链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1OMwV5dbaGxy0A__I6nCGBQ
提取码: ju64快易典幼儿平板动画儿歌资源 猪猪侠 巧虎好孩子生活教育系列 K1幼儿平板动画片
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萌妹网倒了来源: 罗利控.moe的日志
That is the answer to everything
I am regretting maintaining moe.imouto.org for so long, I realized that I’ve spent over 30,000 dollars so far and all I have to show is a leecher user base who feels entitled to have the best and greatest scans for free. There is the few users that regularly keep me from going in to RAGE mode and from killing the site over and over, anyways. I started the site with the lofty goal of destroying animepaper and minitokyo, but that goal has only been partly met. I doubt that’ll ever happen since the site admins for those sites most likely EASILY get much more income from how much it hosts their sites.
More for the fact that I’m currently jobless and still have house payments to make puts me in a deep spiral of depression, I have a feeling I will lose the house due to the site. Wonderful.
I am tired, really tired.