SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 10240; select concat_ws ('n' ,concat('create table ods.ods_{库名}_','{表名}','_dt') ,'(' ,group_concat( concat_ws (' ' ,case when t.ORDINAL_POSITION = 1 then ' ' else ',' end ,t.column_name ,t.hive_data_type ,'COMMENT' ,concat('''',t.COLUMN_COMMENT,'''') ) order by t.ORDINAL_POSITION asc separator 'n' ) ,concat(') comment ''',m2.table_comment,'''') ,'partitioned by (statdate string COMMENT ''数据日期(yyyyMMdd)'')' ,'stored as parquet' ,'TBLPROPERTIES (''parquet.compression''=''SNAPPY'')' ) as hive_sql ,group_concat(t.column_name order by t.ORDINAL_POSITION asc separator ',') as sqoop_column_list from ( select t.table_schema ,t.table_name ,t.column_name ,CASE WHEN t.DATA_TYPE IN ('int','integer','smallint','tinyint','bit') THEN case when t.ORDINAL_POSITION = 1 and t.COLUMN_NAME like '%id' then 'bigint' else 'int' end WHEN t.DATA_TYPE IN ('bigint') THEN 'bigint' WHEN t.DATA_TYPE IN ('double','decimal') THEN concat('decimal(',IFNULL(t.NUMERIC_PRECISION,10),',',IFNULL(t.NUMERIC_SCALE,0),')') WHEN t.DATA_TYPE IN ('varchar','char') THEN 'string' WHEN t.DATA_TYPE IN ('timestamp','date','datetime','year') THEN 'string' ELSE '??????' END as hive_data_type ,t.DATA_TYPE as mysql_data_type ,t.COLUMN_COMMENT ,t.ORDINAL_POSITION from information_schema.COLUMNS t where t.table_schema='{库名}' and t.table_name='{表名}' ) t join ( select table_schema,table_name,table_comment from information_schema.TABLES t2 where table_schema='{库名}' and table_name='{表名}' ) m2 on m2.table_schema = t.table_schema and m2.table_name = t.table_name