select * from area where rownum <= 8
对于这种形式的查询,oracle不像mysql那么方便,它必须使用子查询或者是集合 *** 作来实现。我们可以使用以下3种方式可以实现:
A: select id,province,city,district from (select id,province,city,district,rownum as num from area) where num between 2 and 8
首先根据select id,province,city,district,rownum as num from area得到一个临时表,这个临时表中有一个rownum列(一个伪列,类似与rowid,但又不同于rowid,因为rowid是物理存在的一个列,也就是说Oracle数据库中任何一个表都有一个rowid列,而rownum不是物理存在的),然后在临时表中来查询。
B: select * from area where rownum <= 8 minus select * from area where rownum <2
使用集合减运算符minus,该 *** 作返回在第一个select中出现而不在第二个select中出现的记录。
C: select id,province,city,district from (select id,province,city,district,rownum as num from area) where num >=2
select * from area where rownum <= 8
使用集合交运算符intersect,这里绕了一个弯(不过这个弯实现了rownum大于某个数的查询),它是首先利用A的方式查询得到所有rownum大于2的记录,然后再与rownum小于等于8的记录集合做交运算。三种 *** 作得到的结果一样,如下图所示:
[1] rownum不支持以下方式的查询
a: select * from area where rownum >2
b: select * from area where rownum = n–where n is a integer number lager than 1
注:rownum只支持select * from area where rownum =1的查询。Oracle的官方文档说明如下:
Conditions testing for ROWNUM values greater than a positive integer are always false.
For example, this query returns no rows:
SELECT * FROM employees
The first row fetched is assigned a ROWNUM of 1 and makes the condition false. The
second row to be fetched is now the first row and is also assigned a ROWNUM of 1 and
makes the condition false. All rows subsequently fail to satisfy the condition, so no
rows are returned.
[2] rownum的排序查询问题
If an ORDER BY clause follows ROWNUM in the same query, then the rows will be
reordered by the ORDER BY clause. The results can vary depending on the way the
rows are accessed. For example, if the ORDER BY clause causes Oracle to use an index
to access the data, then Oracle may retrieve the rows in a different order than without
the index.
例如:select * from area where rownum <= 8 order by district
select * from (select * from area order by district)
where rownum <= 8
Oracle中的rownum与mysql的limit实现的功能相同,但没有mysql来的容易,它一般通过一个子查询来实现。mysql的易用性也是它能够纵横开源数据库的原因,它不像postgresql那样的学院派,它的那种简单易用性或许在大型软件项目的开发中值得借鉴。最近听说sql server 2008也实现了limit的查询,不过还没去试过,Oracle在这方面也要加油啊,用户容易使用才是王道
select Aa.Aamount -B.stock , B.bookidfrom (select sum(A.amount) as Aamount , A.bookid from group by A.bookid ) Aa inner join B on Aa.bookid =B.bookid上述用的是sql2000 的语法。但都类似。