BY LeagueID ), MOD( COUNT(1) OVER ( PARTITION BY LeagueID ), 2 ) FROM Team UNIOn ALL SELECt NULL, LeagueID, COUNT(1), 1, COUNT(1), 1 FROM Team GROUP BY LeagueID HAVINg MOD( COUNT(1), 2 ) > 0),cte ( home_idx, away_idx, week_number, leagueID, num_teams, num_fake ) AS ( -- Start by calculating the round 1 games SELECt idx, num_teams + num_fake - 1 - idx, 1, LeagueID, num_teams, num_fake FROM league_teams WHERe 2 * idx < num_teamsUNIOn ALL -- Then generate the successive rounds with the two cases when the -- away team has the maximum index or otherwise. SELECt CASE away_idxWHEN num_teams + num_fake - 1THEN home_idx + 1ELSE MOD( home_idx + 1, num_teams + num_fake -1 )END, CASE away_idxWHEN num_teams + num_fake - 1THEN away_idxELSE MOD( away_idx + 1, num_teams + num_fake - 1 )END, week_number + 1, LeagueID, num_teams, num_fake FROM cte WHERe week_number < num_teams + num_fake - 1)-- Finally join the cte results back to the League_Teams table to convert-- the indexes used in calculation back to the actual team ids.SELECt rn, week_number, NULL, h.id, a.id, c.leagueidFROM ( -- This step isn't necessary but it keeps the results in a nice order. SELECt ROWNUM AS rn, t.* FROM (-- Duplicate the results swapping home and away.SELECt week_number, home_idx, away_idx, LeagueIdFROM cteUNIOn ALLSELECt week_number + num_teams + num_fake - 1, away_idx, home_idx, LeagueIdFROM cte ) t ) c INNER JOIN League_Teams h ON ( c.home_idx = h.idx AND c.leagueId = h.leagueID ) INNER JOIN League_Teams a ON ( c.away_idx = a.idx AND c.leagueId = a.leagueID )ORDER BY rn;
输出 :
SELECt * FROM fixture; FIXTUREID WEEKNUMBER FIXTUREDATE HOMETEAMID AWAYTEAMID LEAGUEID---------- ---------- ------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 1 5 2 4 1 6 9 2 5 1 7 8 2 6 2 2 4 1 7 2 3 1 1 8 2 6 2 9 2 7 5 2 10 2 8 9 2 11 3 3 4 1 12 3 1 2 1 13 3 7 2 14 3 8 6 2 15 3 9 5 2 16 4 8 2 17 4 9 7 2 18 4 5 6 2 19 5 9 2 20 5 5 8 2 21 5 6 7 2 22 4 4 1 1 23 4 3 2 1 24 6 5 2 25 6 9 6 2 26 6 8 7 2 27 5 4 2 1 28 5 1 3 1 29 7 6 2 30 7 5 7 2 31 7 9 8 2 32 6 4 3 1 33 6 2 1 1 34 8 7 2 35 8 6 8 2 36 8 5 9 2 37 9 8 2 38 9 7 9 2 39 9 6 5 2 40 10 9 2 41 10 8 5 2 42 10 7 6 2