to import xml into mysql
$file = "article_2_3032005467.xml"
$feed = array()
$key = ""
$info = ""
function startElement($xml_parser, $attrs ) {
global $feed
function endElement($xml_parser, $name) {
global $feed, $info
$key = $name
$feed[$key] = $info
$info = ""}
function charData($xml_parser, $data ) {
global $info
$info .= $data}
$xml_parser = xml_parser_create()
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement")
xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "charData" )
$fp = fopen($file, "r")
while ($data = fread($fp, 8192))
!xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp))
$sql= "INSERT INTO `article` ( `"
foreach( $feed as $assoc_index =>$value )
$sql.= strtolower($assoc_index)
if($i>$j) $sql.= "` , `"
if($i <=$j) {$sql.= "` ) VALUES ('"}
foreach( $feed as $assoc_index =>$value )
$sql.= utf8_decode(trim(addslashes($value)))
if($i-1>$h) $sql.= "', '"
if($i <=$h) $sql.= "','')"
echo $sql
写了重装 使用brew install mysql安装FeedBack:
# re: ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntaxcheck the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'cross ' at line mysql>delete database user
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntaxcheck the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'datab
ase user' at line 1