1. You must include the iostream header file. 2. The iostream header file defines an ostream class for handling output. 3. The iostream header file declares an ostream variable, or object, called cout. 4. You must account for the std namespace; for example, you can use the using directive or the std:: prefix for elements such as cout and endl. 5. You can use cout with the << operator to read a variety of data types.1.2 using ofstream
1 You must include the fstream header file. 2 The fstream header file defines an ofstream class for handling output. 3 You need to declare one or more ofstream variables, or objects, which you can name as you please, as long as you respect the usual naming conventions. 4 You must account for the std namespace; for example, you can use the using directive or the std:: prefix for elements such as ofstream. 5 You need to associate a specific ofstream object with a specific file; one way to do so is to use the open() method. 6 When you’re finished with a file, you should use the close() method to close the file. 7 You can use an ofstream object with the << operator to output a variety of data types.1.3 实例
// File name: outfile // Last modified Date: 2021年11月21日16点40分 // Last Version: V1.0 // Descriptions: 输出数据到文件的简单实例 // outfile.cpp -- writing to a file #include#include // for file I/O int main() { using namespace std; char automobile[50]; int year; double a_price; double d_price; ofstream outFile; // create object for output outFile.open("carinfo.txt"); // associate with a file 将文件和对象链接起来 cout << "Enter the make and model of automobile: "; cin.getline(automobile, 50); cout << "Enter the model year: "; cin >> year; cout << "Enter the original asking price: "; cin >> a_price; d_price = 0.913 * a_price; // display information on screen with cout cout << fixed; cout.precision(2); cout.setf(ios_base::showpoint); cout << "Make and model: " << automobile << endl; cout << "Year: " << year << endl; cout << "Was asking $" << a_price << endl; cout << "Now asking $" << d_price << endl; // now do exact same things using outFile instead of cout outFile << fixed; outFile.precision(2); outFile.setf(ios_base::showpoint); outFile << "Make and model: " << automobile << endl; outFile << "Year: " << year << endl; outFile << "Was asking $" << a_price << endl; outFile << "Now asking $" << d_price << endl; outFile.close(); // done with file 用完文件一定要把它关上 return 0; }
Enter the make and model of automobile: Superboly Enter the model year: 2019 Enter the original asking price: 9999 Make and model: Superboly Year: 2019 Was asking $9999.00 Now asking $9129.09 D:PrjC++C++_LearningoutfileDebugoutfile.exe (进程 17460)已退出,代码为 0。 要在调试停止时自动关闭控制台,请启用“工具”->“选项”->“调试”->“调试停止时自动关闭控制台”。 按任意键关闭此窗口. . .
Make and model: Superboly Year: 2019 Was asking 99.00 Now asking 29.09