Write a query that calculates the difference between the highest salaries found in the marketing and engineering departments. Output just the absolute difference in salaries.
Tables: db_employee, db_dept
--建表 use strata; create table db_employee ( id int ,first_name string ,last_name string ,salary int ,department_id int ) row format delimited fields terminated by ','; load data local inpath '/tmp/strata/db_employee.txt' overwrite into table db_employee; create table db_dept ( id int ,department string ) row format delimited fields terminated by ','; load data local inpath '/tmp/strata/db_dept.txt' overwrite into table db_dept;
--表结构 hive> select * from db_employee limit 5; OK db_employee.id db_employee.first_name db_employee.last_name db_employee.salary db_employee.department_id 10301 Keith Morgan 27056 2 10302 Tyler Booth 32199 3 10303 Clifford Nguyen 32165 2 10304 Mary Jones 49488 3 10305 Melissa Lucero 27024 3 hive> select * from db_dept; OK db_dept.id db_dept.department 1 engineering 2 human resource 3 operation 4 marketing 5 sales 6 customer care
--结果输出 with t as (select department_id,max(salary) as max_sal from db_employee where department_id in (select id from db_dept where department regexp 'engineering|marketing') group by department_id) select abs(collect_set(max_sal)[0]-collect_set(max_sal)[1]) from t;