SELECT DATE_FORMAT(ec_salesorder.duedate,’%Y-%m’) as m, sum( as total, count(*) as so_count FROM ec_salesorder GROUP BY m ORDER BY m,也就是把duedate日期以月的形式显示,然后groupby,那么按周如何统计呢?
搜了一下mysql的manual,在这里找到一个解决方法,通过mysql的week函数来做,sql语句如下:SELECT WEEK(ec_salesorder.duedate) as m, sum( as total, count(*) as so_count FROM ec_salesorder GROUP BY m ORDER BY m,这个方法有个缺陷,不能显示年份,仅仅靠一个周数不方便查看统计信息。
继续研究mysql manual,在DATE_FORMAT函数介绍发现2个格式符和周有点关系:
%X Year for the week where Sunday is the first day of the week, numeric, four digitsused with %V
%x Year for the week, where Monday is the first day of the week, numeric, four digitsused with %v
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(ec_salesorder.duedate,’%x %v’) as m, sum( as total, count(*) as so_count FROM ec_salesorder GROUP BY m ORDER BY m
m total so_count
2009 11 10000.00 3
2009 12 44000.00 5
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(ec_salesorder.duedate,’%X %V’) as m, sum( as total, count(*) as so_count FROM ec_salesorder GROUP BY m ORDER BY m
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