目 录
系统用户分为学生、教师、管理员三个角色,系统可根据不同用户角色权限进入不同界面,所有用户角色需要通过身份验证才能登录系统进行 *** 作。
所以角色 *** 作完成可退出系统登录。
{ "123456": [ "111111", "漫漫", "男", 32, "12312300001" ], "123452": [ "111111", "桔桔", "女", 27, "12312300002" ], "123453": [ "111111", "可可", "女", 25, "12312300003" ] }
{ "123001": [ "111111", "闻闻", "女", 27, "12300000001", { "Python一年级": [ "Python一班", "Python二班" ] } ], "123002": [ "111111", "雯雯", "女", 25, "12300000002", { "Python二年级": [ "Python一班", "Python二班" ] } ], "123003": [ "111111", "贝贝", "女", 28, "12300000003", { "Java一年级": [ "Java一班", "Java二班" ], "Java二年级": [ "Java一班", "Java二班" ] } ] }
{ "210101": [ "121212", "Python", "Python一年级", "Python一班", "路飞", "男", 21, "2000-01-01", "13901230001" ], "210102": [ "111111", "Python", "Python一年级", "Python一班", "女帝", "女", 18, "2003-02-01", "13901230002" ], "210103": [ "111111", "Python", "Python一年级", "Python二班", "小新", "男", 21, "2000-02-14", "13901230003" ], "210104": [ "111111", "Python", "Python一年级", "Python二班", "妮妮", "女", 18, "2003-04-15", "13901230004" ], "210105": [ "111111", "Python", "Python二年级", "Python一班", "大熊", "男", 21, "2000-05-01", "13901230005" ], "210106": [ "111111", "Python", "Python二年级", "Python一班", "静香", "女", 18, "2003-06-01", "13901230006" ], "210107": [ "111111", "Python", "Python二年级", "Python二班", "新一", "男", 21, "2000-06-01", "13901230007" ], "210108": [ "111111", "Python", "Python二年级", "Python二班", "小兰", "女", 18, "2003-07-01", "13901230008" ], "210201": [ "111111", "Java", "Java一年级", "Java一班", "鸣人", "男", 21, "2000-01-01", "13911230001" ], "210202": [ "111111", "Java", "Java一年级", "Java一班", "雏田", "女", 18, "2003-02-01", "13911230002" ], "210203": [ "111111", "Java", "Java一年级", "Java二班", "唐三", "男", 21, "2000-03-01", "13911230003" ], "210204": [ "111111", "Java", "Java一年级", "Java二班", "小舞", "女", 18, "2003-04-15", "13911230004" ], "210205": [ "111111", "Java", "Java二年级", "Java一班", "萧炎", "男", 21, "2000-03-14", "13911230005" ], "210206": [ "111111", "Java", "Java二年级", "Java一班", "薰儿", "女", 18, "2003-06-06", "13911230006" ], "210207": [ "111111", "Java", "Java二年级", "Java二班", "石昊", "男", 18, "2000-05-06", "13911230007" ], "210208": [ "111111", "Java", "Java二年级", "Java二班", "云曦", "女", 18, "2003-08-08", "13911230008" ] }
{ "210101": { "语文": 88, "数学": 87, "英语": 90 }, "210102": { "语文": 81, "数学": 85, "英语": 86 }, "210103": { "语文": 83, "数学": 81, "英语": 91 }, "210104": { "语文": 85, "数学": 82, "英语": 90 }, "210105": { "语文": 89, "数学": 86, "英语": 93 }, "210106": { "语文": 81, "数学": 87, "英语": 95 }, "210107": { "语文": 90, "数学": 86, "英语": 90 }, "210108": { "语文": 92, "数学": 81, "英语": 91 }, "210201": { "语文": 81, "数学": 96, "英语": 90 }, "210202": { "语文": 83, "数学": 86, "英语": 92 }, "210203": { "语文": 88, "数学": 81, "英语": 89 }, "210204": { "语文": 85, "数学": 81, "英语": 92 }, "210205": { "语文": 82, "数学": 83, "英语": 95 }, "210206": { "语文": 86, "数学": 99, "英语": 91 }, "210207": { "语文": 85, "数学": 78, "英语": 95 }, "210208": { "语文": 82, "数学": 81, "英语": 90 } }
from students import student_login from teacher import teacher_login from administrator import administrator_login import time import json open_administrator = open('administrator.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') administrator = json.loads(open_administrator.read()) open_teacher = open('teacher.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') teacher = json.loads(open_teacher.read()) open_student = open('student.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') student = json.loads(open_student.read()) open_results = open('results.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') results = json.loads(open_results.read()) while True: permissions = input('请您选择用户权限(1.学生登录 2.教师登录 3. 管理登录 4.退出系统):') if permissions == '1': student_login(student, results) elif permissions == '2': teacher_login(teacher, student, results) elif permissions == '3': administrator_login(administrator, teacher, student, results) elif permissions == '4': break save_administrator = open('administrator.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') json.dump(administrator, save_administrator, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) save_teacher = open('teacher.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') json.dump(teacher, save_teacher, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) save_student = open('student.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') json.dump(student, save_student, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) save_results = open('results.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') json.dump(results, save_results, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
import time def student_login(x, y): while True: login_operation = input('请您选择登录 *** 作(1.登录系统 2.找回密码 3.退出系统):') if login_operation == '1': account = input('请您输入学生证号:') password = input('请您输入登录密码:') if account in x and x[account][0] == password: time.sleep(0.5) print('密码正确,登录成功') while True: query = input('请您选择 *** 作选项(1.查询个人信息 2.查询考试成绩 3.修改登录密码 4.退出查询):') if query == '1': print('*' * 5 + '个人信息' + '*' * 5) print('专业:{}'.format(x[account][1])) print('年级:{}'.format(x[account][2])) print('班级:{}'.format(x[account][3])) print('学号:{}'.format(account)) print('姓名:{}'.format(x[account][4])) print('性别:{}'.format(x[account][5])) print('年龄:{}'.format(x[account][6])) print('生日:{}'.format(x[account][7])) print('电话:{}'.format(x[account][8])) print('*' * 15) time.sleep(0.5) elif query == '2': print('*' * 5 + '考试成绩' + '*' * 5) print('语文:{}'.format(y[account]['语文'])) print('数学:{}'.format(y[account]['数学'])) print('英语:{}'.format(y[account]['英语'])) print('*' * 16) time.sleep(0.5) elif query == '3': while True: reserved = input('请您输入预留手机号码:') if reserved == x[account][8]: new_password = input('请您输入新密码:') x[account][0] = new_password time.sleep(0.5) print('密码修改成功!新密码:{}'.format(new_password)) break else: print('号码错误,请您核实!') modify = input('是否继续修改(1.继续 2.退出):') if modify == '2': break elif query == '4': break elif account in x and x[account][0] != password: print('密码错误,请核实密码!') else: print('不好意思,您输入的学号不存在') elif login_operation == '2': retrieve_password = input('是否需要找回密码(1.需要 2.取消):') if retrieve_password == '1': while True: student_id = input('请您输入学生证号:') if student_id in x: break else: print('学号错误,请您核实!') while True: phone = input('请您输入预留手机号码:') if x[student_id][8] == phone: break else: print('号码错误,请您核实!') while True: first_input = input('请您输入新密码:') second_input = input('请再次输入密码:') if first_input == second_input: x[student_id][0] = first_input time.sleep(0.5) print('密码找回成功,请重新登录!') break else: print('两次密码不一致,请您仔细核对!') elif login_operation == '3': break
import time def teacher_login(x, y, z): while True: login_operation = input('请您选择登录 *** 作(1.登录系统 2.找回密码 3.退出系统):') if login_operation == '1': account = input('请您输入员工号码:') password = input('请您输入登录密码:') if account in x and x[account][0] == password: time.sleep(0.5) print('密码正确,登录成功') while True: query = input('请您选择 *** 作选项(1.查询本人信息 2.查询学生信息 3.查询考试成绩 4.修改登录密码 5.退出查询):') if query == '1': print('*' * 10 + '个人信息' + '*' * 10) print('教师工号:{}'.format(account)) print('教师姓名:{}'.format(x[account][1])) print('教师性别:{}'.format(x[account][2])) print('教师年龄:{}'.format(x[account][3])) print('教师电话:{}'.format(x[account][4])) for m, n in x[account][5].items(): print('授课年级:{}'.format(m)) print('授课班级:{}'.format(' '.join(n))) print('*' * 27) time.sleep(0.5) elif query == '2': while True: entry = input('是否继续录入 *** 作(1.继续 2.退出):') if entry == '1': way = input('请您选择查询方式(1.查询个人 2.查询全部):') if way == '1': student_id = input('请您输入需要查询同学的学号:') if y[student_id][2] in x[account][5]: print('*' * 5 + '学生信息' + '*' * 5) print('学号:{}'.format(student_id)) print('姓名:{}'.format(y[student_id][4])) print('性别:{}'.format(y[student_id][5])) print('年龄:{}'.format(y[student_id][6])) print('生日:{}'.format(y[student_id][7])) print('电话:{}'.format(y[student_id][8])) print('*' * 15) time.sleep(0.5) else: print('该同学不在您授课班级内!') elif way == '2': print('*' * 30 + '学生信息' + '*' * 30) for i in y: for m, n in x[account][5].items(): if y[i][2] == m and y[i][3] in n: print('学号:{}、姓名:{}、性别:{}、年龄:{}、生日:{}、电话:{}'. format(i, y[i][4], y[i][5], y[i][6], y[i][7], y[i][8])) print('*' * 67) time.sleep(0.5) elif entry == '2': break elif query == '3': while True: entry = input('是否继续录入 *** 作(1.继续 2.退出):') if entry == '1': way = input('请您选择查询方式(1.查询个人 2.查询全部):') if way == '1': student_id = input('请您输入需要查询同学的学号:') if y[student_id][2] in x[account][5]: print('*' * 3 + '考试成绩' + '*' * 3) print('学号:{}'.format(student_id)) print('姓名:{}'.format(y[student_id][4])) print('语文:{}'.format(z[student_id]['语文'])) print('数学:{}'.format(z[student_id]['数学'])) print('英语:{}'.format(z[student_id]['英语'])) print('*' * 10) time.sleep(0.5) else: print('该同学不在您授课班级内!') elif way == '2': print('*' * 16 + '学生考试成绩' + '*' * 16) for i in y: for m, n in x[account][5].items(): if y[i][2] == m and y[i][3] in n: print('学号:{}、姓名:{}、语文:{}、数学:{}、英语:{}'. format(i, y[i][4], z[i]['语文'], z[i]['数学'], z[i]['英语'])) print('*' * 42) time.sleep(0.5) elif entry == '2': break elif query == '4': while True: reserved = input('请您输入预留手机号码:') if reserved == x[account][4]: new_password = input('请您输入新密码:') x[account][0] = new_password time.sleep(0.5) print('密码修改成功!新密码:{}'.format(new_password)) break else: print('号码错误,请您核实!') modify = input('是否继续修改(1.继续 2.退出):') if modify == '2': break elif query == '5': break elif account in x and x[account][0] != password: print('密码错误,请核实密码!') else: print('不好意思,工号不存在!') elif login_operation == '2': retrieve_password = input('是否需要找回密码(1.需要 2.取消):') if retrieve_password == '1': while True: teacher_id = input('请您输入教师工号:') if teacher_id in x: break else: print('工号错误,请您核实!') while True: phone = input('请您输入预留手机号码:') if x[teacher_id][4] == phone: break else: print('号码错误,请您核实!') while True: first_input = input('请您输入新密码:') second_input = input('请再次输入密码:') if first_input == second_input: x[teacher_id][0] = first_input time.sleep(0.5) print('密码找回成功,请您重新登录!') break else: print('两次密码不同,请您仔细核对!') elif login_operation == '3': break
import time options = '''******************************** 1.查询本人信息 2.修改本人信息 3.查询老师信息 4.修改老师信息 5.录入老师信息 6.删除老师信息 7.查询学生信息 8.修改学生信息 9.录入学生信息 10.删除学生信息 11.查询考试成绩 12.修改考试成绩 13.录入考试成绩 14.删除考试成绩 15.修改登录密码 16.退出系统登录 ********************************''' def administrator_login(a, b, c, d): while True: login_operation = input('请您选择登录 *** 作(1.登录系统 2.找回密码 3.退出系统):') if login_operation == '1': account = input('请您输入管理账号:') password = input('请您输入登录密码:') if account in a and a[account][0] == password: time.sleep(0.5) print('密码正确,登录成功') while True: print(options) query = input('请您选择 *** 作选项:') if query == '1': print('*' * 6 + '个人信息' + '*' * 6) print('管理账号:{}'.format(account)) print('管理姓名:{}'.format(a[account][1])) print('管理性别:{}'.format(a[account][2])) print('管理年龄:{}'.format(a[account][3])) print('管理电话:{}'.format(a[account][4])) print('*' * 18) time.sleep(0.5) elif query == '2': print('*' * 23 + '个人信息' + '*' * 23) print('账号:{}、姓名:{}、性别:{}、年龄:{}、电话:{}'. format(account, a[account][1], a[account][2], a[account][3], a[account][4])) print('*' * 52) while True: personal_change = input('请您选择修改选项(1.姓名 2.性别 3.年龄 4.电话 5.退出):') if personal_change == '1': name = input('请您输入姓名:') a[account][1] = name elif personal_change == '2': gender = input('请您输入性别:') a[account][2] = gender elif personal_change == '3': age = input('请您输入年龄:') a[account][3] = age elif personal_change == '4': phone = input('请您输入电话:') a[account][4] = phone elif personal_change == '5': break print('*' * 23 + '个人信息' + '*' * 23) print('账号:{}、姓名:{}、性别:{}、年龄:{}、电话:{}'. format(account, a[account][1], a[account][2], a[account][3], a[account][4])) print('*' * 52) time.sleep(0.5) elif query == '3': while True: way = input('请您选择查询 *** 作(1.查询个人 2.查询全部 3.退出查询):') if way == '1': teacher_id = input('请您输入需要查询老师的工号:') if teacher_id in b: print('*' * 11 + '教师信息' + '*' * 11) print('工号:{}'.format(teacher_id)) print('姓名:{}'.format(b[teacher_id][1])) print('性别:{}'.format(b[teacher_id][2])) print('年龄:{}'.format(b[teacher_id][3])) print('电话:{}'.format(b[teacher_id][4])) for m, n in b[teacher_id][5].items(): print('授课年级:{}'.format(m)) print('授课班级:{}'.format(' '.join(n))) print('*' * 27) time.sleep(0.5) else: print('教师工号错误,请您核实!') elif way == '2': print('*' * 50 + '教师信息' + '*' * 50) for i in b: for m, n in b[i][5].items(): print('工号:{}、姓名:{}、性别:{}、年龄:{}、电话:{}、授课年级:{}、授课班级:{}'. format(i, b[i][1], b[i][2], b[i][3], b[i][4], m, ' '.join(n))) print('*' * 106) time.sleep(0.5) elif way == '3': break elif query == '4': teacher_id = input('请您输入需要修改老师的工号:') if teacher_id in b: print('*' * 50 + '教师信息' + '*' * 50) for m, n in b[teacher_id][5].items(): print('工号:{}、姓名:{}、性别:{}、年龄:{}、电话:{}、授课年级:{}、授课班级:{}'. format(teacher_id, b[teacher_id][1], b[teacher_id][2], b[teacher_id][3], b[teacher_id][4], m, ' '.join(n))) print('*' * 106) while True: teacher_change = input('请您选择修改选项(1.姓名 2.性别 3.年龄 4.电话 5.授课年级(班级) 6.退出):') if teacher_change == '1': name = input('请您输入姓名:') b[teacher_id][1] = name elif teacher_change == '2': gender = input('请您输入性别:') b[teacher_id][2] = gender elif teacher_change == '3': age = input('请您输入年龄:') b[teacher_id][3] = age elif teacher_change == '4': phone = input('请您输入电话:') b[teacher_id][4] = phone elif teacher_change == '5': teacher_options = input('请您选择 *** 作类型(1.增加班级 2.删除班级 3.退出 *** 作):') while True: if teacher_options == '1': add_grade = input('请您输入增加年级:').capitalize() add_class = input('请您输入增加班级:').capitalize() if add_grade in b[teacher_id][5] and add_class in b[teacher_id][5][ add_grade]: print('您输入的年级和班级已存在') elif add_grade in b[teacher_id][5] and add_class not in b[teacher_id][5][ add_grade]: b[teacher_id][5][add_grade].append(add_class) print('信息添加成功') break else: b[teacher_id][5][add_grade] = [add_class] print('信息添加成功') break elif teacher_options == '2': choose = input('是否继续 *** 作(1.继续 2.退出)') if choose == '1': delete_grade = input('请您输入删除年级:').capitalize() delete_class = input('请您输入删除班级:').capitalize() if delete_grade in b[teacher_id][5]: if delete_class in b[teacher_id][5][delete_grade]: b[teacher_id][5][delete_grade].remove(delete_class) print('信息删除成功') break elif b[teacher_id][5][delete_grade] == []: del b[teacher_id][5][delete_grade] print('信息删除成功') break else: print('您输入的班级不存在') else: print('您输入的年级不存在') elif choose == '2': break elif teacher_options == '3': break elif teacher_change == '6': break print('*' * 50 + '教师信息' + '*' * 50) if b[teacher_id][5] == {}: print('工号:{0}、姓名:{1}、性别:{2}、年龄:{3}、电话:{4}、授课年级:{5}、授课班级:{5}'. format(teacher_id, b[teacher_id][1], b[teacher_id][2], b[teacher_id][3], b[teacher_id][4], '无')) else: for m, n in b[teacher_id][5].items(): print('工号:{0}、姓名:{1}、性别:{2}、年龄:{3}、电话:{4}、授课年级:{5}、授课班级:{6}'. format(teacher_id, b[teacher_id][1], b[teacher_id][2], b[teacher_id][3], b[teacher_id][4], m, ' '.join(n))) print('*' * 106) else: print('教师工号错误,请您核实!') elif query == '5': while True: choose = input('是否继续 *** 作(1.继续 2.退出)') if choose == '1': teacher_id = input('请您输入教师工号:') if teacher_id in b: print('该教师工号已存在') else: b[teacher_id] = ['', '', '', '', '', ''] b[teacher_id][0] = input('请您输入登录密码:') b[teacher_id][1] = input('请您输入教师姓名:') b[teacher_id][2] = input('请您输入教师性别:') b[teacher_id][3] = input('请您输入教师年龄:') b[teacher_id][4] = input('请您输入教师电话:') teacher_grade = input('请您输入教师授课年级:') teacher_class = input('请您输入教师授课班级(多个班级请用英文,隔开输入):') b[teacher_id][5] = {teacher_grade: [teacher_class]} print('教师信息录入成功') time.sleep(0.5) print('*' * 50 + '教师信息' + '*' * 50) for m, n in b[teacher_id][5].items(): print('工号:{}、姓名:{}、性别:{}、年龄:{}、电话:{}、授课年级:{}、授课班级:{}'. format(teacher_id, b[teacher_id][1], b[teacher_id][2], b[teacher_id][3], b[teacher_id][4], m, ' '.join(n))) print('*' * 106) time.sleep(0.5) break elif choose == '2': break elif query == '6': delete_teacher = input('请您输入需要删除老师的工号:') if delete_teacher in b: del b[delete_teacher] print('教师信息已删除!') else: print('你输入的工号不存在,请核实!') elif query == '7': while True: way = input('请您选择查询 *** 作(1.查询个人 2.查询全部 3.退出查询):') if way == '1': student_id = input('请您输入需要查询同学的学号:') if student_id in c: print('*' * 5 + '学生信息' + '*' * 5) print('学号:{}'.format(student_id)) print('姓名:{}'.format(c[student_id][4])) print('性别:{}'.format(c[student_id][5])) print('年龄:{}'.format(c[student_id][6])) print('生日:{}'.format(c[student_id][7])) print('电话:{}'.format(c[student_id][8])) print('*' * 15) else: print('您输入的学生号码有误,请核实!') elif way == '2': print('*' * 30 + '学生信息' + '*' * 30) for i in c: print('学号:{}、姓名:{}、性别:{}、年龄:{}、生日:{}、电话:{}'. format(i, c[i][4], c[i][5], c[i][6], c[i][7], c[i][8])) print('*' * 67) elif way == '3': break elif query == '8': students_id = input('请您输入需要修改信息学生证号:') if students_id in c: while True: students_change = input('请您选择修改选项(1.姓名 2.性别 3.年龄 4.生日 5.电话 6.退出):') if students_change == '1': name = input('请您输入姓名:') c[students_id][4] = name elif students_change == '2': gender = input('请您输入性别:') c[students_id][5] = gender elif students_change == '3': age = input('请您输入年龄:') c[students_id][6] = age elif students_change == '4': birthday = input('请您输入生日(格式:2000-01-01):') c[students_id][7] = birthday elif students_change == '5': phone = input('请您输入电话:') c[students_id][8] = phone elif students_change == '6': break else: print('输入学生证号错误,请核对!') print('*' * 30 + '学生信息' + '*' * 30) print('学号:{}、姓名:{}、性别:{}、年龄:{}、生日:{}、电话:{}'. format(students_id, c[students_id][4], c[students_id][5], c[students_id][6], c[students_id][7], c[students_id][8])) print('*' * 67) time.sleep(0.5) elif query == '9': while True: choose = input('是否继续 *** 作(1.继续 2.退出)') if choose=='1': students_id = input('请您输入学生证号:') if students_id in c: print('学生证号已存在,请核实!') else: password = input('请您输入密码:') professional = input('请您输入专业:').capitalize() grade = input('请您输入年级:').capitalize() Class = input('请您输入班级:').capitalize() name = input('请您输入姓名:') gender = input('请您输入性别:') age = input('请您输入年龄:') birthday = input('请您输入生日(格式:2000-01-01):') phone = input('请您输入电话:') c[students_id] = [password, professional, grade, Class, name, gender, age, birthday, phone] time.sleep(0.5) print('学生信息录入成功') print('*' * 53 + '学生信息' + '*' * 53) print('学号:{}、专业:{}、年级:{}、班级:{}、姓名:{}、性别:{}、年龄:{}、生日:{}、电话:{}'. format(students_id, c[students_id][1], c[students_id][2], c[students_id][3], c[students_id][4], c[students_id][5], c[students_id][6], c[students_id][7], c[students_id][8])) print('*' * 113) time.sleep(0.5) if choose == '2': break elif query == '10': while True: choose = input('是否继续 *** 作(1.继续 2.退出)') if choose == '1': students_id = input('请您输入需要删除学生证号:') if students_id in c: del c[students_id] print('学生信息删除成功') else: print('学生证号不存在,请核实!') if choose == '2': break elif query == '11': while True: way = input('请您选择查询方式(1.查询个人 2.查询全部 3.退出查询):') if way == '1': student_id = input('请您输入需要查询同学的学号:') if student_id in c: print('*' * 5 + '考试成绩' + '*' * 5) print('学号:{}'.format(student_id)) print('姓名:{}'.format(c[student_id][4])) print('语文:{}'.format(d[student_id]['语文'])) print('数学:{}'.format(d[student_id]['数学'])) print('英语:{}'.format(d[student_id]['英语'])) print('*' * 16) time.sleep(0.5) else: print('输入学号不存在,请核实!') if way == '2': print('*' * 18 + '考试成绩' + '*' * 18) for m in d: if m in c: print('学号:{}、姓名:{}、语文:{}、数学:{}、英语:{}'. format(m, c[m][4], d[m]['语文'], d[m]['数学'], d[m]['英语'])) print('*' * 43) if way == '3': break elif query == '12': while True: choose = input('是否继续 *** 作(1.继续 2.退出)') if choose == '1': student_id = input('请您输入需要修改同学的学号:') if student_id in c and student_id in d: while True: modified_grades = input('请您输入修改 *** 作(1.语文 2.数学 3.英语 4.退出):') if modified_grades == '1': d[student_id]['语文'] = input('请您输入语文成绩:') elif modified_grades == '2': d[student_id]['数学'] = input('请您输入数学成绩:') elif modified_grades == '3': d[student_id]['英语'] = input('请您输入英语成绩:') elif modified_grades == '4': time.sleep(0.5) print('成绩信息修改成功') print('学号:{}、姓名:{}、语文:{}、数学:{}、英语:{}'. format(student_id, c[student_id][4], d[student_id]['语文'], d[student_id]['数学'], d[student_id]['英语'])) time.sleep(0.5) break else: print('输入学号不存在,请核实!') elif choose == '2': break elif query == '13': while True: entry = input('是否继续录入 *** 作(1.继续 2.退出):') if entry == '1': student_id = input('请您输入需要录入同学的学号:') if student_id in c: d[student_id]['语文'] = input('请您输入语文成绩:') d[student_id]['数学'] = input('请您输入数学成绩:') d[student_id]['英语'] = input('请您输入英语成绩:') time.sleep(0.5) print('成绩信息录入成功') print('*' * 5 + '考试成绩' + '*' * 5) print('学号:{}'.format(student_id)) print('姓名:{}'.format(c[student_id][4])) print('语文:{}'.format(d[student_id]['语文'])) print('数学:{}'.format(d[student_id]['数学'])) print('英语:{}'.format(d[student_id]['英语'])) print('*' * 16) time.sleep(0.5) else: print('输入学号不存在,请核实!') if entry == '2': break elif query == '14': while True: entry = input('是否继续录入 *** 作(1.继续 2.退出):') if entry == '1': student_id = input('请您输入需要删除同学的学号:') if student_id in c: del d[student_id] d[student_id] = {'语文': 0, '数学': 0, '英语': 0, } time.sleep(0.5) print('考试成绩删除成功') print('*' * 5 + '考试成绩' + '*' * 5) print('学号:{}'.format(student_id)) print('姓名:{}'.format(c[student_id][4])) print('语文:{}'.format(d[student_id]['语文'])) print('数学:{}'.format(d[student_id]['数学'])) print('英语:{}'.format(d[student_id]['英语'])) print('*' * 16) time.sleep(0.5) else: print('输入学号不存在,请核实!') if entry == '2': break elif query == '15': while True: reserved = input('请您输入预留手机号码:') if reserved == a[account][4]: new_password = input('请您输入新密码:') a[account][0] = new_password time.sleep(0.5) print('密码修改成功!新密码:{}'.format(new_password)) break else: print('号码错误,请您核实!') modify = input('是否继续修改(1.继续 2.退出):') if modify == '2': break elif query == '16': break elif account in a and a[account][0] != password: print('密码错误,请您核实!') else: print('不好意思,账号错误!') elif login_operation == '2': retrieve_password = input('是否需要找回密码(1.需要 2.取消):') if retrieve_password == '1': while True: administrator_id = input('请您输入管理账号:') if administrator_id in a: break else: print('工号错误,请您核实!') while True: phone = input('请您输入预留手机号码:') if a[administrator_id][4] == phone: break else: print('号码错误,请您核实!') while True: first_input = input('请您输入新密码:') second_input = input('请再次输入密码:') if first_input == second_input: a[administrator_id][0] = first_input time.sleep(0.5) print('密码找回成功,请您重新登录!') break else: print('两次密码不同,请您仔细核对!') elif login_operation == '3': break