第四题怎么做??mysql 怎么用多表查询where来做??

第四题怎么做??mysql 怎么用多表查询where来做??,第1张


SELECT 字段名 FROM 表1,表2 … WHERE 表1.字段 = 表2.字段 AND 其它查询条件

SELECT a.id,a.name,a.address,a.date,b.math,b.english,b.chinese FROM tb_demo065_tel AS b,tb_demo065 AS a WHERE a.id=b.id



如:SELECT a.id,a.name,a.address,b.math,b.english,b.chinese FROM tb_demo065 a,tb_demo065_tel b WHERE a.id=b.id AND b.id='$_POST[textid]'


MySQL是一个关系型数据库管理系统,由瑞典MySQL AB 公司开发,目前属于 Oracle 旗下产品。MySQL 是最流行的关系型数据库管理系统之一,在 WEB 应用方面,MySQL是最好的 RDBMS (Relational Database Management System,关系数据库管理系统) 应用软件。


MySQL所使用的 SQL 语言是用于访问数据库的最常用标准化语言。MySQL 软件采用了双授权政策,分为社区版和商业版,由于其体积小、速度快、总体拥有成本低,尤其是开放源码这一特点,一般中小型网站的开发都选择 MySQL 作为网站数据库。

我不是很了解你想要的是怎么样。以下是我的思路:select A.survey_id, A.topic, A.qid, B.options, B.description from survey_single_choice as A left join survey_single_choice_option as B on A.id = B.single_choice_id 查出单选

select A1.survey_id, A1.topic, A1.qid, B1.options, B1.description from survey_multiple_choices as A1 left join survey_multiple_choices_option as B1 on A1.id = B1.single_choice_id 查出多选

select S.name, S.description, S.status, C1.topic, C1.qid, C1.options, C1.description from survey as S left join (select A.survey_id, A.topic, A.qid, B.options, B.description from survey_single_choice as A left join survey_single_choice_option as B on A.id = B.single_choice_id) as C1 on S.id = C1.survey_id 单选合并到问卷

select S2.name, S2.description, S2.status, C2.topic, C2.qid, C2.options, C2.description from survey as S2 left join (select A1.survey_id, A1.topic, A1.qid, B1.options, B1.description from survey_multiple_choices as A1 left join survey_multiple_choices_option as B1 on A1.id = B1.single_choice_id) as C2 on S2.id = C2.survey_id 多选合并到问卷

select S3.name, S3.description, S3.status, B2.topic, B2.qid from survey as S3 left join survey_short_answer as B2 on S3.id = B2.survey_id 简答表合并到问卷

如果你是要多行列出 问卷名 题号 题目select S.name, S.description, S.status, C1.topic, C1.qid from survey as S left join (select A.survey_id, A.topic, A.qid, B.options, B.description from survey_single_choice as A left join survey_single_choice_option as B on A.id = B.single_choice_id) as C1 on S.id = C1.survey_idUNION ALLselect S2.name, S2.description, S2.status, C2.topic, C2.qid from survey as S2 left join (select A1.survey_id, A1.topic, A1.qid, B1.options, B1.description from survey_multiple_choices as A1 left join survey_multiple_choices_option as B1 on A1.id = B1.multiple_choices) as C2 on S2.id = C2.survey_idUNION ALLselect S3.name, S3.description, S3.status, B2.topic, B2.qid from survey as S3 left join survey_short_answer as B2 on S3.id = B2.survey_idORDER BY name, qid ASC

如果是一条列出select * from (select * from (select S.name, S.description, S.status, C1.topic, C1.qid, C1.options, C1.description from survey as S left join (select A.survey_id, A.topic, A.qid, B.options, B.description from survey_single_choice as A left join survey_single_choice_option as B on A.id = B.single_choice_id) as C1 on S.id = C1.survey_id) as D left join (select S2.name, S2.description, S2.status, C2.topic, C2.qid, C2.options, C2.description from survey as S2 left join (select A1.survey_id, A1.topic, A1.qid, B1.options, B1.description from survey_multiple_choices as A1 left join survey_multiple_choices_option as B1 on A1.id = B1.single_choice_id) as C2 on S2.id = C2.survey_id) as D1 on D.name = D1.name) as E left join (select S3.name, S3.description, S3.status, B2.topic, B2.qid from survey as S3 left join survey_short_answer as B2 on S3.id = B2.survey_id) E1 on E.name = E1.name



SELECT xm ,je1, je2 ,je3 ,je4 ,je5,je12

FROM 表 12

lEFT JOIN 表1 ON (表12.xm=表1.xm)

LEFT JOIN 表3 ON (表3.xm=表2.xm)



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/zaji/7436781.html

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