1 the VHDL English full name is Very-High-Speed Integrated Circuit HardwareDescription Language, was born in 1982 at the end of 1987, VHDL revealed firmly by IEEE and the United States Department of Defense the standard hardware description language Announced the VHDL standard edition from IEEE, after IEEE-1076 (ie 87 editions), each EDA Corporation has promoted own VHDL design environment one after another, or announces own design tool to be possible with the VHDL connection Hereafter VHDL obtained widespread acceptance in the electronic design domain, and has substituted for the original non-standard hardware description language gradually in 1993, IEEE has carried on the revision to VHDL, expands VHDL from a higher abstract level and the system descriptive power the content, announced new edition VHDL, namely IEEE standard 1076-1993 editions, (ie 93 editions) Now, VHDL and Verilog take IEEE the industrial standard hardware description language, also has the numerous EDA Corporation's support, in the electronic engineering domain, has become the general hardware description language in fact Some experts believed that in the new century, VHDL will undertake the majority of number system task of design in the Verilog language VHDL mainly uses in describing number system's structure, the behavior, the function and the connection Besides includes many have the hardware characteristic sentence, the VHDL language form and the description style and the syntax are similar to the common computer higher order language The VHDL program structure characteristic is an engineering design, or said that the design entity (may be a part, exterior an electric circuit module either a system) divide into (or called, but part, and port) and the interior (or calls invisible part), also involves the entity the internal function and the algorithm completes the part In has defined the external interface after a design entity, once after its internal development completes, other designs may transfer this entity directly Inside and outside this kind will design the entity to divide into a part of concept will be the VHDL system design fundamental point 2 EDA is the electronic design automation (Electronic Design Automation) abbreviation, in the early-1990s from computer-aided design (CAD), computer auxiliary manufacture (CAM), computer auxiliary test (CAT) and computer off-set utilities (CAE) the concept development comes The EDA technology is take the computer as the tool, the designer in the EDA software platform, completes the design document with hardware description language HDL, then completes the logical translation, the simplification, the division, the synthesis, the optimization, the layout, the wiring and the simulation automatically by the computer, until regarding specific goal work and so on chip adaptive translation, logical mapping and programming downloading The EDA technology's appearance, raised the circuit design efficiency and the reliability enormously, reduced designer's labor intensity