表名:macro_index_data 字段名: 数据期(年月) 地区代码 指标代码 指标类型 (增速、总量) 指标值 数据更新时间 occur_period area_code index_code index_type index_value update_time 说明:罗湖区的区划代码为 440305000000、GDP指标代码为gmjj_jjzl_01、指标类型的枚举值分别是增速(TB)、总量(JDZ)
-- 求出罗湖区2020年4个季度的GDP增速 select area_code, sum (case when month('occur_period') between 1 and 3 then index_value else 0 end)), sum (case when month('occur_period') between 4 and 6 then index_value else 0 end)), sum (case when month('occur_period') between 7 and 9 then index_value else 0 end)), sum (case when month('occur_period') between 10 and 12 then index_value else 0 end)) from macro_index_data where area_code = '440305000000' and index_code = 'gmjj_jjzl_01' and index_type = 'TB' and year('occur_period') = 2020 group by area_code -- 求出其他区中的GDP增速 select area_code, sum (case when month('occur_period') between 1 and 3 then index_value else 0 end)), sum (case when month('occur_period') between 4 and 6 then index_value else 0 end)), sum (case when month('occur_period') between 7 and 9 then index_value else 0 end)), sum (case when month('occur_period') between 10 and 12 then index_value else 0 end)) from macro_index_data where area_code <> '440305000000' and index_code = 'gmjj_jjzl_01' and index_type = 'TB' and year('occur_period') = 2020 group by area_code -- 整合函数 with t1 as ( select area_code, sum (case when month('occur_period') between 1 and 3 then index_value else 0 end)) `one`, sum (case when month('occur_period') between 4 and 6 then index_value else 0 end)) `two`, sum (case when month('occur_period') between 7 and 9 then index_value else 0 end)) `three`, sum (case when month('occur_period') between 10 and 12 then index_value else 0 end) `four`) from macro_index_data where area_code = '440305000000' and index_code = 'gmjj_jjzl_01' and index_type = 'TB' and year('occur_period') = 2020 group by area_code ), t2 as ( select area_code, sum (case when month('occur_period') between 1 and 3 then index_value else 0 end)) `one`, sum (case when month('occur_period') between 4 and 6 then index_value else 0 end)) `two`, sum (case when month('occur_period') between 7 and 9 then index_value else 0 end)) three`, sum (case when month('occur_period') between 10 and 12 then index_value else 0 end)) `four` from macro_index_data where area_code <> '440305000000' and index_code = 'gmjj_jjzl_01' and index_type = 'TB' and year('occur_period') = 2020 group by area_code ) select t2.area_code from t1 join t2 on t1.area_code = t2.area_code where t1.one < t2.one and t1.two < t2.two and t1.three < t2.three and t1.four < t2.four;