本篇主要是討論用 python 模擬自然界的雪花結晶形狀, (注意: 非網路上常提到的 雪花算法).
“Talk is cheap. Show me the code.”
― Linus Torvalds
拳打千遍, 身法自然
“There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them.” – Seth Godin
- 樹枝雪花
- 參考 GeekGurlDiaries 的程式碼
- 分解說明
- branch()
- snowflake()
- 最後段: 畫多個隨機位置、大小、顏色之雪花
- 修改 GeekGurlDiaries 的程式碼
- 雪花的瓣數確定
- 雪花的瓣數也隨機決定
- 蕨葉雪花
- Referencs
本篇主要是討論用 python 模擬自然界的雪花結晶形狀, (注意: 非網路上常提到的 雪花算法).
樹枝雪花 參考 GeekGurlDiaries 的程式碼此處我們先參考以下 GeekGurlDiaries YouTube 上影片的程式碼:
Ref: How to make Snowflakes with Code (Xmas Hour of Code Special) link
# Geek Gurl Diaries Episode 33: Xmas Special Make Snowflakes with Turtle # By Carrie Anne Philbin # https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHmeX7YTHBY import turtle import random # setup the window with a background colour wn = turtle.Screen() wn.bgcolor("cyan") # assign a name to your turtle elsa = turtle.Turtle() elsa.speed(15) # create a list of colours sfcolor = ["white", "blue", "purple", "grey", "magenta"] # create a function to create different size snowflakes def snowflake(size): # move the pen into starting position elsa.penup() elsa.forward(10*size) elsa.left(45) elsa.pendown() elsa.color(random.choice(sfcolor)) # draw branch 8 times to make a snowflake for i in range(8): branch(size) elsa.left(45) # create one branch of the snowflake def branch(size): for i in range(3): for i in range(3): elsa.forward(10.0*size/3) elsa.backward(10.0*size/3) elsa.right(45) elsa.left(90) elsa.backward(10.0*size/3) elsa.left(45) elsa.right(90) elsa.forward(10.0*size) # loop to create 20 different sized snowflakes with different starting co-ordinates for i in range(20): x = random.randint(-200, 200) y = random.randint(-200, 200) sf_size = random.randint(1, 4) elsa.penup() elsa.goto(x, y) elsa.pendown() snowflake(sf_size) # leave the window open until you click to close wn.exitonclick()
我們看到, 主要是透過 branch() 繪製每個枝葉, 繪出8個主要枝葉, 間格 45度, 就完成雪花,
我們將程式碼簡化到只剩 branch(), 觀察他的動作
# Geek Gurl Diaries Episode 33: Xmas Special Make Snowflakes with Turtle # By Carrie Anne Philbin # https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHmeX7YTHBY import turtle wn = turtle.Screen() # assign a name to your turtle elsa = turtle.Turtle() elsa.speed(1) size = 20 # move the pen into starting position elsa.penup() elsa.forward(10*size) elsa.left(45) elsa.pendown() # create one branch of the snowflake def branch(size): for i in range(3): for i in range(3): elsa.forward(10.0*size/3) elsa.backward(10.0*size/3) elsa.right(45) elsa.left(90) elsa.backward(10.0*size/3) elsa.left(45) elsa.right(90) elsa.forward(10.0*size) branch(size)
branch(20) 繪製的效果如下:
透過前進再後退, 然後右轉45度, 完成畫出一個小枝,
重複三次畫一個小枝, 組成三個小分支葉,
以下是小迴圈 codes:
for i in range(3): elsa.forward(10.0*size/3) elsa.backward(10.0*size/3) elsa.right(45)
小迴圈執行3次, 3組3個小分支葉再組成一個大分枝,
他的程式碼並不好讀, 需要經常調整海龜轉向, 造成程式碼不好閱讀, 難以立即從閱讀程式碼, 就能推測出畫出的形狀.
snowflake()snowflake() 則是呼叫8次 branch(), 完成8個大分枝組成之雪花
最後段: 畫多個隨機位置、大小、顏色之雪花最後段則是執行20 次呼叫 snowflake() 畫雪花,
每次都重設海龜之 x, y 座標, 隨機選擇, 還有大小也是隨機選擇,
可以看得出, 她的程式碼有多處是耦合在一起, 不好閱讀, 也不好維護修改, (許多中小學老師 Python程式能力屬於業餘的水準, 能用 python 做教案, 已經難能可貴了).
# loop to create 20 different sized snowflakes with different starting co-ordinates for i in range(20): x = random.randint(-200, 200) y = random.randint(-200, 200) sf_size = random.randint(1, 4) elsa.penup() elsa.goto(x, y) elsa.pendown() snowflake(sf_size)修改 GeekGurlDiaries 的程式碼 雪花的瓣數確定
我們將程式碼改成較專業, 海龜旋轉角度也用較直觀的方式去設計
如果我們選擇只畫出 6瓣的雪花, 類似大自然的對稱,
如果是八瓣, 20個雪花, 則圖如下
# Geek Gurl Diaries Episode 33: Xmas Special Make Snowflakes with Turtle # By Carrie Anne Philbin # https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHmeX7YTHBY # Revised by Prof. P-J Lai MATH NKNU 20220102 # snowflake_GeekGurlDiaries_Lai.py import turtle import random # setup the window with a background colour screen = turtle.Screen() screen.bgcolor("cyan") # assign a name to your turtle T = turtle.Turtle() T.speed(0) # create a list of colours colorList = ["white", "blue", "purple", "grey", "magenta", "green", "yellow"] # create one branch of the snowflake def branch(size): for i in range(3): T.left(45) for i in range(3): T.forward(size/3) T.backward(size/3) T.right(45) T.left(90) T.backward(size/3) # create a function to create different size snowflakes def snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber): # move the pen into starting position T.penup() T.goto(x,y) T.color(color) T.pendown() # draw branch petalNumber times to make a snowflake for i in range(petalNumber): T.fd(size) branch(size) T.left(360/petalNumber) if __name__ == "__main__": petalNumber = 8 # loop to create 20 different sized snowflakes with different starting co-ordinates for i in range(20): x = random.randint(-200, 200) y = random.randint(-200, 200) size = random.randint(10, 50) snowflake(size, x, y, random.choice(colorList), petalNumber) #snowflake(100, 0, 0, "purple", petalNumber)雪花的瓣數也隨機決定
我們修改成, 雪花的瓣數也隨機決定,
從 6, 8, 10, 12 瓣, 隨機決定:
petalNumber = random.choice([6, 8, 10, 12])
# Geek Gurl Diaries Episode 33: Xmas Special Make Snowflakes with Turtle # By Carrie Anne Philbin # https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHmeX7YTHBY # Revised by Prof. P-J Lai MATH NKNU 20220102 # snowflake_GeekGurlDiaries_Lai.py import turtle import random # setup the window with a background colour screen = turtle.Screen() screen.bgcolor("cyan") # assign a name to your turtle T = turtle.Turtle() T.speed(0) # create a list of colours colorList = ["white", "blue", "purple", "grey", "magenta", "green", "yellow"] # create one branch of the snowflake def branch(size): for i in range(3): T.left(45) for i in range(3): T.forward(size/3) T.backward(size/3) T.right(45) T.left(90) T.backward(size/3) # create a function to create different size snowflakes def snowflake(size, x, y, color, petalNumber): # move the pen into starting position T.penup() T.goto(x,y) T.color(color) T.pendown() # draw branch petalNumber times to make a snowflake for i in range(petalNumber): T.fd(size) branch(size) T.left(360/petalNumber) if __name__ == "__main__": # petalNumber = 8 # loop to create 20 different sized snowflakes with different starting co-ordinates for i in range(20): x = random.randint(-250, 250) y = random.randint(-250, 250) size = random.randint(10, 50) petalNumber = random.choice([6, 8, 10, 12]) snowflake(size, x, y, random.choice(colorList), petalNumber) #snowflake(100, 0, 0, "purple", petalNumber)蕨葉雪花 Referencs
王燕平, 張超, 尊貴的雪花, 重慶大學, 2017.
雪花算法原理_孙略 | 雪花工场 link
How to make Snowflakes with Code (Xmas Hour of Code Special), https://youtu.be/DHmeX7YTHBY link.
For full code see: https://github.com/MissPhilbin/GeekGurlDiaries link -
The snowflake man, https://youtu.be/ptLmA263hlk link
Snowflake Bentley, https://youtu.be/x8HYqUjbKeM link
Identical Snowflakes? Scientist Ruins Winter For Everyone. | Deep Look, https://youtu.be/Gojddrb70N8 link
The Snowflake Mystery, https://youtu.be/ao2Jfm35XeE link