(1)不要认为你认为懂的别人都懂,要把所有的基本情况都得交代清楚,否则,别人无法和你交流。 (2) 所提问题要具体,把数据、执行的具体的stata命令、最终的结果等都列出来,便于别人判断。 如: 提问说“我xtgls命令不能回归”,你说这个问题让别人怎么回答。 是你命令问题。还是软件问题还是数据问题呢? 你需要列出你的数据集、使用的命令和问题结果。 列出数据,可以是部分数据,但是别黏贴一个格式的数据,让别人怎么用你的数据给你写程序呢,难道让帮你帮的人自己输入一遍数据吗? 没有数据也没有办法尝试,与人方便自己方便。上传就上传部分excel格式的数据。这样别人愿意给你解决问题。 必要时可以给出你的概念的出处。
查看回滚段名称及大小 select segment_name, tablespace_name, rstatus, (initial_extent/1024) InitialExtent,(next_extent/1024) NextExtent, max_extents, vcurext CurExtent From dba_rollback_segs r, v$rollstat v Where rsegment_id =
lookfor rnd
warndlg - Warning dialog box
betarnd - Random arrays from beta distribution
binornd - Random arrays from the binomial distribution
chi2rnd - Random arrays from chi-square distribution
copularnd - Random vectors from a copula
evrnd - Random arrays from the extreme value distribution
exprnd - Random arrays from exponential distribution
frnd - Random arrays from the F distribution
gamrnd - Random arrays from gamma distribution
geornd - Random arrays from the geometric distribution
gevrnd - Random arrays from the generalized extreme value distribution
gprnd - Random arrays from the generalized Pareto distribution
hygernd - Random arrays from the hypergeometric distribution
iwishrnd - Generate inverse Wishart random matrix
johnsrnd - Random arrays from the Johnson system of distributions
lognrnd - Random arrays from the lognormal distribution
mnrnd - Random vectors from the multinomial distribution
mvnrnd - Random vectors from the multivariate normal distribution
mvtrnd - Random matrices from the multivariate t distribution
nbinrnd - Random arrays from the negative binomial distribution
ncfrnd - Random arrays from the noncentral F distribution
nctrnd - Random arrays from the noncentral t distribution
ncx2rnd - Random arrays from the noncentral chi-square distribution
normrnd - Random arrays from the normal distribution
pearsrnd - Random arrays from the Pearson system of distributions
poissrnd - Random arrays from the Poisson distribution
raylrnd - Random arrays from the Rayleigh distribution
trnd - Random arrays from Student's t distribution
unidrnd - Random arrays from the discrete uniform distribution
unifrnd - Random arrays from continuous uniform distribution
wblrnd - Random arrays from the Weibull distribution
weibrnd - Obsolete function
wishrnd - Generate Wishart random matrix
vipblktxtrnd - Mask helper function for Insert Text block
viptxtrndconvspec - Helper function to determine the conversion specification
wwarndlg - Display warning dialog box (and block execution)
以上就是关于怎么用r语言做t copula全部的内容,包括:怎么用r语言做t copula、MATLAB怎样进行K-S检验,和copula的相关系数矩阵求解、matlab中的rnd是什么等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!