您好,TTL是 Time To Live的缩写,TTL是生存时间的意思。表示该字段指定IP包被路由器丢弃之前允许通过的最大网段数量。
TTL由IP数据包的发送者设置,在IP数据包从源到目的的整个转发路径上,每经过一个路由器,则把该TTL的值减1,然后再将IP包转发出去。如果在IP包到达目的IP之前,TTL减少为0,路由器将会丢弃收到的TTL=0的IP包,并向IP包的发送者发送 ICMP time exceeded消息,以防止数据包不断在IP互联网络上永不终止地循环。
虽然TTL从字面上翻译,是可以存活的时间,但实际上TTL是IP数据包在计算机网络中可以转发的最大跳数。TTL字段由IP数据包的发送者设置,在IP数据包从源到目的的整个转发路径上,每经过一个路由器,路由器都会修改这个TTL字段值,具体的做法是把该TTL的值减1,然后再将IP包转发出去。如果在IP包到达目的IP之前,TTL减少为0,路由器将会丢弃收到的TTL=0的IP包并向IP包的发送者发送 ICMP time exceeded消息。
TTL 是由发送主机设置的,以防止数据包不断在IP互联网络上永不终止地循环。转发IP数据包时,要求路由器至少将 TTL 减小 1。
TTL值的注册表位置HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters ,其中有个DefaultTTL的DWORD值,其数据就是默认的TTL值了,我们可以修改,但不能大于十进制的255。Windows系统设置后重启才生效。
入侵报警系统,它的功能的实现主要是根据传感器技术以及电子信息技术进行探测观察当有非法的入内和打算非法入内的的情况发生时,及时的发出报警信号。Before the speech
This specification is according to the ministry of construction to build the [1999] no 15, by the ministry of public security fire research institute of shenyang in conjunction with the relevant units of the original national standard "automatic fire alarm system construction and acceptance standard" GB50166-92 to conduct a comprehensive revision on the basis of the establishment
In the process of standard revision, editing group adhere to the relevant state laws, regulations and technical standards, has carried on the extensive investigation and study, earnestly summarizes the automatic fire alarm system in our country engineering construction acceptance of practical experience, for the design, supervision, construction, product manufacturing, and opinions from all the relevant units of fire supervision and so on, refer to the related standards at home and abroad, finally finalized by experts review by the relevant department
Revision of this specification, mainly combining with the practical application of reflect, the complement system installation, commissioning and acceptance of equipment components and related technical content, increased by the suction type smoke fire detector of sampling in the pipeline construction and acceptance requirements, revised and specification for design of automatic fire alarm system inconsistent GB50116-98 technical content, uncoordinated, changed the original specification system operation section for the system operation and maintenance, to strengthen the system maintenance, and the contents of the specification from format to write the comprehensive modification, further clarify the construction, construction and supervision units in the construction and acceptance of job responsibilities, procedures, added to modify the construction and acceptance of work need to fill in all kinds of forms
This specification in boldface for mandatory provisions of identity, must be strictly implemented This specification shall be administered by the ministry of construction and interpretation of compulsory provisions, by the ministry of public security fire department is responsible for the daily management work, by the ministry of public security fire research institute of shenyang is responsible for the interpretation of the specific technical content In the implementation process in this specification, in the hope that each unit in combination with engineering practice seriously sum up experience, pay attention to the accumulation of data, at any time will be about the feedback opinion and the suggestion to the ministry of public security fire research institute of shenyang (address: shenyang, liaoning province Huanggu District road 218-20, zip code 110034), are provided for reference in the future revision
This specification editor unit, the ginseng and main draftsmen: editor in chief of the unit: the ministry of public security fire research institute of shenyang participated units: department of liaoning province
Beijing municipal fire department fire in Shanghai
Beijing architectural design institute of xian sheng self electronic co, LTD, Shanghai songjiang electronic instrument factory
Beijing lion island fire electronics co, LTD, Beijing lida huaxin electronic co, LTD, China branded fire safety engineering co, LTD, Beijing lihua fire engineering company
The main drafters: Ding Hongjun bao-lin xu Liu Afang Zhang Yingcong Shen Xiwen shen wen
Guo Shulin Wang Shibin zhu song li ning shao-jun li yu ping Zhao Jisheng TuYanPing sun yu Luo Chongsong
前 言
本规范是根据建设部建标[1999] 15 号文的要求,由公安部沈阳消防研究所会同有关单位对原国家标准《火灾自动报警系统施工及验收规范》GB50166-92 进行全面修订的基础上编制而成。
本次规范修订,主要是结合实际应用反映的问题,补充完善了系统设备部件的安装、调试、验收等有关技术内容,增加了通过管路采样的吸气式感烟火灾探测器的施工及验收要求,修订了与《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》GB50116-98 不一致、不协调的技术内容,将原规范系统运行一节改写为系统的使用和维护,以强化系统的维护使用,并对规范从格式到内容的编写进行了全面修改,进一步明确了建设、施工、监理单位在施工及验收中的工作职责、工作程序,补充修改了施工及验收工作中需要填写的各类表格。
本规范以黑体字标识的条文为强制性条文,必须严格执行。 本规范由建设部负责管理和对强制条文的解释,由公安部消防局负责日常管理工作,由公安部沈阳消防研究所负责具体技术内容的解释。在本规范执行过程中,希望各单位结合工程实践认真总结经验,注意积累资料,随时将有关意见和建议反馈给公安部沈阳消防研究所(地址:辽宁省沈阳市皇姑区文大路218—20 号甲,邮政编码110034),以供今后修订时参考。
本规范主编单位、参编单位和主要起草人: 主编单位:公安部沈阳消防研究所 参编单位:辽宁省消防局
北京市消防局 上海市消防局
北京市建筑设计研究院 西安盛赛尔电子有限公司 上海市松江电子仪器厂
北京狮岛消防电子有限公司 北京利达华信电子有限公司、 中国中安消防安全工程有限公司 北京利华消防工程公司
主要起草人:丁宏军 徐宝林 刘阿芳 张颖琮 沈希文 沈 纹
郭树林 王世斌 朱 鸣 宇 平 赵冀生 李 宁 李少军 涂燕平 孙 宇 罗崇嵩