hi,经常在做android系统应用开发,或者framework时候其实都少不了和contentprovider打交道,这里contentprovider其实也算android四大组件中非常重要的一个组件。经常如果涉及到数据库 *** 作和跨进程一些通信,如果我们需要测试contentprovider写的是否正确,可以 被客户端调用正常主要有2种方法 :
1、自己写一个demo来 专门访问contentprovider方式,这种方式当然是ok的,但是每次需要访问contentprovider接口等 都需要对代码进行修改,编译运行,其实效率 相对比较低
2、使用adb shell相关的命令进行contentprovider的 *** 作访问,这种方式 其实是最为方便的,不需要写任何代码,只需要adb shell几个命令既可以搞定,但是 奈何很多同学又不知道相关命令,所以 这里对相关命令进行 一个详细记录,也方便日后自己查询使用,
这里其实我们完全使用:adb shell content -h就可以看到所有 *** 作细节及案例,非常详细:
usage: adb shell content [subcommand] [options] usage: adb shell content insert --uri[--user ] --bind [--bind ...] a content provider URI. binds a typed value to a column and is formatted: : : where: specifies data type such as: b - boolean, s - string, i - integer, l - long, f - float, d - double Note: Omit the value for passing an empty string, e.g column:s: Example: # Add "new_setting" secure setting with value "new_value". adb shell content insert --uri content://settings/secure --bind name:s:new_setting --bind value:s:new_value usage: adb shell content update --uri [--user ] [--where ] is a SQL style where clause in quotes (You have to escape single quotes - see example below). Example: # Change "new_setting" secure setting to "newer_value". adb shell content update --uri content://settings/secure --bind value:s:newer_value --where "name='new_setting'" usage: adb shell content delete --uri [--user ] --bind [--bind ...] [--where ] Example: # Remove "new_setting" secure setting. adb shell content delete --uri content://settings/secure --where "name='new_setting'" usage: adb shell content query --uri [--user ] [--projection ] [--where ] [--sort ] is a list of colon separated column names and is formatted: [: ...] is the order in which rows in the result should be sorted. Example: # Select "name" and "value" columns from secure settings where "name" is equal to "new_setting" and sort the result by name in ascending order. adb shell content query --uri content://settings/secure --projection name:value --where "name='new_setting'" --sort "name ASC" usage: adb shell content call --uri --method [--arg ] [--extra ...] is the name of a provider-defined method is an optional string argument is like --bind above, typed data of the form :{b,s,i,l,f,d}: usage: adb shell content read --uri [--user ] Example: # cat default ringtone to a file, then pull to host adb shell 'content read --uri content://settings/system/ringtone > /mnt/sdcard/tmp.ogg' && adb pull /mnt/sdcard/tmp.ogg usage: adb shell content gettype --uri [--user ] Example: # Show the mime-type of the URI adb shell content gettype --uri content://media/internal/audio/media/
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