mydict = {“&y”:”33[0;30m”,
mystr = “The &yquick &cbrown &bfox &Yjumps over the &ulazy dog”
for k, v in mydict.iteritems(): mystr = mystr.replace(k, v)print mystrThe ←[0;30mquick ←[0;31mbrown ←[0;32mfox ←[0;33mjumps over the ←[0;34mlazy dog
mydict = dict([('&' + chr(i), str(i)) for i in list(range(65, 91)) + list(range(97, 123))])# random inserts between keysfrom random import randintrawstr = ''.join(mydict.keys())mystr = ''for i in range(0, len(rawstr), 2): mystr += chr(randint(65,91)) * randint(0,20) # insert between 0 and 20 charsfrom time import time# How many times to run each solutionrep = 10000print 'Running %d times with string length %d and ' 'random inserts of lengths 0-20' % (rep, len(mystr))# My solutiont = time()for x in range(rep): for k, v in mydict.items(): mystr.replace(k, v) #print(mystr)print '%-30s' % 'Tor fixed & variable dict', time()-tfrom re import sub, compile, escape# Peter Hansent = time()for x in range(rep): sub(r'(&[a-zA-Z])', r'%(1)s', mystr) % mydictprint '%-30s' % 'Peter fixed & variable dict', time()-t# Claudiudef multiple_replace(dict, text): # Create a regular expression from the dictionary keys regex = compile("(%s)" % "|".join(map(escape, dict.keys()))) # For each match, look-up corresponding value in dictionary return regex.sub(lambda mo: dict[mo.string[mo.start():mo.end()]], text)t = time()for x in range(rep): multiple_replace(mydict, mystr)print '%-30s' % 'Claudio variable dict', time()-t# Claudiu - Precompiledregex = compile("(%s)" % "|".join(map(escape, mydict.keys())))t = time()for x in range(rep): regex.sub(lambda mo: mydict[mo.string[mo.start():mo.end()]], mystr)print '%-30s' % 'Claudio fixed dict', time()-t# Andrew Y - variable dictdef mysubst(somestr, somedict): subs = somestr.split("&") return subs[0] + "".join(map(lambda arg: somedict["&" + arg[0:1]] + arg[1:], subs[1:]))t = time()for x in range(rep): mysubst(mystr, mydict)print '%-30s' % 'Andrew Y variable dict', time()-t# Andrew Y - fixeddef repl(s): return mydict["&"+s[0:1]] + s[1:]t = time()for x in range(rep): subs = mystr.split("&") res = subs[0] + "".join(map(repl, subs[1:]))print '%-30s' % 'Andrew Y fixed dict', time()-t
Python 2.6的结果
Running 10000 times with string length 490 and random inserts of lengths 0-20Tor fixed & variable dict 1.04699993134Peter fixed & variable dict 0.218999862671Claudio variable dict 2.48400020599Claudio fixed dict 0.0940001010895Andrew Y variable dict 0.0309998989105Andrew Y fixed dict 0.0310001373291
我在 Python 3
mydict = dict([('&' + chr(i), str(i)) for i in range(39,1024)])# random inserts between keysfrom random import randintrawstr = ''.join(mydict.keys())mystr = ''for i in range(0, len(rawstr), 2): mystr += chr(randint(65,91)) * randint(0,20) # insert between 0 and 20 charsfrom time import time# How many times to run each solutionrep = 10000print('Running %d times with string length %d and ' 'random inserts of lengths 0-20' % (rep, len(mystr)))# Tor Valamo - too long#t = time()#for x in range(rep):# for k, v in mydict.items():# mystr.replace(k, v)#print('%-30s' % 'Tor fixed & variable dict', time()-t)from re import sub, compile, escape# Peter Hansent = time()for x in range(rep): sub(r'(&[a-zA-Z])', r'%(1)s', mystr) % mydictprint('%-30s' % 'Peter fixed & variable dict', time()-t)# Peter 2def dictsub(m): return mydict[]t = time()for x in range(rep): sub(r'(&[a-zA-Z])', dictsub, mystr)print('%-30s' % 'Peter fixed dict', time()-t)# Claudiu - too long#def multiple_replace(dict, text): # # Create a regular expression from the dictionary keys# regex = compile("(%s)" % "|".join(map(escape, dict.keys())))## # For each match, look-up corresponding value in dictionary# return regex.sub(lambda mo: dict[mo.string[mo.start():mo.end()]], text)##t = time()#for x in range(rep):# multiple_replace(mydict, mystr)#print('%-30s' % 'Claudio variable dict', time()-t)# Claudiu - Precompiledregex = compile("(%s)" % "|".join(map(escape, mydict.keys())))t = time()for x in range(rep): regex.sub(lambda mo: mydict[mo.string[mo.start():mo.end()]], mystr)print('%-30s' % 'Claudio fixed dict', time()-t)# Separate setup for Andrew and gnibbler optimized dictmydict = dict((k[1], v) for k, v in mydict.items())# Andrew Y - variable dictdef mysubst(somestr, somedict): subs = somestr.split("&") return subs[0] + "".join(map(lambda arg: somedict[arg[0:1]] + arg[1:], subs[1:]))def mysubst2(somestr, somedict): subs = somestr.split("&") return subs[0].join(map(lambda arg: somedict[arg[0:1]] + arg[1:], subs[1:]))t = time()for x in range(rep): mysubst(mystr, mydict)print('%-30s' % 'Andrew Y variable dict', time()-t)t = time()for x in range(rep): mysubst2(mystr, mydict)print('%-30s' % 'Andrew Y variable dict 2', time()-t)# Andrew Y - fixeddef repl(s): return mydict[s[0:1]] + s[1:]t = time()for x in range(rep): subs = mystr.split("&") res = subs[0] + "".join(map(repl, subs[1:]))print('%-30s' % 'Andrew Y fixed dict', time()-t)# gnibblert = time()for x in range(rep): myparts = mystr.split("&") myparts[1:]=[mydict[x[0]]+x[1:] for x in myparts[1:]] "".join(myparts)print('%-30s' % 'gnibbler fixed & variable dict', time()-t)
Running 10000 times with string length 9491 and random inserts of lengths 0-20Tor fixed & variable dict 0.0 # disqualified 329 secsPeter fixed & variable dict 2.07799983025Peter fixed dict 1.53100013733 Claudio variable dict 0.0 # disqualified, 37 secsClaudio fixed dict 1.5Andrew Y variable dict 0.578000068665Andrew Y variable dict 2 0.56299996376Andrew Y fixed dict 0.56200003624gnibbler fixed & variable dict 0.530999898911