1. while和if的用法基本类似, 区别在于:if 条件成立,则执行一次; while 条件成立,则重复执行,直到条件不成立为止。
2. 一般情况下,需要多次重复执行的代码,都可以用循环的方式来完成
3. 循环不是必须要使用的,但是为了提高代码的重复使用率,所以有经验的开发者都会采用循环
for 9x9
# 案例01
# age = 29
# print("---判断开始---")
# if age > 18:
# print("我已经成年了")
# print("---判断结束---")
# 案例02
# age = 16
# print("---判断开始---")
# if age > 18:
# print("我已经成年了")
# print("---判断结束---")
# age = int(input("请输入年龄:"))
# if age > 18:
# print("哥,已成年,终于可以执剑走天涯")
# a = 10
# b = 20
# if a == b:
# print('True')
# else:
# print("False")
# score = int(input('请输入成绩:'))
# if score>=90 and score <= 100:
# print('优秀')
# kicket = 1 #1代表有车票 0代表没有车票
# if kicket == 1:
# print("有车票,可以上火车")
# print("可以见到她了,美滋滋~~~")
# else:
# print("没有车票,不能上火车")
# print("balabalabalabalabalabala")
# kicket = 1 #1代表有车票 0代表没有车票
# if kicket == 0:
# print("有车票,可以上火车")
# print("可以见到她了,美滋滋~~~")
# else:
# print("没有车票,不能上火车")
# print("balabalabalabalabalabala")
# sg = int(input("请输入身高:"))
# if sg > 150:
# print("你的身高已超出免票范围,请买票进入")
# else:
# print("老虎动物园欢迎你")
# score = int(input("请输入成绩:"))
# if score >= 90 and score <= 100:
# print("优秀")
# elif score >=80 and score <= 90:
# print("真棒")
# elif score >= 70 and score <= 80:
# print("继续努力")
# elif score >=60 and score <= 70:
# print("一般般")
# else:
# print("不及格")
# score = int(input("请输入成绩:"))
# if score >= 90 and score <= 100:
# print("优秀")
# elif score >=80 and score <= 90:
# print("真棒")
# elif score >= 70 and score <= 80:
# print("继续努力")
# elif score >=60 and score <= 70:
# print("一般般")
# else:
# print("不及格")
# chePiao = int(input("请出示车票:"))
# if chePiao == 1:
# print("有车票,可以进站")
# daoLenght = int(input("请输入刀子的长度:"))
# if daoLenght < 10:
# print("通过安检")
# print("终于可以见到他了,美滋滋")
# else:
# print("没有通过安检")
# print("刀子的长度超过鬼将,等待警察处理")
# else:
# print("没有车票,不能进站")
# print("亲爱的,那就下次见了")
# chePiao = int(input("请出示车票:"))
# if chePiao == 1:
# print("有车票,可以进站")
# daoLenght = int(input("请输入刀子的长度:"))
# if daoLenght < 10:
# print("通过安检")
# print("终于可以见到他了,美滋滋")
# else:
# print("没有通过安检")
# gjc = int(input("是否可上上公交车(1.超过两元,0.没有超过两元):"))
# if gjc == 1:
# print("可以上车")
# zx = int(input("是否可以坐下(1.可以坐下,0.不可以坐下):"))
# if zx == 1:
# print("card_money")
# else:
# print("seat")
# else:
# print("不可以上车")
# player01 = int(input("玩家一请输入(剪刀(0) 石头(1) 布(2):"))
# player02 = int(input("玩家二请输入(剪刀(0) 石头(1) 布(2):"))
# if player01 == 0 and player02 == 2 or player01 == 1 and player02 == 0 or player01 == 2 and player02 == 1:
# print("玩家一获胜")
# elif player01 == 0 and player02 == 0 or player01 == 1 and player02 == 1 or player01 == 2 and player02 == 2:
# print("平局")
# else:
# print("玩家二获胜")
# i = 0
# while i < 10:
# print("媳妇我错了")
# i += 1
# i = 0
# # while i < 5:
# # print("i = %d" % i)
# # i += 1
# i = 0
# while i < 10:
# print("我爱你中国,为偶爱你母亲!!!")
# i += 1
# i = 1
# sum = 0
# while i <= 100:
# sum += i
# i += 1
# print("计算1--100之间的整数和为:%d" % sum)
# i =1
# sum = 0
# while i <= 100:
# if i % 2 == 0:
# sum += i
# i += 1
# print("计算1--100之间的偶数和为:%d" % sum)
# i = 1
# sum = 0
# while i <= 100:
# if i % 2 == 1:
# sum += i
# i += 1
# print("计算1--100之间的奇数和为:%d" % sum)
# i = 1
# while i <= 5:
# j = 1
# while j <= i:
# print("*",end=" ")
# j += 1
# print("n")
# i += 1
# i = 1
# while i <= 9:
# j = 1
# while j <= i:
# print("%d*%d=%d" % (i,j,i*j),end=" ")
# j += 1
# print("n")
# i += 1
# name = "Zhang"
# for i in name:
# print(i)
for i in range(0,10):
if i == 6:
elif i == 8: