select * from table limit 10
select * from table order by id desc
select * from table order by id asc
select * from table order by id desc limit 10
//limit 要放在后面
1、按照各自的活动状态先排序,插入到临时表,最后再union all所有结果集
create temporary table tmp1select * from tb where 活动状态='筹备中' order by 开始时间
create temporary table tmp2
select * from tb where 活动状态='进行中' and 开始时间 is not null order by 开始时间
create temporary table tmp3
select * from tb where 活动状态='进行中' and 开始时间 is null
create temporary table tmp4
select * from tb where 活动状态='已结束' order by 开始时间 desc
(select * from tmp1)
union all
(select * from tmp2)
union all
(select * from tmp3)
union all
(select * from tmp4)
select * from tb order by field(活动状态,'筹备中','进行中','已结束') asc,开始时间 asc
SELECT * FROM (select id,name from table order by id desc limit 0,3) as tbl order by asc欢迎分享,转载请注明来源:内存溢出