class CourseInscription(ndb.Model): member = ndb.KeyProperty(kind='User', required=True) course = ndb.KeyProperty(kind='Course', required=True) is_active = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=True)
class Course(ndb.Model): # all the stuff already there @property def members(self): return CourseInscription.query(CourseInscription.course == self.key)
通常,我更喜欢只返回查询,让调用者决定直接调用它,或者添加更多过滤/排序,而不是直接执行 ndb.get_multi 。
我通常做的另一种不错的做法是使用它们的父级为关系实体构造id,因此我可以使用get by id轻松检查是否存在,而不必查询
class CourseInscription(ndb.Model): # all the other stuff @staticmethod def build_id(user_key, course_key): return '%s/%s' % (user_key.urlsafe(), course_key.urlsafe())# somewhere I can create an inscription likeCourseInscription( id=CourseInscription.build_id(user_key, course_key), user=user_key, course=course_key, is_active=True).put()# somewhere else I can check if a User is in a Course by just getting... no queries neededif ndb.Key(CourseInscription, CourseInscription.build_id(user, course)).get(): # Then the user is in the course!else: # then it's not